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Chapter 122 Shouchun Offensive and Defensive Battle

The defense of Shouchun City is very complete.

There is a moat several meters wide outside Shouchun City, and the city wall is also ten meters high.

Moreover, the city wall is not only equipped with turrets and police auxiliaries, but there are also observation holes and perforations on the battlements of the city wall.

The city wall, which is more than 6 or 7 meters wide, is equipped with sufficient ballistas, hammered stones, rolling logs, bows and arrows, boiling oil, boiling water, gold juice, etc. Almost all the defensive items you can think of are here.

After the coalition forces launched an siege, some reactions finally appeared on the silent walls of Shouchun City.

Yuan Jun's generals and soldiers began to shout, and the archers on the city wall also prepared their bows and arrows, waiting for orders.

When the coalition soldiers entered the range of the bow and arrow, Colonel Yuan Jun issued the order to shoot.

"Fire arrows!" Following the commander's order, Yuan Jun's archers threw arrows into the coalition's formation.

Most of the sergeants of Liu Bei and Sun Ce's army wore leather armor, and even some of the lower-ranking soldiers wore cloth armor. In addition, the lineup during the siege was inevitably a bit dense. Yuan Jun's arrows rained down, and the two armies were hit one after another.

, in an instant, it fell like a piece of wheat being cut.

However, for the large number of Sun Ce's troops, the death of hundreds of people was not a big deal; but for Liu Bei, every time a group of soldiers fell, his heart would throb.

This is how little money he has left. Liu Bei clenched his distressed hands.

Looking at Cao's army again, they were all well-equipped regular troops.

At least everyone wore armor that covered the chest and back, and most of them were equipped with at least a wooden shield. This resulted in Yuan Jun's bows and arrows having limited damage to Cao Jun. After a rain of arrows, only a few

Ten unlucky people were hit by arrows, and most of them were only injured but not fatal.

Yuan Jun ignored the casualties of the coalition forces. Their archers fired arrows at the coalition forces step by step, killing as many as they could.

However, the coalition's archers also fired back. Although the effect was not great, it could provide some cover.

However, there was one thing that made Yuan Jun's officers and soldiers feel frightened, and that was the stone bullets flying from Cao Jun's position that were unstoppable by manpower!

Countless stone bullets flew through the air, with graceful arcs, and either landed in the city, hit the city wall, or simply hit some soldiers...

In short, those soldiers in Yuan Shu's army who had never experienced the baptism of trebuchets finally understood what Ji Ling felt before.

Anyway, their current psychological shadow is huge, and some of them even have to look up to the sky every moment, fearing that a stone bullet will suddenly roar and hit their heads in mid-air...

Ji Ling personally sat on the north wall and commanded the soldiers to resist Cao Jun's attack.

However, he has already seen that the first round of the coalition's attack was just a test, and it felt like the thunder was louder than the raindrops.

Sure enough, in the first round of attack, the coalition forces just threw a lot of bags containing soil into the moat.

They didn't even think of touching the city wall, and eventually retreated after leaving behind a total of two to three thousand corpses.

Returning to the formation, the generals began to make targeted adjustments, and the real attack might be next.

Although Cao Jun's troops had withdrawn, the trebuchets were still whizzing and throwing stones into Shouchun City.

During the intensive bombing by more than a hundred trebuchets, the turrets on the northern city wall collapsed, and many of the battlements were smashed in half.

The city suffered heavy losses, countless houses were destroyed, and many soldiers who were resting in the city or waiting to go to the battlefield also suffered unreasonable disasters.

In this state of panic dominated by trebuchets, Yuan Jun's already low morale began to gradually decline again.

Ji Ling, Qiao Rui, and Han Xian commanded the battle on the north, south, and east walls respectively.

Only Lei Bo remained in the city, responsible for dispatching troops to support the three places.

Lei Bo had been a little dissatisfied with Yuan Shu's brutal expropriation. Now he saw that the soldiers were in panic, but Yuan Shu and the important officials of the court had taken the first step to escape with their property, wives and concubines. The dissatisfaction in his heart finally gradually turned into resentment, "Yuan Shu.

..Is he really worthy of us working our lives for him?”

About half an hour after the first attack, the coalition's war drums sounded again, and their second wave of attacks came again!

With the first experience, the coalition soldiers moved much faster this time, and their goal was very clear, which was to first fill in some passages in the moat.

When the moat was being filled, many civilians and soldiers were killed. Some cruel people simply pushed their corpses down to serve as fillers...

Shouchun's moat is both wide and deep.

After going back and forth several times, the coalition forces spent almost half a day throwing tens of thousands of bags and corpses into the moat, and the moat was finally filled with a few roads for the soldiers to pass.

Before even touching the city wall, the coalition forces had already suffered nearly 10,000 casualties.

In Liu Bei's army formation, seeing that a passage was finally formed, but nearly five thousand soldiers were killed, Zhang Fei finally couldn't help shouting, "Brother! We only have a few people, how can we all be trapped here?"

Down at Bird City?"

Zhang Fei has an impatient temper and dares to say anything when his temper gets angry. "That bastard Cao Cao is clearly trying to consume our strength. Brother, please..."

Before Zhang Fei could finish speaking, Liu Bei suddenly shouted: "Stop! Stop talking nonsense!!"

Zhang Fei saw that his kindness was not only treated as a donkey's liver and lungs, but was also shouted down by Liu Bei. He immediately looked away unhappily and became sulky.

Seeing this, Guan Yu quickly intervened and said, "Brother, my third brother has always been impatient and said something from his heart. Please don't take it offence."

After Guan Yu finished speaking, he turned to say with a hint of reproach: "Third brother, you really need to change your impatience. Apologize to eldest brother quickly."

How could Liu Bei not know that Zhang Fei was telling the truth?

But everyone is attacking, so you can't just do it perfunctorily to preserve your strength, right?

"The allied forces are attacking Yuan Shu. It is the time for the three armies to use their lives. Haven't you seen that Cao Cao and Sun Ce's troops are also attacking the city regardless of the cost?" Liu Bei looked at Zhang Fei with hatred, and explained: "If

At the critical moment, we were selfish and did not give our best. If people ask us about it later, how should we handle ourselves? How will the world view me, Liu Bei?"

Zhang Fei's face felt a little hot after Liu Bei's words. Fortunately, his face was dark, so nothing unusual could be seen.

Guan Yu also took advantage of the situation and said: "Yes, third brother, the eldest brother is a descendant of the royal family. If he can't even fight against the false emperor, how can the eldest brother establish his own image and establish his own prestige?"

Zhang Fei knew that he was wrong, so he clasped his fists and bowed to apologize: "Eldest brother, second brother, it was my selfish motives, and I am here to apologize to you."

"Third brother, I don't mean to blame you."

Liu Bei helped Zhang Fei up and said earnestly:

"Brother just hopes that you can use your brain more and open up the situation. In this way, you can become a famous general in the future, rather than just a warrior who charges into battle."

"Yes, thank you big brother for your teaching. I have taken note of it."

This chapter has been completed!
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