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Chapter 70 Who raided the Huns? (Thanks to [lumin]

By the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, during the period of Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty, civil strife broke out within the Southern Xiongnu.

When Zhang Chun, the former governor of Zhongshan, rebelled, Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty ordered the Southern Huns to send troops to assist in the campaign.

However, the Southern Huns were afraid that the Chanyu would blindly please the Han Dynasty and send troops frequently, which would waste their own strength. So the leaders of the various tribes gathered together and simply launched a coup to kill the old Chanyu at that time.

After the death of the old Chanyu, his son Youxian Wang Yufuluo established himself as Chanyu.

But those Xiongnu leaders who killed the old Chanyu were afraid that Fuluoyu would be disadvantageous to them if he remembered the revenge of killing his father, so they simply supported a Shanyu themselves and isolated Yufuluo.

Yuvluo was driven out of the territory of the southern Huns, so he prepared to take his troops to the Han court to appeal for help.

However, the Yellow Turbans uprising broke out at exactly this period, and the Han court had no time to worry about or deal with the Huns.

Seeing that the Han court itself was in trouble, Yu Fuluo had no choice but to fight against the autumn wind everywhere, and finally got together with the Montenegrin army and lingered in the inner yellow area.

Everyone must be aware of what happened next.

The Huns in the Neihuang area belonging to Yufuluo became the stepping stones for Zhao Yun and Le Jin to become slightly famous.

After being defeated by Zhao Yun and Le Jin, Yufuluo tried to return to the Southern Huns, but was rejected by the Huns.

Unable to return home, Yuvluo finally fled to the Pingyang area of ​​Hedong County and got involved with the Baibo Army.

After suffering repeated blows, Yu Fuluo died in depression, and his younger brother Hu Chuquan succeeded Shan.

Later, the emperor Liu Xie fled Chang'an from Li Jue and Guo Fan, and when 30,000 Baibo troops intercepted the Xiliang army, Huchuquan also sent King Youxian to Bei to participate in the battle.

However, Yu Fuluo's strength was greatly reduced after being defeated by Zhao Yun and Le Jin, and King Youxian Qubei's strength was not too strong. They did not pose much threat to the Xiliang army at all.

As mentioned before, Yufuluo Shanyu actually had a son named Liu Bao.

After Yu Fuluo's death, his younger brother Huchuquan became the Shanyu, and his son Liu Bao became the Xian King of Zuo.

King Youxian went to Bei and was sent to participate in the battle to intercept the Xiliang army.

Liu Bao, the Xian King of the Left, had coveted the wealth of the Han Dynasty for a long time. He actually took advantage of Chang'an to fall into chaos and the warlords were fighting among themselves, and brazenly raised troops to plunder the land of Sanfu!

Speaking of Liu Bao, here is another little knowledge about him.

Liu Bao had a son named Liu Yuan. By the time Liu Yuan grew up, it was actually the time when the Three Kingdoms returned to Jin.

At that time, Liu Yuan was serving as a hostage in Luoyang, the capital of the Western Jin Dynasty. It is said that he was a very handsome man.

Later, during the Eight Kings Rebellion of the Western Jin Dynasty, Sima Ying, the king of Chengdu, sent Liu Yuan back to Pingyang to gather the Xiongnu army. So Liu Yuan returned to Pingyang to gather five Xiongnu troops, but he did not help Sima Ying but directly rebelled.

Later, the fall of the Western Jin Dynasty ushered in the dark age of chaos in China.

What is interesting is that when Liu Yuan first raised the banner of rebellion, he said something: During the Western Han Dynasty, the Han and Huns made peace, and the emperor married the princess to our Shanyu. We are all descendants of the princesses of the Han Dynasty.

Moreover, his slogan was: The Jin Dynasty stole the Han Dynasty's world, and my nephew must avenge the Han Dynasty. He also claimed that he would learn from Uncle Liu and restore the Han Dynasty.

At the end of the Han Dynasty, the Three Kingdoms were divided, and Sima usurped Cao and Wei, but was finally destroyed by Liu Yuan, who studied like Uncle Liu Huang...

After Liu Bao plundered the land of Sanfu, his ambitions gradually expanded.

