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Chapter 27 Today's diary, the amount of information is a bit large

The banquet in Cao's camp only lasted until midnight and ended.

This formed a strong contrast with the surrounding camps of other princes who were still drinking freely amid laughter and laughter.

The banquet ended early for another reason:

That is, Cao Cao still kept the diary update in mind.

Cao Cao previously learned from Lu Yan’s diary,

Dong Zhuo would burn Luoyang and force the emperor to move the capital to Chang'an.

But Lu Yan did not write specifically when this would happen.

So Cao Cao was always worried during the entire celebration banquet.

Luoyang was the capital of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

It is also the facade of a big man,

If Dong Zhuo really set him on fire,

Then the crusade of their coalition of princes can be said to have failed.

I finally made it to the end of the celebration banquet,

After Cao Cao assigned Cao Ren to resettle Zhao Yun, he hurried back to his camp.

“I don’t know if sir has updated his diary.

He left the banquet early in the morning,

It should have been updated..."

Cao Cao opened the diary with a sense of expectation and anxiety.

"Ha, it has indeed been updated!"

[The long-awaited battle between the Three Heroes and Lu Bu was finally staged as scheduled,

And it’s a high-end version of Sanying,

Being able to witness this battle with my own eyes gives Lu a life-long satisfaction!]

In Lu Yan's diary, he "accidentally" wrote down his last name for the first time.

After seeing this, Cao Cao couldn't help but smile and said: "The person who wants to become an immortal is indeed you, Lu Yan and Lu Changsheng!"

[What makes me happiest today is that I got Zhao Yun’s recognition...]

[Although there may not be another battle of Changbanpo in the future where Boss Cao was killed by seven in and seven out, and more than 50 generals were killed in one breath...]

See here,

Cao Cao's eyes suddenly widened, and then he took a deep breath,


"Will Zhao Zilong be my enemy in the future?

And they also attacked our army seven times in and seven out, killing more than 50 of my generals!!!"

"Zhao Zilong is so terrifying?!"

Cao Cao's hand holding the notebook began to tremble slightly at this moment.

Then he couldn't help but pat his heart with his hands,

"Fortunately, okay...he is already in our camp now, and I have a great chance of keeping him..."

From this sentence,

Cao Cao seemed to read something unusual,

"I, Cao Mengde, am now fully equipped with only a handful of generals including the Xiahou brothers, Cao Ren, Cao Hong, Le Jin, and Li Dian.

It can be seen from this sentence,

I will become a relatively powerful prince in the future.

Otherwise, how could there be so many generals to kill for Zhao Yun?"

Cao Cao obviously still underestimated himself,

At that time, he had defeated Yuan Shao, annexed the north, and was already the most powerful prince in the Han Dynasty.

Although I don’t know how strong I will be in the future,

But at least he could become one of the princes in the world, which made Cao Cao quite happy. He was also full of expectations and confidence in his future.

"Then Zhao Zilong will be an enemy in the future? Unfortunately, Mr. Lu did not say who Zhao Zilong is..."

Cao Cao first read Lu Yan's diary in one sitting.

Then I read it carefully and slowly, word for word.

Close the diary,

Some unusual words and information revealed in certain sentences,

This gave Cao Cao a new guess about Lu Yan's identity.

[The battle between the Three Heroes and Lu Bu was finally staged as scheduled]

[The history of the Three British Wars against Lu Bu has changed]

"Performed as scheduled..."

as well as,

"History has changed..."

Coupled with the information revealed about Zhao Yunhui's enemy and the battle of Changbanpo,

Cao Cao murmured:

"Looks like,

This is not like predicting the uncertainty of heaven,

On the contrary, it seems to already know its existence,

Just wait for them to happen as scheduled."

"Yes, it's history!

It seems like this,

Mr. Lu is not spying on secrets.

But because we know the direction of history?”

Do you know the direction of history?

The more Cao Cao thought about it, the more likely he felt it was!

