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Chapter 149 You hate him so much, I'll send you to see him

"Lu Yan... Lu Yan again... went around in a big circle... I... I fell into Lu Yan's hands after all!!"

"How can this be related to Mr. Lu?" Lu Lingqi was slightly startled and said: "This general came to fetch you on the orders of the military advisor Chen Gong. What does it have to do with Lu Qiaoqi?"

"Haha!" Yuan Shu replied with a look of disbelief: "Who in the world doesn't know that you are the person next to Lu Yan?"

Lu Lingqi was silent, thinking of Lu Yan's face that always had a warm smile, and thought to herself: "Maybe Lu Yan himself doesn't know..."

After a while, Lu Lingqi came back to her senses and saw Yuan Shu and others quietly retreating. She immediately understood that the other party was deliberately distracting her attention.

Lu Lingqi was not annoyed when she saw this. Instead, she sneered and said: "Yuan Shu, where do you want to escape to when you look like this? Today is the day you die!"

Yuan Shu saw that Lu Lingqi was about to take action, so he shouted loudly: "Miss Lu, please be slow!"

"..." Being stopped again, Lu Lingqi became a little impatient and shouted: "I think you are also a prince. If you have any last words, please tell me quickly!"

"Miss, Lingqi!

What's so good about Lu Yan? I have... My eldest brother has his eldest son Yuan Tan, who is calm and courageous; his second son Yuan Xi is young and promising; his third son Yuan Shang is handsome and is most loved by my eldest brother Yuan Shao.

All of them are young and handsome men, wouldn't you pick any one better than Lu Yan, that fake man who can't touch women?"

Yuan Shu's words were a bit harsh, and he almost didn't directly say what Lu Yan was.

Lu Lingqi's face suddenly became gloomy.

In her heart, Mr. Lu sacrificed his personal happiness for the dawn of the world, and was a sacred and noble existence that could not be tarnished.

Just now, she wanted to take Yuan Shu's head to complete the task, but now she changed her mind and didn't want Yuan Shu to die so happily.

Lu Lingqi's whole body was filled with chills and she asked again: "Yuan Shu, do you hate Lu Yan?"

"I hate it! Lu Yan ruined my foundation and ruined my life! I can't wait to eat his flesh, drink his blood, and sleep on his skin!!!"

Yuan Shu almost broke his teeth when he said this, which shows how deep his hatred for Lu Yan is.

Lu Lingqi nodded and said expressionlessly: "Since you hate him so much, then I will be a good person and send you to Lu Yan to create an opportunity for you to take revenge with your own hands."

Damn it! Miss, what kind of joke are you kidding?

"Gah!" Yuan Shu, who just hated Lu Yan so much, his eyes suddenly bulged when he heard this, and he shouted in panic: "No! No! I don't want to see him! No!"

Yuan Shu was so frightened that he trembled all over. He had just said such cruel words, and if he were to get in front of Lu Yan, he would be the one who would be eaten, drank, and slept with.

Lu Lingqi had made up her mind. She wanted to capture Yuan Shu alive, first complete the task assigned to her by Chen Gong, and then send someone to deliver Yuan Shu to Lu Yan. Although this would be more troublesome, it would relieve her hatred.

Yuan Shu panicked and urged his horse desperately to turn around and run away.

Seeing this, Lu Lingqi stopped talking. Fang Tian pointed his halberd forward and shouted angrily: "Soldiers! Anyone who captures Yuan Shu alive will be promoted to two ranks and rewarded with a hundred gold coins!"

Lu Lingqi made an extremely tempting offer, and this battle was basically not difficult. It was simply a waste of effort!

With an order, a thousand wolf riders suddenly sprang out from behind Lu Lingqi,

"Capture Yuan Shu alive!!"

"Where did Yuan Shu run away!!!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

These thousand cavalrymen are the most elite Bingzhou wolf cavalry around Lu Bu. In order to please Lu Lingqi, Lu Bu specially allocated them to Lu Lingqi to enjoy the general's addiction.

