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Chapter 56: Xuzhou Langya picks up Cao Song

Chenliujun’s year-end summary report,

Mao Jie read for half an hour, and both Lu Yan and Guo Jia almost fell asleep.

Both the content and Mao Jie's almost unchanged tone were like a lullaby, playing repeatedly in Lu Yan and Guo Jia's ears to lull them to sleep.

I finally made it to the end of the report,

Lu Yan also suddenly woke up at the right time, and before everyone had fully recovered, he wiped away the drool from the corner of his mouth without leaving a trace.

Glancing at Guo Jia, who was leaning forward, Lu Yan thought to himself: "It feels so good to have a guy to support me!"

Seeing that the people below were waking up one after another and starting to look at him, Lu Yan quickly cheered up and stood up and said with a smile:

“Chenliu County has had a good start and a successful result this year.

The development of Chenliu would not be possible without your hard work and generosity.

I'm here, thank you in advance!" After saying this, Lu Yan bowed to everyone.

Lu Yan's move, coupled with his high charm, almost instantly captured the hearts of the officials present.

They felt a sense of closeness and trust from Lu Yan, and also felt a feeling of being valued that they had never experienced before.

So, after being deeply moved and inspired, some sweet-talking officials began to retaliate to our Governor Lu,

"No, no, no, Governor Lu is actually the hardest worker!"

"Chen Liu can have today's stability and prosperity because of the prefect's good leadership!"

"Keep the enemy at home, the governor is kind! The governor is mighty!"

As soon as the boss opened his mouth, the younger guys naturally started taking pictures.

Although I don’t really like this kind of boastful atmosphere,

But if you only listen to it occasionally, it actually has a different flavor, "You can say more, I can still stand it..."


After everyone had finished the transition, Lu Yan began to explain Chen Liujun's future plans.

However, Lu Yan had actually discussed many important tasks and plans with Guo Jia, Mao Jie, Ren Jun, Man Chong and others in advance.

Speaking of it at this time almost directly determines the direction and goals for future execution.

After Lu Yan carefully considered his words and tone, he said:

"My Chenliu County is full of food this year, but the people still have to live in poverty.

The reason is actually because they lack channels to make money.

It is difficult for the people to change their current living conditions just by relying on the little food they get from working in the fields."

Lu Yan’s words actually made some people present unable to understand.

Scholars, farmers, industry and commerce each have their own division of labor.

Farmers, shouldn’t they be farming to provide food for everyone? Why should we change their current situation?

But they don't understand that Lu Yan can't care about it, and he doesn't want to care about it.

He only needs these officials, big and small, to be able to 100% implement the plans made by himself and others.

During this period, the only local spices in China were mustard, onions, garlic, plums, cinnamon, ginger, etc.

And some spices from outside the region, such as horse celery, parsley, coriander, pepper, pepper, etc., are very rare and valuable.

Even some spices can only be enjoyed by royal nobles, and are more precious than gold.

Spices are undoubtedly a lucrative business.

Therefore, everything related to spices needs to be kept secret first.

This will be one of Chenliu County's future economic pillars, and Lu Yan only told the most core people about it.

Externally, Lu Yan only claimed that he had some special seeds and needed some loyal enough farmers to conduct planting experiments.

Lu Yan has received a lot of crop seeds from the system before, including seeds of peppers, peppers, etc., as well as seeds of ordinary crops.

If these spices are spread out and planted,

Lu Yan believes that the economic situation of Chenliu County will definitely improve greatly in the future.


Now that spices are a profitable commodity, we still need merchants and channels that can help sell spices to all directions.

So Lu Yan issued another investment promotion order, saying that he wanted to recruit a caravan and then establish a chamber of commerce that belonged only to Chen Liu.

In ancient feudal society, although the status of merchants was very low, there were always exceptions in everything.

No matter what profession,

After all, there will still be some people who perform exceptionally well.

Even if there are businessmen who are looked down upon by many people in this era, there will still be outstanding people who make the profession of businessman something that cannot be underestimated.

Fan Li in the Spring and Autumn Period, Lu Buwei in the late Warring States Period, and the Zhen Family and Mi Family in this period are all existences that people cannot underestimate and ignore.

There are many benefits to setting up your own business,

Although Chenliu currently only has one decent cash crop, spices,

But with Lu Yan’s modern cognition and system-like existence, there will definitely be more and more profitable products in the future, so we won’t list them one by one.

After Lu Yan set the general framework here,

Naturally, there will be a corresponding person to handle the specific work. Although sometimes he is needed to provide some suggestions, it is still a rare period of time for self-cultivation.

After first arranging Man Chong to do some odd jobs under Ren Jun as an experience (the old rule), Lu Yan and Guo Jia lived a comfortable life without shame.


There are two different theories about the death of Boss Cao’s father, Cao Song.

However, for Xuzhou Mu Tao Qian, he bears the unshirkable responsibility for Cao Song's death no matter what.

In the story we are familiar with,

Tao Qian originally wanted to make friends with Cao Cao and improve their relationship, so he took the initiative to send his subordinates to protect and escort Cao Song's family.

But because of his mistake in hiring, he used the Yellow Turban general Zhang Kai who had reluctantly defected to him.

Then Zhang Kai took advantage of Cai Cai and killed Cao Song's entire family.

This directly led to Cao Cao raising all the troops in Yanzhou to retaliate, and even massacred the city!

But in a certain journal, the record is quite different.

It was said that Tao Qian held a grudge because he had been beaten several times by Cao Cao. After hearing that Cao Song was going to Yanzhou, he took the initiative to send his subordinate Zhang Kai to kill Cao Song.

But no matter what the reason is, the ending of Cao Song's murder is the same, and the result of Cao Cao's revenge for his father and the massacre of Xuzhou is also true.

For Zhao Yun, who had just arrived in Langya County at this time,

No matter what Tao Qian is thinking now, no matter whether Cao Song was killed for money or became a dead soul due to jealousy,

Anyway, as long as he can be escorted back to Yanzhou smoothly, he will have successfully completed his mission and fulfilled his filial piety for Boss Cao.

After Cao Song waited for Zhao Yun to arrive,

He took his family and packed hundreds of carts of luggage and set off from Langya County, Xuzhou.

The destination of their trip was Juancheng in Jiyin County, Yanzhou, which is also the seat of the state capital of Yanzhou.

If you look at the route, you can actually find that

Along the way,

Cao Song and Zhao Yun did not pass through Yinping. They should have passed directly through Mount Tai in Yanzhou via Langya in Xuzhou, and then went to Juancheng.

Therefore, judging from Zhang Kai’s status as General Yinping,

In fact, the second theory, that Tao Qian sent Zhang Kai to intercept and kill Cao Song, is actually more realistic.

When Zhao Yun met Mr. Cao, he also met a rather special civil servant.

Why is this "civilian official" special?

Just because his name is Taishi Ci!

This chapter has been completed!
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