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Chapter 7 Your Majesty, this minister thinks that Cao Yanzhou is the most real!

Lu Yan had just finished clearing his desk and was about to end today's work happily, but unexpectedly, Guo Jia's voice suddenly came!

"Longevity! Big deal!"

"Hey, Fengxiao? You came just in time. I just finished cleaning up. Let's go out for a drink..."

After Lu Yan finished speaking, he took Guo Jia's arm and went out.

Unexpectedly, Guo Jia broke free from Lu Yan's clutches and said with a righteous face: "How can you leave at will during office hours?"

"?" Lu Yan was about to ask Guo Jia if he forgot to take his medicine today, when three tenors suddenly sounded outside,

"Sir! Sir! Sir!"

It turned out that it was Cao Ren, Cao Hong, and Li Dian who all asked to see him!

"Cough cough cough..." Lu Yan winked at Guo Jia to express his gratitude.

Guo Jia shrugged his eyebrows in response.

Returning to his seat, Lu Yan sat upright and asked: "Zixiao, Zilian, Mancheng, you three came together, but what happened?"

After Cao Hong and Li Dian closed the door, Cao Ren glanced at Guo Jia, and then asked: "Sir! We just received news that an envoy from Chang'an has arrived in Yanzhou!!!"

Guo Jia controls the shadow guards and is in charge of all information about Chenliu County.

Naturally, Lu Yan would not hide the information about the emperor's possible escape from the control of Li Jue and Guo Si.

The big event he just mentioned was actually the arrival of the emperor's messenger.

Everyone knows the relationship between Guo Jia and Lu Yan.

Since Lu Yan kept Guo Jia here, Cao Ren and the others naturally understood the key.

"A messenger from Chang'an has arrived in Yanzhou?" Lu Yan was a little stunned when he heard this, "Is it ahead of schedule?"

"Sir, what do you think..." Cao Hong probed cautiously.

After careful consideration, Lu Yan felt that this matter was difficult to explain, "The spies in Chang'an did not send back the news that the emperor was out of control, so it is difficult to predict this matter."

The spies stationed in Chang'an were from the Shadow Guards. Guo Jia had not received any relevant news, indicating that the Emperor had not yet left Chang'an.

"However, as the famine worsens, it is only a matter of time before chaos breaks out in Chang'an." Guo Jia made a judgment, "It's just difficult to predict whether the emperor can leave smoothly."

Lu Yan couldn't help but nodded when he heard this: "There is still too little information..."

There was no way to judge, and the scene fell into silence for a while.

Who was the person who helped the emperor escape from control... Lu Yan thought about it and fell into thinking again.

Seeing that Lu Yan seemed to be thinking about something, Cao Ren and others became quieter and even breathed lighter, for fear of disturbing Lu Yan's thinking.

After drinking some tea, Lu Yan finally sorted out some clues in his mind.

Li Jue and Guo Si, reminded by Jia Xu, counterattacked Chang'an and successfully took control of the court.

But after that, instead of reflecting on the reasons for Dong Zhuo's failure and improving their behavior, the two of them intensified their efforts and committed many worse acts than Dong Zhuo.

To persecute the emperor and make the king of a country naked and deprived of food;

Burning, killing and looting, the entire capital was turned upside down by them, and the people were filled with resentment.

Until the severe drought and famine came, Taiwei Yang Biao saw the opportunity and secretly implemented a plan to separate Li and Guo, which successfully caused Li and Guo to start fighting with each other.

Li Guo and Li turned against each other and became enemies. One even hijacked the emperor and the other hijacked the ministers, causing a huge quarrel.

Fighting made them ignore the importance of the emperor.

Later, Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty begged Li Jue and Guo Si countless times to let him return to Luoyang, and then he was able to leave Chang'an.

Although Li Jue and Guo Si quickly repented and wanted to recover Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty.

However, under the desperate protection of Yang Feng, Dong Cheng and others, the emperor finally returned to Luoyang smoothly despite suffering many hardships.

There is no news about Chang'an's shadow guards, and Lu Yan doesn't know what is happening in Chang'an now, or whether the emperor has left Chang'an.

Even whether the shadow guards stationed in Chang'an are still alive or not is a question...

If you don’t take the initiative, your eyes will be foggy;

If you are too proactive, you may arouse the suspicion of the emperor and court officials prematurely, which may add unnecessary variables to Boss Cao's opportunities.

Thinking of this, Lu Yan raised his head and said to Cao Ren and others: "To be on the safe side, if the emperor has not sent out the message to welcome you, we'd better not act rashly."

"Yes, being too attentive will make people suspicious of ulterior motives.

Even if we can seize the emperor, we will just be another Dong Zhuo, which will bring too many disadvantages to our future development." Guo Jia agreed.

Lu Yan nodded and said: "Anyway, there is no definite news yet. We can continue to wait patiently for welcoming the emperor."

"As expected, Military Advisor Guo knew about this!" Cao Ren, Cao Hong, and Li Dian looked at each other, but felt that this was an expected thing and there was no need to be surprised.

Lu Yan and others had no way of knowing whether the arrival of the envoy had revealed anything to Cao Cao.

Maybe, this messenger really just wanted to send a reward to Cao Cao?

"Zixiao, Zilian, Mancheng, please wait patiently for a while. I believe that the emperor will be able to leave Chang'an within a year at the latest. By then, you will not be missing from the great work of welcoming the emperor!" Lu Yanxiang

Cao Ren and others comforted him.

These third masters, looking forward to the stars and the moon, are looking forward to welcoming the emperor's great achievements.

Oh, there is also the poor man Yu Jin who is looking longingly at this side, but he has been bound to Dongjun now and may not have much chance to go to Luoyang...

After Cao Ren and others left, Guo Jia asked Lu Yan: "Changsheng, why are you so sure that the emperor can leave Chang'an smoothly?"

When Lu Yan heard this, an enigmatic smile appeared on his lips, and he replied: "What do you think?"

"..." Guo Jia was silent for a long time, and then said faintly: "Want to drink?"

"Listen to a little song?"


In Juancheng, the imperial envoys walked around the streets and alleys of Juancheng accompanied by Xun Yu and others.

After coughing several times, the envoy said: "Thank you Xun Farewell and all of you for accompanying me. I finally saw with my own eyes the prosperity of Yanzhou and Cao Yanzhou's kindness to the people."

Cheng Yu, standing behind Xun Yu,

He always felt that the purpose of the envoy's shopping was not that simple, but he never imagined that this guy was actually here to find out Cao Cao's reality for the emperor.

During the time that the envoy was in Juancheng, he learned a lot of news about Yanzhou, both overtly and covertly, by making insinuations.

Although no one deliberately hid it from him, people still felt that what they found out was the real inside story.

After completing his mission, the envoy embarked on the road back to Chang'an in the west.

Leaving Juancheng,

The envoy sat in a spacious carriage and recorded everything he saw, heard and thought along the way.

"Although Yanzhou has a large influx of hungry people, there are few reports of people dying of starvation."

"The prosperity and wealth of Chenliu City is comparable to that of Luoyang City, the imperial capital back then!"

“The work-for-relief system implemented by Cao Yanzhou exchanged money and grain for a large amount of labor force.

Various infrastructures in Yanzhou have been improved unprecedentedly, and the refugees have also benefited from the money and food earned from their work, so they can fill their stomachs and survive the crisis safely."

"Cao Yanzhou has never done anything arrogant, nor has he set up official positions or occupied land for no reason like other princes..."

"I believe that among the princes in Guandong, Cao Yanzhou is the most reliable!"

This chapter has been completed!
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