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Chapter 14 The cavalry, we still have to do it (thanks to [Kun] for his large sum

Although it is not clear the specific duel process between Xia Houlan and Lu Lingqi,

But from Xiahou Lan's face, which looked like a bitter gourd, it can be seen that he was defeated...

This is expected, after all, there is still some gap between Xia Houlan and Lu Lingqi.

Lu Lingqi was personally trained by Lu Bu since she was a child, and has a solid foundation. Moreover, her various abilities are systematically trained, and they are one after another when fighting.

But Xia Houlan was just from a wild background, and there was a big gap between him and people like Lu Lingqi and Zhao Yun who had the guidance of famous teachers.

He even learned many of his martial arts moves from Zhao Yun.

But he didn't have Zhao Yun's talent and foundation, so in the end he could only imitate a similar one with only a superficial appearance.

If he hadn't learned Xiantian Kung Fu from Lu Yan and taken a lot of pills over the past few years, he might have remained at the level of a third-rate warrior throughout his life.

Logically speaking, losing at the hands of Lu Lingqi, who has the heritage of Lu Bu, shouldn't be a shame.

But the problem is, he just said in front of Lu Yan and the others yesterday that he wanted to show off his power...

In Lu Yan’s big house,

"If you lose, you lose. Victory or defeat is a common thing in military affairs. Next time we compete, we will win." Lu Yan raised his head and glanced at Xia Houlan, who was standing in front of him with a bitter look on his face.

This guy originally locked himself in the room to sulk, but Zhao Yun came after hearing the news and took him out.

"Sir, you know a lot, and your skills are quite sophisticated. Can you teach me some?" Xia Houlan finally plucked up the courage to tell Lu Yan what he thought.

He wanted to become stronger so much, he had never been so hungry for power as he was today!

"You finally know that you have to work hard to become stronger?" Lu Yan insisted on letting Xia Houlan and Lu Lingqi fight. In fact, he also meant to spur Xia Houlan to improve.

Although Xia Houlan never stopped exercising, in Lu Yan's opinion, that level was too ordinary...not hard enough!

It should be noted that you sweat more in peacetime and bleed less in war.

You are only a second-rate top military general, and accidents are really easy to happen on the battlefield.

There are now less than forty people from Zhaojia Village who were brought back from Gongsun Zan.

Moreover, some people had accumulated merit, so Lu Yan recommended them to become officers.

There are very few people left, and Lu Yan doesn’t want to see any more people from Zhaojiacun die...

"Sir, I want you to stand up from failure and hope you can reach a higher level. This is all for your own good." Zhao Yun comforted him beside him.

Xia Houlan understood his own shortcomings and accepted the advice humbly, but he still refrained from admonishing him: "Zilong, you must not lose."

"Don't worry, none of the ten Lu Lingqi's can be Zhao Yun's opponent." Lu Yan's words hit Xia Houlan hard again...

Xiahou Lan was instantly petrified.

However, he recovered quickly.

In desperation, Xia Houlan took Lu Yan's arm and said, "Sir, please give me some advice!"

What can Lu Yan give me? Apart from being beaten, he knows nothing...

But yesterday he did feel some problems in Xiahoulan's body, so he explained to him aloud: "Zi Heng, there are some problems when you exert force."

"Oh?" Xia Houlan immediately calmed down after hearing this, "Sir, please give me some advice!"

Lu Yan didn't know how to describe it, so he told him some of the power transport techniques in Dou Zhuan Xing Yi and asked him to compare and reflect it himself.

Not only Xia Houlan, but also Zhao Yun on the side felt suddenly enlightened after hearing this, "It turns out that internal power can still be used like this!"

The two received some guidance from Lu Yan and began to practice with each other and confirm each other.

At this moment, Lu Lingqi ran over in a hurry, "Lu Yan Lu Yan! You can't go back on what you promised me!"

"Hey, Zhao Yun, are you here?" Lu Lingqi ran to Lu Yan and the others. Only then did she realize that Zhao Yun was also there, and she immediately became defensive.

