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Chapter 79 Lu Bu, I've been waiting for you for a long time! (please ask

“The family is really going to be lost?!” Boss Cao’s words came true!

Cao Ren didn't dare to let Cao Cao talk any more. After taking a deep breath, he simply finished what he said.

"Xun Biejia sent an urgent report. Zhang Chao took advantage of our troops to leave Xuzhou and the interior of Yanzhou was empty. He opened the gate of Dongjun and led Lu Bu into Yanzhou!

Now, I am afraid that all the prefectures and counties that Lu Bu's army passed through have been returned to Lu Bu, and now an army of nearly 50,000 has been gathered to surround Juancheng!"

"Zhang Chao???" Cao Cao was confused for a moment, "Isn't it Zhang Miao? Who is Zhang Chao?"

It seems that the person mentioned in Lu Yan’s diary is not named Zhang Chao!

So Boss Cao subconsciously asked Cao Ren: "I know Zhang Miao, but who is Zhang Chao?"

Cao Ren looked at Cao Cao with doubtful eyes and thought to himself: "Are you a noble man who forgets things too much, or do you want to deliberately shirk responsibility?"

However, Cao Cao's confused look did not look fake, so Cao Ren explained for Cao Cao:

"Zhang Chaonai is Zhang Miao's biological brother. In order to appease Zhang Miao who had been deprived of his power, you appointed Xiahou Dun as the prefect of Dongjun after you took him away!"

"F*ck!" Cao Cao's brain exploded as soon as he heard this!

When he finally regained his breath,

"Pah, pah, pah!" He couldn't help but slapped himself three times, "I got carried away... I'm a fucking dog!"

Cao Cao was furious and his head seemed to hurt. It was because he had a headache because he was so angry.

"Brother, Yanzhou City can no longer be defended. What should we do?" Cao Ren asked worriedly.

Juancheng only has 5,000 new soldiers and no generals yet.

The opponent is the invincible Lu Bu among men and the red rabbit among horses. "How can we defend it?"

Cao Cao's eyes were splitting, "Xuzhou is within reach!" He was unwilling to give in!

At this time, Xi Zhicai, Cheng Yu, Xia Houdun, Xia Houyuan and others also hurried over after receiving the news.

Xi Zhicai spoke up and advised Cao Cao:

"My Lord, Xuzhou will belong to us sooner or later, but Yanzhou is our foundation.

Losing Chen Liu...oh no, losing Yanzhou,

We will no longer have a foothold, Lord, think twice!"

Chen Liu? Cheng Yu couldn't help but look at Xi Zhicai with empty eyes after hearing this word, "Boy, you seem to have let the news slip?"

But what Xi Zhicai said is right,

Looking at the entire Yanzhou, I am afraid that Chenliu County is the real foundation of Cao Cao.

Whether it's food, taxes, or people's hearts, which county is as good as Chenliu County?

When I think of Chen Liu,

Cheng Yu somehow suddenly thought of Zhang Miao, the former prefect of Chenliu who was transferred;

Thinking of Zhang Miao, Cheng Yu quickly thought of Zhang Chao who betrayed Cao Cao...

Coupled with Lu Yan's secret military development past,

A flash of lightning flashed through my mind,

Cheng Yu seemed to have connected the whole thing together unintentionally!

After a while,

Cheng Yu seemed to have completely straightened things out, and he suddenly felt like he wasn't so panicked anymore.

Cheng Yu even watched with interest the group of anxious civil servants and generals, where he tried his best to persuade Cao Cao...

After everyone has been persuaded by your words and my words,

Cheng Yu then said to Cao Cao, "My lord, is Lu Changsheng, the governor of Chenliu County, prepared?"


Cheng Yu's words were like a bolt from the blue, scattering the voices of everyone present!

Cao Cao's mind was a little confused when he first encountered the great changes, but because of Cheng Yu's words, he came to his senses!

"That's right! Mr. Lu and I have been working secretly for so long in tacit agreement, isn't it just to guard against Lu Bu, a hungry wolf?!"

"Aha!" Cao Cao suddenly laughed out loud, then coughed lightly to cover up his gaffe.

The anxiety and worry on his face were gone at this moment, and instead there was a faint smile and a confident confidence.

Cao Cao looked at Cheng Yu and asked curiously: "I've pretended to be so similar, how did you, Zhongde, figure it out?"