He did not rush back to the north, but followed the Yellow River through Hongnong, and finally set up his royal tent in the Yellow River area near Luoyang and on the south bank of the Yellow River near Hanoi County.

The Han Dynasty was already in chaos. After Liu Bao plundered a large amount of money, food and population, he was still not satisfied and even began to covet Hanoi County.

As for Yin in Henan, where Luoyang is located, a large number of people and wealth were moved to Chang'an by Dong Zhuo. Now it is a third-party zone and has become so poor that even Liu Bao cannot be interested.

Poor Zhang Yang, the prefect of Hanoi, was already feeling a lot of pressure to resist the foreigners from Bingzhou, and now suddenly a group of Huns came behind him...

We always talk about Bingzhou being chaotic, but how chaotic is Bingzhou really?

Let’s first talk about the jurisdiction of Bingzhou.

Bingzhou is divided into nine counties including Taiyuan, Shangdang, Xihe, Yunzhong, Dingxiang, Yanmen, Shuofang, Wuyuan and Shangjun.

In the early years, when Tan Shihuai unified Monan Xianbei, he made the eastern part from Youbeiping to Shanggu, the central part from Youbeiping to Shanggu, and the west from Shanggu. His sphere of influence covered You and merged the two states.

After the death of Tanshihuai, Xianbei in the west was divided. Monan was divided into three parts from the east of Yunzhong. Budugen, with tens of thousands of soldiers, occupied the Yunzhong and Yanmen areas; Kebi Neng was distributed in Daijun, Shanggu and other places.

The third part is a number of small tribes led by the Xianbei in the east of the original alliance, scattered in western Liaoning, Youbeiping, and Yuyang. It is not necessary to mention that the Xianbei in the east belongs to Youzhou forces.

The final summary is that the five counties of Dingxiang, Yunzhong, Wuyuan, Shuofang, and Shangjun in Bingzhou fell into the hands of the Wuhuan, Xiongnu, Xianbei, Qiang and other barbarians.

Half of Yizhou was under the control of the Hu people, and the other half had almost no defensive power.

War broke out all over Bingzhou, and it seemed that it had become an abandoned and "extremely evil" place.

In the governor's mansion, below are the civil and military officials who are in a mess, and above is Zhang Yang, the prefect of Hanoi, who is rubbing his forehead with different hands.

Zhang Yang is a kind-hearted person with no threat or punishment. He has become increasingly unable to control chaotic scenes like today.

But allowing this group of people to argue like this is not an option after all.

Zhang Yang raised his head, stood up, and shouted: "Everyone, everyone! Listen to me!"

However, the noisy hall did not change at all because of Zhang Yang's words...

"I think it is right to seek refuge with General Yuan as soon as possible!"

"The governor and Captain Cao have always been on good terms, and the emperor has now made Xuchang his capital. I still think that joining Captain Cao is the best choice!"

"Ah... Bah! After Cao Aman became a eunuch, did you vote for him? I can't keep his old face off!"

"Drink! Decay! Captain Cao is now the orthodox member of the Han Dynasty. Yuan Shao's younger brother Yuan Shu has become emperor. How can he be better?"

"Are you discussing who to take refuge in front of me?" Zhang Yang's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, but he was helpless. He could no longer control this group of people.

At this moment, a messenger suddenly rushed in from outside, "Report! Report to the county guard! The Huns camp on the other side of the Yellow River was suddenly attacked by unknown forces!"

The voice of the messenger was no louder than Zhang Yang's voice just now, but as soon as the voice of the messenger came out, the whole hall immediately became strangely quiet.

Zhang Yang's mouth twitched, and then he chewed on the news brought by the messenger.

On the other side of the Yellow River is Luoyang. Since Dong Zhuo burned Luoyang and moved the capital to Chang'an, the entire Henan Province has been in a three-no-thing zone.

After Cao Cao welcomed the emperor back, the emperor couldn't bear the ruin of his old capital, so he encouraged Cao Cao from time to time to send people to take over Henan Yin.

Now, Cao Cao has not yet made up his mind whether to take over the hot potato, but the Southern Huns Liu Bao stepped in first.

"Who? Who could have attacked the Huns on the south bank of the Yellow River?"

This chapter has been completed!
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