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Chapter 183 The mantis catches the cicada and the oriole behind (thanks to [godess_moon]

Sun Ce's biggest enemy is Huang Zu of Jiangxia. You must know that the hatred for killing his father is irreconcilable. If Huang Zu is not destroyed, Sun Ce will not have peace of mind.

According to Sun Ce and Zhou Yu's plan for the future, the next step after capturing Lujiang is to attack Jiangxia.

Another advantage of capturing Jiangxia is that you can form a horn with Chai Sang to take the initiative. You can cross the Yangtze River anytime and anywhere to attack Jiangling or Xiangyang. Compared with Cao Cao in the north, Liu Biao is undoubtedly easier to bully.


However, whether heading north or west, the Lujiang River is a hurdle that cannot be circumvented.

It stands between the east and west roads of the Yangtze River. If we don't capture it, all our ambitions will be in vain.

Less than three days after Zhao Xue met Liu Ye, Sun Ce's envoy arrived at Lujiang.

The envoy handed Liu Xun a letter written by Sun Ce, ordered people to donate a large amount of money and treasures, and then withdrew.

In the letter, Sun Ce spoke highly of Liu Xun, saying that Liu Xun's fame spread far and wide, that he benefited the people, and that people today admire his fame and achievements. Sun Ce also expressed his intention to form an alliance with Liu Xun and make peace forever.

The letter also said that Sun Ce was too weak and was constantly harassed by armies from Shangliao and other places, which made him miserable.

Therefore, Sun Ce hoped that Liu Xun could send troops to conquer Shangliao and other places to relieve his troubles. To this end, he specially offered some small gifts to express his respect. After the deed was accomplished, he would also give heavy gifts to thank him.

After Liu Xun read the letter, he seemed very proud of Sun Ce's strong praise in the letter. He picked up the glass tea set sent by Sun Ce and muttered to himself: "Tsk, tsk! This set of 'small gifts' alone is worth thousands of gold..."


If the gift is so small, how "heavy" should it be for the heavy gift?

Later, Liu Xun handed the letter to his subordinates to read, and he couldn't help but fall into reverie.

After the letter paper passed through everyone's hands, Liu Xun came back to his senses and asked everyone proudly: "Everyone, Sun Ce is somewhat self-aware... Do you think that if he sends troops to attack Shangliao here?

Is it possible?”

Liu Xun's cousin Liu Kai stood up and said: "Back to the prefect, there is plenty of food and grass in Shangliao and other places, but the guards are not strong. We are also short of food now, so it is the right time to send troops to attack!"

"Sun Ce is willing to form an alliance, so we only need to guard against Xiahou Dun in the north. We can indeed send troops!"

"Xiahou Dun has suffered several defeats at our hands. As long as his defense is not relaxed, Xiahou Dun poses no threat at all. I think we can send troops to attack Shangxiao!"

Most people were in favor of sending troops, but some people kept their heads clear.

A scribe stood up, raised his hand and said to Liu Xun: "To the eunuch, although Shangliao and other places are small, their defenses are quite complete. In addition, the terrain of Shangliao is very easy to defend and difficult to attack. Even if you personally lead the army to go on an expedition,

I'm afraid it won't be captured in one or two days.

Once the army leaves, the Lujiang defense will inevitably be empty, which may give an opportunity to those who are willing to take advantage of it... The governor has forgotten to think twice before taking action!"

"A person with intentions?" Liu Xun leaned forward and asked with a smile: "Who are you referring to?"

The man pointed to several large boxes of money and treasures in the hall and said, "Of course it's Sun Ce."

Liu Xun had just been praised by Sun Ce, and he was feeling proud. If Sun Ce was really thoughtful, wouldn't it mean that Liu Xun was tricked by Sun Ce?

Moreover, the letter said that after Liu Xun took off his upper body, he would be given more generous gifts...Liu Xun was already extremely greedy, and at this moment, he was blinded by sweet words and interests, so he could not listen to advice.

Liu Xun pretended to be heroic and said: "We have formed an alliance with Sun Boxu... Sun Boxu is a hero in this world, how could he do such a treacherous thing?"

