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Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Seven The bulls that were blown back then have now been blown up by themselves

Cao Cao walked lightly on his feet and walked to the pavilion where Lu Yan and the others were sitting with a spring breeze on his face.

He glanced at Xia Houlan, who seemed a little flustered, then sat down unceremoniously between Lu Yan and the others, took the wine bottle and filled himself a glass.

After Xia Houlan delivered the news, he originally wanted to arrange something for Lao Cao, but then the rightful owner suddenly appeared, and he felt guilty and had to sneak away quietly.

Picking up the wine glass, Cao Cao drank it with a sip, and then he took a deep breath and asked: "You three, I just seemed to hear you talking about me?"

Lu Yan and the three of them looked at each other, then they all stood up and cupped their hands towards Cao Cao and said, "Congratulations to Duke Cao (lord) on becoming the prime minister!"

Lao Cao stood up, waved his hands for everyone to sit down, and then replied: "Oh, this is what the minister and your majesty want, and I don't dare not accept it!"

Lu Yan laughed in his heart and said: "Pretend! Keep pretending! If your old Cao doesn't want to become the prime minister, I, Lu Yan, will twist off my head and play it as a ball for you!"

But why did Dong Zhuo, Li Jue, Cao Cao and others all want to become prime ministers? This leads us to talk about the official system of the Han Dynasty.

The three princes, that is, Taiwei, Sima, and Sikong, are all officials of the foreign court, while the general is an official of the central court.

The offices of Chinese officials were closer to the emperor than those of foreign officials, and they could even directly influence decision-making to a certain extent. They had great authority. Foreign officials, on the other hand, did not have the power to foresee political affairs and basically became executors.

This is in line with the trend of imperial power expansion.

Therefore, this is also the reason why the position of general is higher than that of Taiwei, Sima and Sikong.

However, the prime minister in the early Western Han Dynasty had both administrative power, decision-making power and even military power, which was greater than the power of internal and external court officials after the formation of the Sino-Korean official system. Restoring the prime minister system was actually the first step in elevating imperial power.


However, Cao Cao in this life was not as domineering as in history. He did not enjoy the treatment of "entering the court without worshiping and bringing a sword to the court".

But in Lu Yan's opinion, without these two benefits, it would actually be better for Cao Cao at this stage.

At least, without these two kinds of treatment, Cao Cao was completely different from Dong Zhuo and his like.

You must know that when Lao Dong first came up, he said, "Officials worship the prime minister, and when they enter the court, they do not worship him, but they bring a sword to the court." This is extremely arrogant.

If Cao Cao was treated the same as Dong Zhuo, it would be difficult for everyone in the world not to think about it.

Cao Cao's prime minister was recommended by Kong Rong, and was seconded by hundreds of officials. Finally, the emperor agreed. He himself never said a word from beginning to end, basically avoiding misunderstandings and criticisms from the world to the greatest extent.

In addition, Cao Cao also promised to rebuild the city of Luoyang, which made many literati and common people who yearned for the Han Dynasty more accepting of Cao Cao becoming prime minister.

Why did Kong Rong and many officials elect Cao Cao to become prime minister? This involves complex interests of all parties.

To put it simply, if Cao Cao's brothers want to do better, Cao Cao himself must first take a step forward.

Today's changes in the court may have been discussed by Cao Cao with the officials who secretly surrendered to him, or some officials hoped to attract Cao Cao's attention and gain maximum attention for themselves after defecting to him.

The greater the power of Cao Cao, the more benefits his subordinates can get. The allusion of the yellow robe on the body is a good illustration of this point.

In short, it's all for profit.

The three people here, Lu Yan, Guo Jia, and Xi Zhicai, are not the kind of people who hold the idea that they must be Han Dynasties. On the contrary, their class makes their minds more receptive to new things.

If Cao Cao makes further progress, they will have more room to display, so why not?

Lu Yan glanced at Cao Cao, but suddenly asked: "Mr. Cao, how do you think Yuan Shao will react?"