Lu Bu knew that it was not easy to lead an army. He originally thought that Lu Lingqi, who had never led an army before, would encounter many problems in the actual process and quickly lose interest.

Who knew that Lu Lingqi had spent countless days fighting in Lu Yanjun's army, and had also learned many of Chen Liujun's unique training methods.

Just a few months later, this brave and rebellious Bingzhou Langsha was trained by Lu Lingqi to be obedient and obey her orders. This made Chen Gong and Lu Bu look at Lu Lingqi with admiration.

From Chen Liuhui, Lu Lingqi not only made great progress in her literary and martial arts character, but now also demonstrated the extraordinary ability to command troops. So Lu Bu was pleased and officially assigned these thousand people to Lu Lingqi, and Chen Gong also

Taking advantage of the situation, Lu Lingqi was given the first opportunity to go out on business.

Yuan Shu was defeated again in Runan, and when he was desperate, he attempted to secretly pass through Xuzhou to Yuan Tan's territory in Qingzhou to seek refuge.

What Chen Gong wants is Yuan Shu's head, and Yuan Shu's head can bring Lu Bu unparalleled reputation and generous rewards from the Han court.

Thousands of remnants of the defeated generals collapsed under the impact of the cavalry led by Lu Lingqi in almost one encounter.

Lu Lingqi did not take action. Her cavalry was more than enough to deal with such remnant soldiers.

The last remnants of Yuan Shu's army were crushed in an instant, and Yuan Shu himself was captured alive by a centurion of the Wolf Cavalry after being chased by the cavalry for a while.

Amid cheers and admiration, the centurion turned Yuan Shu over to Lu Lingqi.

Yuan Shu's face was ashen at this moment, and he might have foreseen his fate.

Looking at Yuan Shu who had turned into a puddle of mud, Lu Lingqi suddenly felt that her interest was lacking. This was simply because of the food she fed into her mouth...

"Take them back and hand them over to the military advisor first." After giving the final order, Lu Lingqi turned her horse's head and walked slowly towards the camp alone...

Lu Bu's forces in Qingzhou intercepted Yuan Shu who intended to join Yuan Shao.

Under Chen Gong's operation, Lu Bu sent Wei Xu to put Yuan Shu into a prison cart and escort him to Xudu.

On the way to many places, Yuan Shu, who had been a prisoner from the emperor's downfall, kept chanting: "The Han Dynasty has lost its deer, and the whole world will chase it away! I, the Yuan family, have been appointed by heaven to rule the world, and my destiny is auspicious and bright."

Then Cao Cao still wants to support the weakened imperial court, how can the broken destiny be restored? Pedantic!"

Yuan Shu was talking to himself, swaying with the bumpy prison car.

He seemed to see the high-spirited Yuan Shu who scolded Fang Qiu again; in a trance, he saw the Yuan Shu who put on the dragon robe, climbed on the dragon chair, and enjoyed the supreme dignity among thousands of people...

But now, he is just a prisoner who was sent to Xudu to take credit...

Looking back at Yuan Shu's life, he was successful and powerful, but he also ruined his good situation because he was too greedy and arrogant.

After Yuan Shu became emperor, he had more than a hundred wives and concubines in his harem alone.

Moreover, he built palaces without regard to the waste of people and money; he drank and ate fine wine and was extravagant every day.

However, the soldiers in Yuan Shu's army and the people under his rule were always in a state of hunger and cold. People in the Jianghuai area were in dire straits. Cannibalism was common during famine, and many places had even been depopulated.

Yuan Shu had completely lost the hearts of the people, and later even lost the morale of the military, so that veteran generals like Lei Bo, who had followed him in the north and south, deserted him.

Only those who win the hearts of the people can win the world. Unfortunately, Yuan Shu, who came from a wealthy family, did not understand this truth.

This chapter has been completed!
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