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Chapter 104: The ten-round crossbow comes out

When Zhao Yun and his party returned to Chenliucheng,

Only then did people learn that Xiahou Dun was defeated and that Lu Yan and Huang Zhong had gone to Xuzhou battlefield alone to provide support.

At the gate of the city, Zhao Yun, Xia Houlan and others saw Mao Jie, Yi Ji and other officials who came to greet them.

Cai Yan was temporarily handed over to Mao Jie for arrangements.

Mao Jie was very respectful to the daughter of Cai Zhonglang, who had a great reputation among scholars, not to mention Cai Yan himself was also a talented master.

Mao Jie called Zhao Yun to the governor's house.

In the meeting hall, Mao Jie took out the letter Lu Yan left for Zhao Yun from a pile of documents and said: "Zilong, Changsheng asked you to rest for two days after coming back, and then immediately go to Xiaopei battlefield to help the battle, don't delay!"

"Only five thousand soldiers and horses?" Zhao Yun took the letter and browsed it hastily, feeling a little worried about Lu Yan, "I'm going now, I don't need to rest!"

After saying this, Zhao Yun was about to leave.

Mao Jie reached out and took Zhao Yun's arm and said: "General Zhao, you are so powerful, but the other soldiers need to rest!"

Zhao Yun stopped and turned around and said, "Isn't there still Zi Heng here? Let him lead the soldiers to Xuzhou in two days. I will go and join you first."

"Okay, take care when you go." Mao Jie saw that Zhao Yun had already decided to go, so he stopped trying to persuade him, as long as one leader of the army stayed.

"The clouds are gone." Zhao Yun apologized and left quickly.

But when Zhao Yun arrived at the gate of Chenliu City, Xia Houlan and the two thousand returning cavalry had been waiting for a long time.


Looking at Zhao Yun with mixed emotions on his face, Xiahoulan grinned and said: "We also heard that General Xiahou was defeated and Mr. Xiahou rushed to put out the fire.

I guess you must be going to help sir, so we are waiting here."

Zhao Yun looked around at the soldiers who still had tired looks on their faces, and said: "You should rest in Chenliu for two days before going. It has been very hard some time ago."

An old soldier named Baima Yicong replied: "General, we have almost made adjustments on the way back.

And isn’t it that we have been training so hard just to kill enemies and make meritorious deeds on the battlefield and become famous?”

"Yes! We also want to kill the enemy and make meritorious deeds!"

"General, take us there!"

The soldiers are eager to fight, and their military spirit is available!

Zhao Yun finally stopped insisting and said with a smile: "That's alright... Then you can follow me to Qiao County."

"Great! Brothers, it's now time to make great achievements!" Xia Houlan raised his arms and shouted again to mobilize his morale.

"Kill the enemy and make meritorious deeds! Kill the enemy and make meritorious deeds!!!"



Two thousand cavalrymen, less than a day after returning to Chenliu, had to rush to the battlefield in Xuzhou again.

However, when they passed by their own military camp, they were blocked by a group of people in front of them.

Zhao Yun saw the crowd of people guarding the road in front of him from a distance, and wondered in his heart: "Look at the craftsmen who are wearing the clothes of the workshop. Why are they blocking our way?"

Raising his hand, Zhao Yun signaled the cavalry to slow down.

At this time, the leader of the team in front raised the loudspeaker and shouted loudly: "General Zhao, General Xiahou, please wait a moment! We have new equipment in our workshop to hand over to you!"

It turned out to be Geng Liang, the leader of the workshop. After he heard that Zhao Yun was returning with his cavalry, he took a group of his men to show Zhao Yun's cavalry new equipment.

As soon as they heard that the workshop had new products, everyone couldn't help but their eyes lit up, and they all started to guess what good things it was this time.

The workshop provides a lot of good things to the army, not to mention weapons and armor, but also various gadgets like caltrops, which are exquisite and practical.

The cavalry slowly stopped ten meters in front of Geng Liang and others.