Cheng Yu raised his chin slightly and thought to himself: "My lord, my lord, you are really pretending! What a pity, even if your acting skills are superb, you can't escape my fiery eyes!"

"Is it related to sir?" Xi Zhicai looked at Cheng Yu in surprise and asked, "Zhongde, do you know anything else?"

Cheng Yu nodded towards Xi Zhicai, and then explained to everyone:

"Everyone, first Lu Changsheng secretly developed military power, then Zhang Miao was transferred out of Chenliu County, and finally Zhang Chao was appointed by the lord as the prefect of Dongjun. Don't you think of something?"

When Cheng Yu talked about appointing the governor of Dongjun, Cao Cao felt his face burning.

But his face is too thick,

So no one saw any clues.

Cao Ren's heart trembled, "Could it be that they are going to see your master's plan? Absolutely not. That is a huge credit to me and Zi Lian!"

Thinking that his chance to serve the emperor might be exposed in advance, Cao Ren's palms became sweaty!

Xi Zhi was just concerned and confused. Now after Cheng Yu's reminder, he immediately sorted out the whole matter.

"I see!"

After sighing with emotion, Xi Zhi couldn't help but bowed deeply to Cao Cao and said:

"My lord, my heart is as deep as the sea, sir, you have a clever plan!

The tacit understanding and trust between you two,

Loyalty, I admire you!"

Xia Houdun, Xia Houyuan, Le Jin: "???"

Dian Wei didn't say anything anymore. He kept saying: "??????" since he came in.

Cheng Yu stroked his beard, with a faint smile on his lips.

"Indeed, who would have thought that the Lord and Changsheng had already started planning so long ago."

Pretending to be emotional, Cheng Yu sighed and said, "Alas... Lu Bu, you are not unjustly defeated!"

Xiahou Dun, Xiahou Yuan, Le Jin: "??????"

Wasn't it the case that the city was besieged and its home was stolen?

Why was Lu Bu suddenly defeated?

What the hell is going on, are you kidding us?

Xi Zhicai saw that these generals had black question marks on their heads, so he took the initiative to explain to them:

"To put it simply, the Governor of Chenliu County, Lu, has already made a secret arrangement with the lord.

Previously, Governor Lu secretly expanded his army, probably to guard against Lu Bu.

It's just because of Yuan Shu's sudden attack that part of Governor Lu's arrangement was exposed in advance!

Now that Lu Bu is attacking, he may have fallen into Mr.'s trap, so Zhongde said that Lu Bu's defeat was not unjust..."

"Is that so?" Xiahou Dun and others were amazed, and they all turned to look at Cao Ren, who had followed Lu Yan in the battle.


Cao Ren's mouth is now wide enough to fit an egg in.

He never expected that Lu Yan's series of deployments to expand the army would kill three birds with one stone!

"We have not only guarded against Yuan Shu, but also guarded against Lu Bu, and we have also made sufficient preparations for the emperor's return eastward in the future!"

In Cao Ren’s heart,

Lu Yan's image in white clothes and kind face became plumper and taller.

He couldn't help but bow to Lu Yan's tall image in his heart, and sighed:

"Sir, you will always be a god in my heart!"


"Ah!" Xiahou Dun and others called Cao Ren several times before pulling him out of his own mental activities.

Cao Ren looked at Xiahou Dun and others with a confused face and asked, "Why are you calling me?"

"You were following Prefect Lu before, did you notice the preparations he made to deal with Lu Bu?"

Cao Ren suddenly remembered something at this time, so he nodded with certainty and replied:

"Sir, you have indeed been prepared for it!

While Chenliu Commandery was expanding its military strength, Zilian, Wenze, I, and I followed Sir's orders and emptied Zhang Miao's military power!"

"Hahahaha!" Cao Cao suddenly laughed loudly at this time.

He knew from the diary very early that Lu Yan was guarding against Lu Bu, and secretly cooperated with Lu Yan to do many things.

Now, when Boss Cao thinks that Lu Bu is really here,

What he felt was not worry, but a feeling of "I finally waited for you, but fortunately I didn't give up!"

Boss Cao’s laughter attracted everyone else’s attention.

After seeing everyone looking at him properly,

Boss Cao said with a stern expression:


Why do you think a small Chenliu County has gathered such rare people as Mr. Lu, Guo Fengxiao, Zhao Zilong and Taishi Ziyi?

Lu Bu dares to come? Then don’t leave!"

This chapter has been completed!
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