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Chapter 55: It's down before the fight starts? (Thanks to [Shang Chunbeiqiu]


Liu Bei, the herdsman of Xuzhou, was ordered by the emperor to personally lead 50,000 Xuzhou soldiers to attack the puppet emperor Yuan Shu!

Almost at the same time, the Emperor of the Han Dynasty issued an edict, ordering Taiwei Cao Cao to personally lead an army of 30,000 to attack the rebel Zhang Xiu of Xiliang in Wancheng!

On the day he left the army, Kong Rong, who was extremely talented in literature, even composed a poem for Cao Cao in public.

"From Luo to Xu Weiwei.

Duke Cao cared about the country selflessly.

Subtract the sweetness and fat from cooking meals.

The group of officials followed Qi Qi.

Although he gets a salary, he is always hungry.

Thinking of me is bitter and cold, and my heart is sad.”

This six-character poem praises Cao Cao's concern for the country and the people and his selfless virtues. It also praises Cao Cao for taking the lead in reducing his daily consumption standards, which attracted ministers to imitate him (this came from Mao Jie's suggestion).

Finally, Kong Rong also lamented the current wars and wars for many years, saying that although the officials had salary to receive, they were still hungry and cold. Every time he thought of this, he felt sad.

At first, Kong Rong was driven out of Beihai by Lu Bu. Later, Kong Rong met Yuan Tan and was beaten by Yuan Tan. He fled in embarrassment. In the end, he had to abandon his wife and children, and then he managed to save his life and fled into Yanzhou.

When he was feeling helpless, Kong Rong happened to see the prosperity of Yanzhou under Cao Cao's rule, and the people lived and worked in peace and contentment.

Later, Cao Cao welcomed the emperor and moved the capital to Xuchang. Kong Rong believed that in this world, only Cao Cao, a man of great talent and strategy, could help the Han Dynasty and save the people from disaster.

When he came to Xuchang, Kong Rong, who was talented and famous all over the world, was immediately arranged by Cao Cao to enter the court and became a general and master craftsman.

Kong Rong is the twentieth generation grandson of Confucius.

With his reputation among literati, a praise poem by him will undoubtedly greatly enhance Cao Cao's image in the hearts of scholars.

In Wancheng, in the general's mansion, Zhang Xiu and Jia Xu were sitting opposite each other.

Both of them had unusually solemn expressions on their faces at the moment, and Zhang Xiu was so worried that his brows were knitted together.

Picking up the news from the table, Zhang Xiu finally couldn't help but ask: "Military advisor, Cao Cao personally led an army to attack us. What should we do?"

After Hongnong left Hongnong, and after Zhang Ji died, Zhang Xiu led his army to withdraw from Rangcheng. It can be seen that he actually has no ambitions anymore.

Liu Biao's unexpected kindness made Zhang Xiu overjoyed. He was very satisfied to be able to get Wancheng as a place to stay.

Unfortunately, Wancheng was too close to Xuchang, and it was impossible for Cao Cao to watch a force with 30,000 soldiers eyeing Yingchuan.

As soon as the emperor's order to attack the Xiliang rebels was issued, Zhang Xiu immediately felt like he wanted to cry without tears. He really had never thought about attacking Yingchuan or even Xuchang...

After Jia Xu listened to Zhang Xiu's question, he shook his head helplessly and replied: "Cao's army has excellent soldiers, brave generals, and a mighty force. They came with the emperor's order to attack. Most of us are newly recruited soldiers." , with a small army and few generals, we are really unable to compete with Cao Cao."

"Is there really no other way?" Zhang Xiu smiled bitterly, and then put down the silk in his hand.

In the past, Jia Xu was full of wisdom and tricks. Not only did he allow Li Jue and Guo Si to control Chang'an and the emperor with one sentence, but later he often made strange plans to secretly help the emperor break away from the control of Li Jue and Li Jue.

It's just that the current situation makes Jia Xu feel helpless. In the face of absolute strength, all conspiracies and tricks are in vain.

After hesitating for a long time, Zhang Xiu rubbed his painful temples and said, "Military advisor, we are just Liu Biao's watchdogs now. Why don't we surrender..."

