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Chapter 66 Follow the emperor's edict, crusade against the false emperor!

In the middle of the night, Lu Yan finally dragged his "tired" body back to his bedroom.

After grinding for a while, he took out the Tiandao Destiny Diary and began to complete today's diary.

Over the past few years, Lu Yan has almost developed the habit of writing a diary. He almost insists on it every day, but he still feels that it is not an easy task.

[In May of the first year of Jian'an, it was another day of working overtime until dark.]

[I have been so busy lately that my feet have not touched the ground. "996 today, ICU tomorrow," I still have to remember the motto and stick to my heart!]

[But seeing how busy the brothers are... forget it, it shouldn't matter if you go against your will once or twice...]

[I don’t know when Boss Cao and the others will come back. I still have a lot of things to discuss with him. It’s really unreliable to skip work under the pretext of official business.]

[I don’t know which horn Gada Hua Tuo is still staying in. Since sending people can’t find Hua Tuo, we can only build a nest to attract the phoenix and wait for him to come. 】

[Fu Guangde is coming to take charge of the hospital, and he also has to publish information on recruiting doctors.

Hmm... It seems that after the wave of craftsmen, there will be another wave of doctors... But this is a good thing. We are not afraid of having more talents, but we are afraid that the talents will not come.]

As soon as his mind opened up, Lu Yan began to write whatever he thought of.

[Zilong’s cavalry training has initially yielded results, but elite soldiers cannot be trained. It’s time to take them out and see the blood with real swords and guns. 】

[I heard that there have been many Huns in the Yellow River Basin near Luoyang recently.

Chang'an is too far away and we can't do anything about it for the time being, but the Luoyang area is just right for Zilong to pull the team over for training. The combat power of the three thousand cavalry is actually not weak.】

[Yuan Shao in the north is probably going to defeat Gongsun Zan. No need for my reminder. Boss Cao should also be paying attention to what’s going on in the north. But his news is really lagging behind compared to Shadow Guards. Should you persuade him to make a similar one?

Intelligence agency?]

[As for Liu Bei, Boss Cao’s biggest opponent in the future, do you need to catch or kill him in advance? If the world wants to be unified as soon as possible, Liu Bei must not be let go!]

After the Rebellion of the Eight Kings of the Western Jin Dynasty, it was the darkest moment in the history of the Han people, when the Five Husbands disrupted China.

The humiliation of being raised as a "two-legged sheep" by foreigners makes people feel like they have a lump in their throats when they think of it.

The most fundamental reason why such a tragedy occurred was due to the huge population consumption during the Three Kingdoms period and the sharp decrease in the Han population.

[Only by unifying the world as soon as possible can we end the internal strife as soon as possible and avoid similar tragedies.]

After closing the diary, Lu Yan's thoughts were still a little ups and downs, but the system's beep quickly diverted his attention.

[Diary synchronization completed!]

[Judgment of diary content: B grade! Reward level remains unchanged.]

[Rewards are being generated, please wait...]

[Congratulations to the host, you got one kilogram of raw peanuts]

[Raw peanuts: You can either grow them or eat them, and the flavor will be even better with a glass of white wine...]

"Peanuts?" Lu Yan felt the excitement he had not felt for a long time, "Fried peanuts! Peanuts soaked in vinegar! Boiled spiced peanuts..."

In an instant, all kinds of peanuts from later generations flashed through Lu Yan's mind one by one!

[Congratulations to the host for signing in for one month in a row and getting a sign-in gift package! 】

[Rewards are being generated, please wait...]

I got another monthly gift package, "Another month has passed..."

After so many years of opening a bag, Lu Yan no longer had the same expectations and seriousness as before. After all, the passion will eventually calm down.

"Let's go." Lu Yan no longer accumulates big gift packages.

He stretched out his right hand and touched the gift bag on the table, and the system's sound immediately sounded again.


[Congratulations to the host for opening the monthly gift package and getting: "Qi Men Dun Jia"*1]

[Qi Men Dun Jia: It cannot predict the future, nor can it lead to soldiers by spreading beans, but it can make you understand nature and our world better.