After returning from the battle with the Huns, this cavalry still had a lot of evil spirits that had no time to dissipate.

When Zhao Yun and others stopped in front of Geng Liang's team of craftsmen, the evil spirit spread out, causing many craftsmen to tremble in shock.

After getting off their horses, Zhao Yun and Xia Houlan came to Geng Liang.

Xia Houlan asked with great interest: "Old Geng, have you come up with anything good again this time? Show it to us quickly!"

Geng Liang turned around and said to Ma Jun behind him, who was gradually getting stronger due to eating well and sleeping well, "You invented the repeating crossbow. Come and demonstrate it."

"Yes..." Ma Jun bowed his hands to Zhao Yun and others, and then said to the people behind him: "Give...generals...an example."

"It's a stammer..." Xia Houlan was curious, but not at all disdainful.

Zhao Yun comforted him in a warm voice: "You must be Ma Jun. My husband mentioned you to me, saying that you are a genius in the field of equipment, and you are astonishingly talented!"

"Ah! Your Majesty... How dare you be praised like this by your husband!" Ma Jun was so worried that his stuttering temporarily healed.

"Liannu, let's see how effective it is." Zhao Yun smiled and said.

There was no rush anyway, so Zhao Yun and Xia Houlan decided to see how effective the repeating crossbow was.

The craftsman behind Ma Jun took out a relatively large device and said, "This is... a ten-shot repeating crossbow!"

"Ten-shot repeating crossbow!!!" Zhao Yun and Xia Houlan looked at the huge repeating crossbow in the hands of the craftsman who was preparing for the experiment, and their faces suddenly showed shock.

I think back then, Yuan Shao almost wiped out the Baima Yicong with just a single-shot heavy crossbow. Now that the ten-shot repeating crossbow has come out, the light cavalry will still be able to do well in the future!

"Ten...ten-shot...repeating...crossbows are too...precise, and now...can't...be mass-produced." Ma Jun said in a very uncomfortable tone, and everyone listened even more...


So Geng Liang simply explained for Ma Jun: "Ever since Lu Huqi told me and Ma Jun the idea and general idea of ​​the ten-shot repeating crossbow, we specially formed a team to study day and night to solve technical difficulties."

"Sure enough, it's sir!" Zhao Yunyue and Xia Houlan looked at each other and smiled knowingly.

"Just a month ago, we finally built the initial version. However, because the repeating crossbow was too large and inefficient, we continued to improve and optimize it."

"Some time ago, I felt that it was almost done, so I planned to show it to Lu Xiuqi, but unfortunately Lu Xiuqi went to Xuzhou instead."

"So you want us to take us to Xuzhou to test the results for Lu Qiaoqi?" Zhao Yun asked with a smile.

"Yes!" Geng Liang nodded and admitted, and then said: "The Liannu is now ready for actual combat, so I brought it to Lu Hussar to see what else needs to be improved. At the same time, it can also catch the enemy off guard on the battlefield!"

Xia Houlan grinned and said: "That's easy to say! Come with five hundred, and we can deliver it to you, sir, in a few days!"

"Not that many!" Geng Liang glanced at Xia Houlan angrily and said, "The structure of this repeating crossbow is extremely precise. Although it is powerful, it is too precise and cannot be mass-produced for the time being."

"Ah? How many repeating crossbows do you have now?"

"We worked hard all night, and now we only have fifty."

Xia Houlan was a little disappointed immediately, but Zhao Yun said: "It doesn't matter, let's take these to sir first. If they are produced later, Chen Liu's brothers can send them over in batches!"

"Okay! Let's do this first!" Geng Liang felt that this was all he could do. He suddenly remembered another question and said, "But I still have a question..."

"What's the problem?"

"We don't have enough manpower in the workshop..."

"Damn it! There are already nearly three thousand people in your workshop. Isn't that enough?" Xia Houlan was startled.

This chapter has been completed!
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