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Chapter 100 Night Attack on the Huns

At midnight, at three o'clock in the morning.

Zhao Yun was carefully combing the Yezhao Jade Lion's temple hair by the faint firelight.

It has not been taken care of for a long time, and now the Yezhao Jade Lion's body is covered with hard scabs formed by a mixture of blood, mud and sweat.

Xia Houlan was sitting on a big rock not far from Zhao Yun, wiping the white iron gun in his hand.

The white barrel of the gun was now dyed dark red by the enemy's blood, but the colors on the barrel were of different shades, making it look a bit mixed.

There were also a hundred Han prisoners who had been rescued earlier but were unwilling to leave. They were currently walking around among the crowd, delivering water, food, and oil-soaked torches to the soldiers for the raid later.


The soldiers made their preparations silently, either wiping their weapons, closing their eyes to rest, or eating dry food carefully.

The time for repairs has always been short, Haishi is here!

Zhao Yun got on his horse,

Xia Houlan, carrying a spear, also climbed onto his horse.

Immediately afterwards, more than 2,100 soldiers who could still ride horses to participate in the battle also firmly stood up and sat on their horses!

Zhao Yun rode his horse to the formation of the cavalry and said loudly: "Some people wonder why we have not carried out night attacks on the Huns before. Because what we need is an opportunity like today! The only opportunity!


Zhao Yun had never conducted night attacks on the Huns. Zhao Yun wanted to give them the illusion that he was not capable of night operations.

And when they want to use this opportunity, it means that this will be their biggest and last action.

Zhao Yun held the spear upside down and said: "Tonight will be our last battle with the Huns in this experience. It is also the battle with the heaviest and most dangerous tasks."

"We have to rescue the more than a thousand compatriots trapped in the hands of the Huns. To do this, we may suffer heavy casualties."

Xia Houlan and others looked at Zhao Yun with serious faces, waiting for what he was going to say next.

"Brothers, are you afraid?"

"Don't be afraid!" the soldiers said firmly, without any hesitation or wavering in their expressions.

Zhao Yun smiled and said: "Bullshit! Even I, Zhao Zilong, are afraid, how can you not be afraid?"

"Hahaha!" The tense atmosphere at the scene relaxed instantly, and the tension in the hearts of the knights also melted away a lot.

"So General Zhao is sometimes afraid?" someone shouted.

After the soldiers calmed down, Zhao Yun continued: "There is only one mission tonight. I don't care how many enemy troops are killed. We must rescue as many of our Han compatriots as quickly as possible!"

"I am willing to die for the general!!" The uniform voice gave Zhao Yun unparalleled confidence!

Zhao Yun turned the horse's head, picked up the torch passed by others, and ordered in a calm tone: "Brothers, remember, don't bother us, just save your compatriots!"

After finishing speaking, Zhao Yun waved his hand and said: "Follow me and touch it quietly first."


After Zhao Yun led the cavalry to leave,

At the place where their cavalry had temporarily repaired, the hundred or ten Han prisoners who had voluntarily stayed were already kneeling on the ground.

The tears in their eyes had already wet their faces. They were filled with the joy of surviving the disaster, and they were also moved by the friendship of this Han cavalry who risked their lives to save their compatriots.

Once upon a time, they were already in despair, but the Han cavalry appeared in front of them like divine soldiers descending from heaven!


The tribes of Liu Bao and other leaders have now formed a huge camp.

They were attacked by Zhao Yun no less than ten times along the way. After many adjustments, they finally merged the separate camps of each tribe into a whole.

The advantage of this is that it can be managed and dispatched in a unified manner to avoid being defeated by Zhao Yun individually. Moreover, everyone's prisoners are centralized and guarded together, which also saves many people a lot of trouble.

As for the disadvantages, they will be revealed later...

At midnight, most of the Huns, except for a few who were on guard duty, had fallen into a deep sleep.

In the past month or so, they have been attacked by Han cavalry every five to seven days.

Although the body has gradually become accustomed to this intense rhythm, it is inevitable to feel tired mentally.

It had only been more than a day since the last attack by Zhao Yun and the others, but the Huns still carried out their preparations according to the previous rhythm. They were destined to suffer a big loss.

Under the cover of darkness, Zhao Yun and others quietly reached the camp less than 100 meters away.

At this time, a Huns sentry hiding in the pit finally discovered them.

"Han's cavalry! Han's cavalry!!!"

The shrill cry of the secret whistle broke the quiet and peaceful night.

Still exposed, Zhao Yun immediately shouted, "Fire!"

As Zhao Yun's order was issued, more than two thousand torches lit up instantly, suddenly lighting up the entire area in front of him!


Zhao Yun gave an order, and more than two thousand knights who had grown up from the battle with the Huns, with the momentum of moving forward without hesitation, rushed towards the Huns camp standing in the darkness in front!

The cavalrymen held torches in one hand and reins in the other, and rushed towards the Huns' camp.

They were only a hundred meters away from the Xiongnu camp. For a war horse sprinting at full speed, it only took three to five seconds!

Many Huns were awakened from their sleep by the tremors of the earth and the loud rumbling noises. At this moment, their brains were still in a state of confusion and delayed reactions.

Suddenly, a Huns with a thick beard rushed out of the tent with his upper body bare, and found a ball of orange-red light passing over his head and falling on his tent, and then the entire tent began to burn violently!

"Fire! Fire! The Han people set fire!"

"The Han people are coming in! They are coming in!!!"

"Don't panic! Each tribe gathers itself together, the Han people will leave soon!!"

However, today is different from the past. Even though the Huns began to gather, the Han cavalry still showed no sign of leaving.

Not only that, Xia Houlan also led a thousand cavalry to attack the Huns who had assembled but were not very numerous!

Xia Houlan threw the torch in his hand onto the tent of a small tribe leader. His eyes were now filled with the red flame!

Xiahou Lan straightened up his iron spear, pointed at the two to three hundred Huns who had initially gathered in front, and shouted: "Brothers, follow me, kill!!!"

"Kill!" The cavalry followed Xia Houlan and launched a fearless charge!

Wherever Xia Houlan rushed, they followed without hesitation.

Although Xia Houlan is not as brave as Zhao Yun, he is a near-first-class strong man who is already beyond reach in the eyes of ordinary soldiers.

And along the way, Xiahoulan also proved his bravery and wisdom, and these soldiers obeyed him.

After scattering groups of Huns trying to assemble, Xiahoulan's cavalry showed signs of insufficient rear strength.

There were indeed too many people on the other side, and the speed at which they gathered far exceeded Xia Houlan's speed at breaking them up.

After persisting for about half an hour, news finally came from Zhao Yun.

The messenger found Xiahoulan who was in the middle of the fighting and reported: "General Xiahou, General Zhao has succeeded and is currently protecting the prisoners and leaving. He needs you to go and cut off his rear!"

Without saying a word, Xia Houlan shouted loudly: "Brothers, follow me!"

This chapter has been completed!
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