When the progress of studying Qimen Dunjia reaches 90%, the intelligence value will be permanently increased by 5% and the charm value will be increased by 5% (except for the host, there will be no special effect bonus for others who study this book).]

"Alas...another book..."

Lu Yan has recently published "The Book of Changes" and "Bagua" in succession, and now he has released "Qi Men Dun Jia".

Holding the freshly baked Qi Men Dun Jia in his hand, Lu Yan laughed at himself: "Is the system trying to train me in the direction of a magic stick?"

However, these books cannot make Lu Yan a real magic stick. At most, they can only give him more attributes.

Before he had finished reading the previous books, Lu Yan threw "Qi Men Dun Jia" into the box specially designed for books.

Looking up out of the window, Lu Yan murmured to himself: "The moonlight is just right tonight. I just wonder how are all the relatives in that world?"


The crown with twelve feathers hanging on it looks a bit heavy.

Although many people objected, Yuan Shu could not resist the temptation and proclaimed himself emperor in a well-planned and grand enthronement ceremony!

After becoming emperor, Yuan Shu built palaces aggressively, selected folk beauties to enrich his harem, and became even more extravagant and lewd.

The subordinates who had the power of Conglong were greatly promoted, the court was full of flattery, and the atmosphere in the world was peaceful.

This gave Yuan Shu the illusion that he had replaced Emperor Xian of Han and became the common master of the world.

But Yuan Shu's comfortable life had not passed for a few days when Emperor Xuchang was furious and issued an edict to attack the false emperor.

Although only Xuzhou Mu Liu Bei had responded to the edict so far, Yuan Shu still felt the ill-intentioned looks from all around.

Liu Bei left Zhang Fei, Mi Zhu, and Sun Qian, who had recently defected, to guard Xuzhou.

He himself, together with Guan Yu, commanded an army of 30,000 to attack Yuan Shu.

Yuan Shu was furious when he heard that Liu Bei, a poor man selling straw sandals, dared to raise an army to attack him. He immediately ordered General Ji Ling to personally lead 50,000 troops to send troops from Luyang, vowing to annihilate Liu Bei's army!

Hearing that Ji Ling was sending troops, Liu Bei marched overnight and arrived at Xuyi, where he found a place that was easy to defend but difficult to attack and set up camp.

Ji Ling is Yuan Shu's number one general. He has led troops for many years and has always been the general Yuan Shu relies on most.

After receiving the news that Yuan Shu was sending troops to fight Liu Bei, Ji Ling went ahead with the scouts, followed closely by the army. They marched steadily and without leakage until they reached Xuyi.

After arriving at Xuyi, Ji Ling saw that Liu Bei had already built a camp, so he ordered the following civilians to set up camp thirty miles away from Liu Bei's camp.

During this period, Ji Ling led the army to the outside of Liu Bei's camp and sent out a few soldiers with loud voices to start calling for formation:

"Those who weave mats and sell shoes, those who look after homes and courtyards! Please get away as far as you can, and don't dirty the big knife in your grandfather's hand!"

"Big-eared thief! I advise you to surrender quickly, otherwise the general's 200,000-strong army will conquer Xuzhou in no time!"


Outside the camp, all kinds of shouts and curses could be heard.

But Liu Bei's city was so deep that no matter how insulted he was, his expression did not change at all.

Although Guan Yu was a little angry, he could only sit aside obediently since his elder brother didn't say anything.

After Ji Ling's soldiers had been cursing outside for about an hour or two, Liu Bei then led his army to form a formation outside the camp.

Ji Ling, who was already feeling sleepy after waiting, saw that Liu Bei finally came out. He immediately cheered up, picked up his three-pointed knife, came to the front of the formation and cursed: "Village Liu Bei, how dare you invade our border!!"

Liu Bei's face remained as usual. After bowing his hands in the direction of Xuchang, he replied in a high-spirited tone: "Liu Bei, a descendant of the Empress of the Han Dynasty, was ordered by the Emperor to raise troops to attack Buchen!"

This chapter has been completed!
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