After finishing speaking, Liu Xun ignored the scribe's advice and said directly to Liu Kai: "Go and inform Sun Ce's envoy that I agree to form an alliance and will march to capture Shangliao in half a month. But we

There is already a shortage of food and grass, so ask Sun Ce if he can support my 50,000-strong army with food and grass for a month."

Liu Qie understood this deeply, and after clasping his fists in agreement, he left the Sheriff's Mansion with excited steps.

Naturally, Sun Ce agreed to Liu Xun's greedy request. It was just three months of food and grass, and he, Sun Ce, could afford it!

Anyway, you can get it back sooner or later. It doesn't matter if you leave it at Liu Xun's place first. Maybe you can find an excuse to let Liu Xun's people carry the grain and grass, and save some of your own manpower...

On the third day after Sun Ce's grain and extra "filial piety" arrived in Lujiang City, Liu Xun began to mobilize troops and horses, preparing to lead an army of 40,000 to attack westward to capture Shangliao.

When Liu Xun was preparing to send troops, Liu Ye also found Liu Xun according to the plan decided upon with Zhao Xue, and explained his willingness to lead the army to defend Lujiang.

Liu Xun always attached great importance to Liu Ye.

Not only because of Liu Ye's high reputation, but also because of his trust in him who took the initiative to entrust Zheng Bao's entire story to him.

Liu Xun also expressed his wish for Liu Ye to assist him many times, but Liu Ye has always been unwilling to serve as an official.

Liu Xun led the army to the expedition, but he was still a little worried about the safety of Lujiang River. Liu Xun was very touched by Liu Ye's willingness to stand up at this moment.

There is no doubt about Liu Ye's ability. Liu Xun appointed Liu Ye as his commander without saying a word and gave him full command of the more than 10,000 garrison troops left behind in Lujiang.


When Sun Ce and Zhou Yu, who were in Jiangdong, learned that Liu Xun personally led an army of 40,000 to attack Shangliao, they couldn't help but smile proudly on their faces.

Sun Ce and Liu Xun once served under Yuan Shu, and Sun Ce knew Liu Xun's character very well.

Seeing that Liu Xun had fallen into the trap and led his army to leave Lujiang as expected, Sun Ce and Zhou Yu summoned a 20,000-strong army that had been secretly preparing for a long time, and planned to send troops to sneak attack Lujiang County in time for Liu Xun's expedition.

But Sun Ce and Zhou Yu probably never dreamed that while they were plotting against Liu Xun and Lujiang County, there were still people secretly watching their every move.

After Ding San read the secret letter sent by Zhao Xue, he said to Ding Si: "She is indeed the captain! She actually said that she had surrendered Liu Ye, the queen of the royal family in Lujiang."

"The captain is not only wise and mighty, but also looks like a fairy..." Ding Si murmured to himself.

Ding San glanced at Ding Si and said, "Stop your dirty thoughts..."

Ding Si snorted and replied: "Don't think I don't know you also like the captain..."

Ding San grinned and said: "Slim ladies and gentlemen are so cool... But I am different from you, I just like you. You know, there are not ten but seven or eight people who secretly like our captain.

Even the captain of Jiazi Battalion, Yan Feng, seems to have some interest in our captain."

Ding Si fell into silence when he heard this. After a while, he smiled bitterly and said: "It's such a coincidence... then I have no hope at all..."

"I have given up hope for a long time..." Ding San shrugged and brought the topic back to the topic, "The captain's letter said that after Sun Ce sends troops for half a month, we can start an uprising in the rear."

"Well, I want to take a rest after finishing this big thing..." Ding Si suddenly sighed and said.

"Yes, I will go with you to see Mr. when the time comes." Ding San also had the same idea, but he thought more, "Let's go and beg Mr., maybe we can get a good job!"

Hearing this, Ding Si nodded and said: "Sir, he treated us very well. There were brothers who left the Shadow Guard and became local officials and prospered... But I don't want to go anywhere, I just want to stay in Chenliu County.


"Then stay in Chenliu County and farm, then marry a wife and give birth to a few fat boys!"

"Hahaha! I want to give birth to ten children!"

This chapter has been completed!
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