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Chapter 127: The Powerful Immortal Lu Da

Lu Yan was already asleep, but on the other side of Cao Jun's camp, Cao Cao had been walking back and forth in his tent for a long time.

When Cao Cao opened the diary of Tiandao Destiny for the eighth time, the contents of the diary finally changed!

"Ha! Finally updated, I've been waiting for a while!"

Cao Cao couldn't wait to sit down. Not far away were the drinks and side dishes that had been prepared.

Cao Cao has now developed a habit of waiting for Lu Yan's diary to be updated no matter how late every day.

Late at night, as long as he doesn't read the latest diary, his heart will become empty; if he can't sleep without talking, he will always feel that he has done something wrong, and he will have an inexplicable feeling of guilt...

Open the diary,

Lu Yan's first words are always so impactful.

Fortunately, Cao Cao had gained experience and had taken precautions. Now he no longer drinks wine and eats side dishes at the beginning like before.

[Liu Bei, Sun Ce, Cao Cao, the founders of the Three Kingdoms gathered together today. 】

Cao Cao opened his mouth wide, unable to digest this shocking information for a long time.

After staring at this sentence for a while, Cao Cao finally regained his breath and muttered: "Three Kingdoms!"

The word "Three Kingdoms" appeared more than once or twice in Lu Yan's diary. But every time he saw these two words, Cao Cao would still feel dazed in his heart.

After tracing Lu Yan's diaries for so many years, Cao Cao had already pieced together the information that Lu Yan had revealed.

According to the information disclosed by Lu Yan, the general trend of history is:

Cao Cao struggled to develop into a powerful prince with the power to sweep the world;

But because Lao Cao pretended to be cool, he was defeated in an unprecedented battle that would determine the trend of the world.

From then on, Cao Cao lost the opportunity to unify the world, and in the end he could only watch the Han Dynasty split into three countries.

What's even more annoying is that although the world was unified in the end, the fruits of victory were picked off by a fourth party!

Cao Cao felt on pins and needles every time he thought about this ending. On the one hand, he deeply hated his own depravity, and on the other hand, he hated the Sima family who had usurped the Cao family's foundation and even the entire world.

In the past, Cao Cao only knew from Lu Yan's words that there would be the Three Kingdoms after the end of the Han Dynasty. But today, he finally knew who the other two people who started the Three Kingdoms were.

"Liu Bei, Sun Ce..." Cao Cao looked at these two names and kept repeating them.

He couldn't take his eyes away for a long time, and he didn't wake up from the complicated thoughts until his eyes were sore. "No wonder Mr. Lu attaches great importance to Liu Bei and even calls him my biggest opponent in the future... I didn't expect that he turned out to be the founder of the Three Kingdoms."


Boss Cao probably never dreamed that Liu Bei was not only one of the founders of the Three Kingdoms, but he also became a serious emperor.

Emperor Zhaolie of the Han Dynasty! Liu Bei finally became the emperor himself.

Lao Cao was posthumously named Emperor Wu of Wei after his death. Although he was arrogant and domineering in his later years, from this point of view, Cao Cao at least maintained his bottom line as a minister of the Han Dynasty...

After regaining consciousness, Cao Cao could finally pour himself a glass of wine calmly, then raised the glass and put the wine into his mouth while continuing to look down.

[At that moment, I really had the urge to slap them all to death... Of course, except for Boss Cao, after all, he treated me really well.]

After seeing the previous sentence, Cao Cao's hand holding the wine glass couldn't help shaking, and he almost spilled the wine on the diary.

Fortunately, the last sentence quickly soothed Cao Cao's injured heart, and the sip of wine went smoothly.

"I'm scared to death..." Cao Cao put down his wine glass, but his hands were still shaking uncontrollably.

He suddenly recalled the way Lu Yan looked at him, Liu Bei, and Sun Ce in the tent today, and he said with lingering fear: "Maybe Immortal Lu really wanted to kill me for a moment..."

"A congenital master, a cultivator of immortality... If he really wants to kill me, I'm afraid no one can stop him.

Fortunately, he still remembers my kindness to him, so it seems that I made the right move by using friendship to tie him down!"

Cao Cao continued to read while thinking about how to further his relationship with Lu Yan.

【"I would rather be a peace dog than a person in troubled times."】

Cao Cao ate these words while eating side dishes, and suddenly a feeling of vicissitudes that had gone through thousands of years arose in his heart, "He is indeed an immortal who can see through the long history of history, and his words are full of flavor."

[Based on Boss Cao’s current development situation, as long as he doesn’t get carried away and doesn’t make big mistakes, I believe he can still make it to the end. 】

[As long as Boss Cao still listens to my words in the future, I will continue to help him unify the world...]

After Cao Cao saw the next few words, his originally a little skewed body couldn't help but straighten up.

As if responding to Lu Yan face to face, Cao Cao looked solemn, bowed his hands to the diary, and said in a very solemn tone:

"Sir's teachings should never be forgotten! From now on, I will examine myself three times every day and never become that bastard you say who doesn't believe anyone and only wants to seize power!"

[It must have been six years now...]

"Yeah... Before I knew it, it's been six years..." Cao Cao suddenly realized that he had entered his forties. "It is indeed time to stay rational at all times and not let yourself be dazzled by a series of victories.


Seeing Lu Yan mention Shouchun later, Cao Cao couldn't help but worry about the matter in front of him: "Shouchun City is difficult to deal with... How about we adopt Gongda's suggestion and besiege Shouchun, and at the same time send more troops to come?"

Attack the city by force?"

[Eh? I seemed to have remembered something very important just now, but when I was stunned, I actually forgot it again...]

"Huh?" Cao Cao continued to look down in confusion.

[Some generals under Yuan Shu were dissatisfied with what he did, so they left him...]

"One is Li Feng, the other is Lei Bo!" Cao Cao couldn't help but read out, but his voice became a little sharp!

[Lei Bo seems to be in Shouchun City... As long as we contact him, we might be able to dismantle Shouchun's defense from within!]

"!!!" Cao Cao's eyes widened and he roared in his heart: "My immortal! How dare you almost forget such an important thing?!!!"

It is true that there is no way out of the mountains and rivers, but there is another village with bright flowers and dark trees!

Lao Cao was still having a headache about Shouchun just now, but now he suddenly got the key to solving the problem from Lu Yan's diary. He was overjoyed and picked up the wine bottle and drank a few big gulps!

"Ha~~~!" Cao Cao wiped his beard and the drink from his mouth, and suppressed his voice and shouted: "Comfortable!"

After feeling satisfied, Cao Cao thought for a moment and felt that with Lu Yan's temperament, he would definitely not bring it up unless absolutely necessary.

Therefore, Cao Cao decided that before Lu Yan took the initiative, he would copy the strategy now and then pass it on to Xun You and other professionals to perfect it!

After writing down the plan to win over Lei Bo,

Cao Cao waited for the ink to dry, looked at the strategy on the paper, a smile appeared on his lips, and murmured: "Mr. Lu feels particularly awesome tonight!"

This chapter has been completed!
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