"You are a dog, I am not..." After Jia Xu cursed, he nodded and sighed: "Oh... there is only one way to go now."


Cao Cao personally led the army to go out, hoping to complete his victory in one battle, capture Zhangxiu and Wancheng as soon as possible, and eliminate the nail that always threatened Xuchang.

Cao Chun and Cao Xiu got the vanguard job and were very motivated.

Zhang Xiu's small defensive army had almost no resistance. Cao Chun and his party advanced rapidly along the way and encountered almost no decent resistance.

In less than two days, Cao Chun's vanguard army arrived at Feishui, Wancheng, and began to set up camp and wait for the arrival of the army.

But before all the outer walls of their camp were erected, a messenger suddenly came to the Chinese army's tent to report: "Report! General, there is an envoy from Wancheng asking to see you!"

Cao Chun and Cao Xiu looked at each other and then looked at Li Dian in unison. They always kept Cao Cao's advice in their hearts, "If you have any questions, ask Li Dian!"

Li Dian looked at the messenger, thought for a moment, and said, "Let's meet Zhang Xiu's messenger first and ask him about his purpose."

"Okay!" The rather heroic-looking Cao Chun nodded and said, "Bring the envoy in!"

"Promise!" The orderer responded with clasped fists and retreated.

"Uncle, what do you think the purpose of this embroidered envoy is? Is it to declare a war?" Cao Xiu asked Cao Chun with some confusion.

Cao Chun shook his head and said, "We'll know when he comes."

The messenger quickly brought in Zhang Xiu's envoy, who was a scribe in his thirties.

After entering the tent, the envoy saluted Cao Chun, Cao Xiu and Li Dian and said, "I have seen these three generals, and by order of my lord, I have come to ask for your surrender."

"Ah?" Cao Chun and Cao Xiu felt a little at a loss when they heard that the other party had come to ask for surrender.

Li Dian was stunned at first, but he had rich military experience and quickly adjusted his mentality, and shouted outside: "Come here, drag him down and kill him!"

"Ah! Why is this!" When the scribe heard that the other party was about to behead his own without saying a word, he was frightened and defended loudly: "Why is the general like this? Why is he like this?!!"

The corner of Li Dian's mouth tilted slightly, and then he sneered and said: "If you dare to pretend to surrender, I will kill whoever you don't want to kill!"

"Fake surrender?"

"The thief is so brave!"

Cao Chun and Cao Xiu came to their senses instantly after hearing this. They pulled out the swords from their waists with a sound and were about to cut off the sergeant's head!

With a "pop" sound, the scribe fell to his knees on the ground, and then cried bitterly: "General, spare your life! My lord realizes that he cannot resist the Taiwei's heavenly soldiers, so he is really willing to surrender!"

Just when Cao Chun and Cao Xiu's swords were about to hit the scribe's neck, Li Dian finally shouted: "Stop!"

As soon as Li Dian's words came out, Cao Chun and Cao Xiu's swords trembled and rested on the envoy's neck. The cold sword edge even stimulated countless goose bumps on the envoy's body.

"If your lord is really willing to surrender, then ask him to tie his hands and go to Taiwei's army to apologize in person!" Li Dian's idea was not without its viciousness, and even had a bit of humiliation to it.

As long as Zhang Xiu still has the thought of resistance in his heart, he will definitely not agree after hearing this.

"Yes... I will go back and report to my lord..."

"Get out of here!" Cao Chun scolded, and the sword tip trembled, causing the envoy to roll and crawl out of the tent in fright.

After a while, Cao Chun asked: "General Zhaoyi, do you think Zhang Xiu really wants to surrender?"

Li Dian pondered for a moment, and then replied with a bit of laughter: "In my opinion, it is very likely that he really wants to surrender."

Cao Xiu finally couldn't hold it any longer, and his voice was full of disappointment, "But...but we haven't had a fight yet..."

Cao Chun couldn't help but look up to the sky and sigh: "We have worked so hard, could it be that we came to Wancheng for a visit?!"

This chapter has been completed!
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