"Mr. Lu has been confirmed to be an almost immortal being who can retain his memory and be reincarnated.

Coupled with the fact that he seems to know the historical trend of this era,

So can we speculate,

Can Mr. Lu be reincarnated at any time in history?"

Cao Cao's heart was beating wildly,

"If Lu Yan really knew history,

Then he chose to hide in my Cao camp, does that mean..."

Cao Cao was frightened by his bold guess!

"Could it be that... I will be the final winner?"

Cao Cao neither dared nor wanted to say that he was the last king. At least so far, he had never thought of usurping the Han Dynasty.

The amount of information in Lu Yan’s diary today is a bit large.

It was so big that Cao Cao felt like he was about to have a headache...

"calm down!"

Cao Cao is not the kind of person who is blinded by his power.

Although I know that I am likely to be the final winner,

But in front of him, he was just a rebel leader with less than 30,000 soldiers.

Not even a true prince.

After calming down,

Cao Cao began to think about what Lu Yan said next,

[In a few days, Dong Zhuo will burn Luoyang and move the capital to Chang'an...]

"Lü Bu was defeated by the combined forces of Guan, Zhang and Zhao. The soldiers of Xiliang had no fighting spirit and their morale was low.

It turns out that this is Dong Zhuo’s burning of Luoyang.

The reason for moving the capital to Chang'an..."

Cao Cao thought of the major events Lu Yan had written before,

In order to make sure that I remembered correctly,

He also lifted up the skirt of his robe and looked at it carefully several times.

[Sishui Pass, Guan Yunchang warms wine and kills Hua Xiong]

[The Three Heroes of Hulao Pass Battle with Lu Bu]

[Dong Zhuo burned Luoyang City]

[Boss Cao of Xingyang was defeated in pursuit of Dong]

[Sun Wentai Water Well Obtains Jade Seal]

"That's right, Mr. Lu said he wanted to remind me to be careful of ambush when chasing Dong Zhuo.

[Dong Zhuo burned the city of Luoyang] followed by [Boss Cao of Xingyang pursued Dong and was defeated],

It seems that I will encounter a big disaster in my life here..."

However, Lu Yan's last words made Cao Cao a little confused.

"I know about needles, but what is this vaccination?

Could it be similar to the silver needles used by doctors?

But I’m not sick, why did Mr. Lu give me an injection?”

Unable to figure it out, Cao Cao simply stopped thinking about it.

"Forget it, Mr. Lu won't hurt me anyway. If he wants to stab me when the time comes, just let him do it..."


Cao Cao held his diary,

I had a rare good sleep and had a sweet dream.

He in the dream,

Became the supreme person,

Lu Yan stands on the left and Zhao Yun stands on the right.

Behind him are Cai Wenji, Da Qiao, Xiao Qiao and other beauties.


Yuan Shao and other princes,

Still know the priorities of things.

Although I experienced a hangover,

But at dawn the next day,

The princes still set up their formations on time, as if they were preparing to attack Hulao Pass in a large scale!

Many generals under the princes began to take turns calling for formation at Hulao Pass.


However, Hulao Pass remained silent and there was no reaction at all.

Lu Bu,

Because in order to save his life during the previous battle with Guan, Zhang and Zhao,

Forcibly breaking through the realm,

But due to lack of precipitation and the fact that he was fighting,

He fell again from the state he reached after the breakthrough.

The backlash caused by the fall in realm,

The innate Qi in his body is now extremely disordered,

The internal organs and meridians were also damaged to varying degrees.

It can be said that Lu Bu has lost his fighting power now.

If Lu Bu wants to regain his fighting strength,

I'm afraid I won't be able to do it within a year and a half.

And even if you recover,

He can't return to his previous peak state.

Just knowing that Lu Bu would not fight again,

That's why the generals under the princes dare to show off their power at Hulao Pass...

This scene fell in Lu Yan's eyes,

Do not know why,

A sentence came to his mind:

"There are no tigers in the mountains, and the monkey is the king..."

This chapter has been completed!
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