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Chapter 125 Your military advisor is there, you ask them!

"Kill them, will there be no Three Kingdoms?" The thought flashed through his mind, but Lu Yan finally resisted the impulse...

Cao Cao walked up to Liu Bei and Sun Ce, supporting the other with one hand and smiling like a 200-pound fat man. "The two of them were once solid allies in the crusade against Dong Zhuo; now they are also the only loyal ministers of the Han Dynasty. Between us,

, there’s really no need for a lot of red tape.”

Cao Cao's words immediately made Liu Bei and Sun Ce feel warmth and recognition, and then they began to feel a little dazed again.

Think back to the beginning,

Only three of Liu Bei went to the Suizao Alliance; Sun Ce followed his father Sun Jian and led the Jiangdong disciples to travel thousands of miles to Suizao.

Sun Jian is no longer around, and Sun Ce almost became Yuan Shu's adopted son... Fortunately, Sun Ce is now on the mend and is slowly getting out of the trough of his life.

Moreover, Sun Ce's ability and potential shown now are no worse than those of Sun Jian back then.

It can even be said that with the help of Zhou Yu, Sun Ce's achievements can definitely surpass Sun Jian.

The premise is that if he doesn't die...

Liu Bei... It seems that since he challenged Dong, his career has been ups and downs.

Later, he broke away from Gongsun Zan and managed to obtain Xuzhou as a gift from Tao Qian. However, before his butt was even warmed up, he was wiped out by Chen Gong's calculations.

Oh no, Liu Bei still has someone from Guangling County on his hands now, which is at least better than nothing in history...

Although Sun Ce already controls eight counties in Jiangdong, there are many hidden dangers internally; there are also external threats such as Liu Biao and South Vietnam, and the situation is not very good either.

Liu Bei now only has Guangling County left. Above him is Cao Cao and below is Sun Ce. He is caught in the middle and cannot develop at all. It is really uncomfortable.

But what about Cao Cao?

This guy has actually quietly taken over the whole of Yanzhou, Yingchuan County of Yuzhou, and now most of Xuzhou!

This development is simply not very good!

Moreover, the Emperor is still in the hands of Cao Cao, and his potential is so great that it is unimaginable.

I remember that at the beginning, we all fought against Dong Zhuo together, broke through the Sishui Pass together, and chased Dong Zhuo together at starry night, but were almost killed by Dong Zhuo...

Nowadays, one has just lost his foundation and is feeling depressed, and the other has just gained a foothold and is facing external and internal troubles. Why is it that you, Lao Cao, are the only one who is thriving?

Thinking of this, Liu Bei subconsciously looked at Lu Yan;

After Sun Ce saw Liu Bei's actions, he couldn't help but follow Liu Bei's gaze and looked at Lu Yan, who was standing on top of the military commander and seemed to be looking at him and others curiously.

At first, Liu Bei, Sun Ce and others had met Lu Yan.

But at that time, Lu Yan was just a little-known Sima who accompanied the army. Who would have thought that he would be the biggest contributor to Cao Cao's success?

When Cao Cao saw Liu Bei and Sun Ce looking at Lu Yan, he immediately laughed and introduced Lu Yan with a beaming face: "I wonder if you two still remember him?"

Without waiting for Liu Bei and Sun Ce to reply, Cao Cao said to himself: "Let me introduce you again! This is the hussar general of the dynasty, Lu Yan, and Lu Changsheng. He is also the number one military advisor, the first general, and the most powerful general under Cao Mengde.

Strong minister!"

After hearing Cao Cao's exaggerated introduction, Lu Yan's eyes couldn't help but twitch.

He resisted the urge to slap Lao Cao on the back of the head, raised his hand and said, "Mr. Cao is really too praised. He is just an ordinary person, not as scary as you say."

Ordinary person? Cao Cao suddenly chuckled and thought to himself: "Haha! You may be just an ordinary person now, but you may be an immortal in the future! I even know how many times you scolded me behind my back yesterday! You still pretend to be like me.


Cao Cao suddenly started complaining mode in his heart.

The main reason is that Lu Yan complained too much behind his back in the past two days, and his own spirit of complaining was also ignited.

"One diary, half of it is full of complaints...

You have a leadership opportunity that no one else could ask for, but here you are, Boss Cao, who treats you like a donkey?

Or the one who doesn’t give carrots???”

After thinking about it, Cao Cao suddenly became a little angry, but immediately he felt more helpless, "Oh! I am a person who wants to become an immortal. It is natural that he is not interested in worldly things.


However, although Cao Cao's heart was turbulent, the expression on his face did not change at all. Although he was thinking about all kinds of complaints and counter-complaints, what he said was: "If it weren't for Mr. Lu, I, Cao Mengde, would not be where I am today.

.So people, sometimes luck is really important!"

Liu Bei and Sun Ce agreed very much with this statement.

With the help of someone like Lu Yan who is knowledgeable in both military and political affairs and is at the top of the world, even if he is just a pig, he can carve out two acres of land, right?

Sun Ce and Liu Bei listened quietly to Boss Cao showing off his top wage earner, while the person being shown off by Cao Cao had an embarrassed smile on his face.

Finally, Cao Cao finished speaking, but Sun Ce and Liu Bei fell silent.

Seeing that the air suddenly became quiet, Lu Yan had to apologize quickly, "Please forgive me, Mr. Cao is already the old Versailles..."

"?" Liu Bei and Sun Ce didn't understand what this old Versailles meant.

Lu Yan did not explain, but brought the topic back to today's business, "You guys are here, presumably for the purpose of attacking the city, right?"

Liu Bei and Sun Ce were asked by Lu Yan, and then they remembered that they were here to ask Cao Cao about his next strategy, not to listen to Cao Cao's show off.

"Captain Cao, Lu Qiaoqi, Shouchun City is as solid as a rock. If we continue to attack as hard as today, I'm afraid the result will be disastrous!"

After Liu Bei finished speaking, he couldn't help but smile bitterly and continued: "In just one day today, Bei's men have lost nearly half of their soldiers. If this happens one or two more times, I'm afraid Bei will have to pack up and go home early."

Sun Ce nodded and said with empathy: "Yes, the price of storming a fortified city is too high... With so few of us, we simply can't afford such a huge expenditure!"

Cao Cao listened to the two teammates complaining, but he did not answer directly but looked at Lu Yan and asked: "Sir, what do you think about this?"

Lu Yan was slightly startled when he heard this, and then subconsciously replied: "The first thing to do is attack the army, then the second is to attack the enemy; the second is to attack the city, and the second is to attack the heart."

Everyone understood this during the Warring States Period, and everyone could say beautiful things.

But how to specifically plan, how to establish friendship, and how to focus on the heart?

Seeing Cao Cao, Liu Bei, Sun Ce, Guan Yu, Zhou Yu and Cao Jun's civil and military forces looking at him,

Lu Yan raised his hand without changing his expression, pointed at the three people at the front of the group of civil servants, and said:

"Mr. Cao, aren't your three military advisors there? Go and ask them!"

"..." Xun You, Cheng Yu, Jia Xu.

What a trick to divert trouble to the east, what a lazy, late-stage cancer Lu Changsheng!

This chapter has been completed!
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