Upon hearing this, Cao Cao paused for a moment as he was about to raise his glass to drink the second glass of wine.

"What else can I do? Yuan Shao will definitely be furious, and he will even use this as an excuse to ask for an alliance with Cao..." Cao Cao said mockingly, then raised his head and drank the wine in the glass.

"Very good, Cao Cao hasn't drifted yet, and his self-awareness is still quite clear." Lu Yan was very pleased, and thought to himself: "After Yuan Shu fell, Cao Cao's biggest opponent was Yuan Shao... As long as he captures Yuan Shao, then Cao Cao will

It has the power to sweep the world!"

Lu Yan nodded. Since Cao Cao knew the risks that might arise next, he didn't need to say any more.

After Lu Yan stopped talking, the scene fell into silence for a while.

Cao Cao took the initiative to ask in order not to be left in the cold, "Fengxiao, I heard that you said you wouldn't drink anymore last time, why did you start drinking again today?"

When Guo Jia heard Cao Cao's question, he replied without blushing and heartbeat: "Back to my lord, what Jia said is not to drink anymore... Today, we are drinking health wine."

Cao Cao twitched the corner of his mouth and asked subconsciously: "Is there any other way to say this?"

Seeing that Cao Cao looked like he believed you, Guo Jia pointed at Lu Yan with his chin and said, "If you don't believe me, ask Changsheng. This wine was created by him and Hua Tuo together. It is said to be of great benefit to the body."

"Oh?" Cao Cao suddenly became interested and asked, "What is the difference between this wine and ordinary drinks?"

Hearing this, Lu Yan pointed at the brown wine and said: "This is called tiger bone wine. It is a medicinal wine made from tiger bones and other Chinese herbal medicines plus white wine. It has the effects of strengthening bones and muscles, strengthening waist and feet, and dispelling wind and cold."

.It is mainly used to treat kidney deficiency and bone weakness, cold and pain in the lower abdomen, weakness in walking, shoulder and arm pain. It is suitable for treating wind-induced pain, limb spasm, liver and kidney deficiency and cold, weakness in the waist and feet."

"Cure kidney deficiency?!" Cao Cao's ears twitched, and he sharply highlighted the most important point among the many benefits, "This wine sounds good! Changsheng, how much do you have left?"

Lu Yan thought about it for a moment and replied: "Probably less than three kilograms...These are just gadgets that Hua Tuo and I tinkered with in our free time. If you want them, Mr. Cao, just take them when you leave."


Cao Cao chuckled and said, "Then it would be better for Cao to be respectful than obey your orders!"

"My lord, when are you going to see Miss Cai?" Guo Jia asked suddenly and abruptly at this time. In fact, they all knew that Cao Cao's purpose of coming here was probably not simple.

When Cai Yan was fourteen years old, his literary talent was already shining, and he was proficient in poetry, calligraphy, etiquette, and music. It even reached the point where people only knew about Zhao Ji before they knew about Cai Yong.

Such a strange woman, even when Cao Cao faced her, he would feel a little ashamed in his heart.

However, Cao Cao was also young and energetic at the beginning. The more he hid his inferiority in his heart, the more he wanted to show a heroic, majestic and awesome appearance in front of Cai Yan.

Therefore, when Cao Cao was still studying under Cai Yong, he often boasted in front of Cai Yan.

But looking back now, I can see that what Lao Cao boasted about at the beginning actually came true!

Even more than just succeeding, his current achievements far exceed what he originally said: killing Dong Zhuo, supporting the Han Dynasty, and worshiping the Han Dynasty as the general of the Western Conquest.

Such a result was probably something that Cao Cao himself had never expected.

Cao Cao came to Lu Yan as soon as he became Prime Minister. Do you think he really came just to visit Lu Yan, Guo Jia, Xi Zhicai and others? The drunkard didn't care about drinking. Cao Cao sat down and talked so much.

It's just because my heart is still a little unprepared, and I need to gather more courage before I can face the goddess I used to think of!

This chapter has been completed!
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