Seeing Lu Lingqi's defensive look, Zhao Yun smiled and clasped his fists and said, "Miss, there is no need to worry, Yun is not here to avenge Zi Heng."

After hearing Zhao Yun's explanation, Lu Lingqi let down her guard.

But she was not afraid that Zhao Yun would seek revenge, she just felt that she was not ready to challenge Zhao Yun, "I'm not afraid, because I will challenge you sooner or later!"

Zhao Yun's mouth twitched and he thought to himself: "Women are really troublesome..."

Seeing that the conversation between Lu Lingqi and Zhao Yun was over, Lu Yan asked with a smile: "When have I ever broken my promise? There are ten guards, right? You can choose it yourself."

"But I only want to choose a female escort."

"No problem, just go and recruit yourself."



After hesitating for a long time, Lu Lingqi suddenly spoke again: "The money and food allocated to us by the government every month is limited, how can I afford to support them?"

This is indeed a problem. Lu Yan thought for a while and then said: "Except for you, all the other women in your yard are weak, so you should really add some guards.

I will ask the government to increase the share, so we can add some nursing homes to your yard."

"Eh? Why do I feel something is wrong?" When Lu Lingqi heard this, she suddenly felt like she was being plotted against.

But she couldn't seem to figure out what exactly was being calculated...

In fact, Lu Yan had wanted to add more guards to Lu Bu's family members a long time ago.

The number of refugees has increased, and security problems have occurred frequently.

Yan and others are likely to encounter some dangers when they go out. With a few guards around, everyone can feel more at ease.

But Lu Bu's family members are all women, so male escorts are definitely not suitable.

In this era, it is almost impossible to find female guards through recruitment, so you have to train them yourself.

No general or lieutenant would be willing to take over the task of training a guard composed of women. Lu Yan had a headache for a while because of this.

After yesterday's commotion, an idea flashed in Lu Yan's mind.

Not only did it solve the problem of Lu Lingqi coming to make trouble with him every now and then, but it also solved the problem of protecting Lu Bu's family members. "This plan kills two birds with one stone, it's so wonderful!"

Fifty people was almost the maximum number of people they could guard. As for the thousand people they had after defeating Zhao Yun, that was just a pie drawn by Lu Yan.

Nowadays, Zhao Yun is getting more and more mature, and his resting innate skills are getting better and better.

He was already known for his long breath, and now his inner energy is even more endless, rivaling the innate true energy.

Want to beat Zhao Yun? With Lu Lingqi's current level, even ten of them would be overwhelmed...

Lu Lingqi felt that there might be something wrong with her intuition, so she quickly threw this discordant thought away and happily confirmed: "You pay?"

"I'll pay for it!"

"Haha! That's great! I'm going to recruit people right now, and I'll come back to you later to get the money!" After saying that, Lu Lingqi disappeared like a gust of wind.

"Sir?" Zhao Yun wanted to ask something else, but when Lu Yan motioned for Zhao Yun to speak, Zhao Yun replied with a wry smile: "No problem..."

Lu Yan glanced at Zhao Yun strangely. This was the first time he saw him hesitating.

Now that this matter has been dealt with, Lu Yan thought of another thing, "Oh, by the way, Zilong, when you leave later, go to my room to get something to bring to the Chamber of Commerce."

"What is it?" Zhao Yun asked curiously.

"I'm going to ask the Chamber of Commerce to sell a pair of armor to Yuan Shao, and then buy some horses from him. We still have to raise the cavalry!"

"Ah? Is it your own armor, sir? How do you make it?"

"It's just a face item, just take it and sell it..."

Although the Mingguang Armor has strong defense, it is too inflexible. In addition, the shape is too eye-catching and eye-catching. Whoever wears it on the battlefield will be a moving target... It seriously does not fit with my low-key temperament and is useless.

"It's just an external thing, no need to worry about it." Lu Yan felt that there was really no need to care so much, since it was all rewarded by the system anyway, right?

But how did Zhao Yun know the secret? He just felt in his heart,

"After all, it belongs to you! In order to build a cavalry for me, you actually started selling off your property..."

For a moment, Zhao Yun was so moved that he wanted to cry.

This chapter has been completed!
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