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Chapter 200 Prepared, willing to be the barrier of the big man

June, the fourth year of Jian'an.

After Yuan Shao issued a proclamation against Cao Cao, various newspapers, news, and information in Cao Cao's territory broke out overwhelmingly, and began to create public opinion and mobilize before the war.

Even before the two counties fought, a fierce battle of public opinion had already begun. These newspapers were spread all over the world along with businessmen or travelers, and the atmosphere of war became even stronger for a time.

Yuan Shao wanted to destroy Cao Cao, but the first people who refused to agree were the people under Cao Cao's rule.

They had finally lived a peaceful life for several years, but Yuan Shao was about to attack them. The poor and downtrodden days in the past often reappeared in nightmares, shocking them into cold sweats. How could they be willing to go back to the past?

Only when you have experienced suffering can you appreciate the peace that never comes.

As soon as Zhuge Liang scolded Yuan Shao and various scholars' articles refuting Cao Cao came out, the people suddenly became excited and full of fighting spirit, vowing to dedicate their blood to their families and homes!

The people cherish peace the most. Anyone who wants to break this peaceful day will be beaten to the ground!

But unlike the common people who were determined to defend their homeland to the death, some officials and aristocratic families were not so determined to resist Yuan Shao.

The atmosphere in the court today was a bit heavy. Yuan Shao's army and that gorgeous article made some people's hearts waver.

For a long time no one dared to speak out.

Liu Xie sat on the dragon chair and couldn't help but yawned out of boredom.

Since the Yidaizhao incident ended, Liu Xie seemed to have changed. He was no longer cautious or fantasizing about regaining his rights, but began to enjoy life seriously every day. Occasionally, he would express his opinions and urges at court meetings.

Let’s talk about the plan to rebuild Luoyang.

He only has two wishes now, one is to see the world reunited; the other is to rebuild Luoyang and let the memorial tablets of his ancestors return to the imperial temple. As for who will sit on the throne in the future, he no longer cares.

Lu Yan said that the Han Dynasty has become the glory and pride of the nation, so if Cao Cao wins the world, there is a high probability that the country's name "Han" will still be used.

In fact, the Eastern Han Dynasty and the Western Han Dynasty are probably no longer related by blood, so what's wrong with Cao Han?

If Lao Cao hadn't been older than himself, it wouldn't be a bad idea to adopt him as his adopted son and pass the throne to him. Maybe it would extend Liu Han's life...

"Yawn!" Liu Xie thought about it and yawned again.

He turned his head and glanced at Cao Cao, who was sitting next to him with his eyes closed and silent. Finally, he curled his lips and asked: "My lords, if you have something to do, please withdraw from the court!"

After a while, Liu Xie saw that no one stood up to speak. He frowned in displeasure and thought, "It's a waste of my time."

Just when Liu Xie was about to call out to withdraw from the court, someone finally couldn't stand anymore and came out and said, "I have something to tell your Majesty!"

Liu Xie took a look and saw that it was the famous scholar Kong Rong, so he patiently said: "Kong Aiqing, please speak!"

Although Kong Rong has always been a fan of Cao Cao, but now that Yuan Shao's army is pressing down, he still feels that Cao Cao may not be able to resist. After all, being a fan is one thing, but saving one's life is another. The two cannot be confused.

After Kong Rong handed over to Liu Xie and Cao Cao, he said: "Yuan Shao has a vast territory and many troops. This time, he has amassed a total of 700,000 troops by the Yellow River! Moreover, he has Tian Feng, Xu You and other wise men to advise him; he has Ju Sue,

Shen Pei and others will supervise the three armies for him; as well as Yan Liang and Wen Chou, who are brave generals like the three armies, I am afraid it will be difficult for us to resist his edge!"

Kong Rong's words made many ministers nod in agreement. Judging from the way they were ready to make a move, they seemed to think that Cao Cao could not resist Yuan Shao's march south.

Someone took the lead, and those who advocated peace also stood up one after another and opposed war with Yuan Shao.

Looking at this group of people jumping up and down, Cao Cao couldn't help but sneer in his heart and said to himself: "The so-called celebrities from aristocratic families are so ugly."

Cao Cao was still sitting on the chair, but his eyes had been opened and he was staring at Kong Rong curiously.

Cao Cao's little eyes made Kong Rong feel chills running down his spine. Just when he could no longer hold on and wanted to apologize, Xun Yu stood up and said, "Your Majesty, Prime Minister! I also have something to say!"

"Xun Lingjun, please speak!" Liu Xie cheered up and said.

"Although Yuan Shao's soldiers were numerous, he did not order them to be tidied up.

Tian Feng, Ju Shou was headstrong and prone to offending, and now he has been imprisoned by Yuan Shao.

Xu You was greedy and undisciplined, he was a dictatorial judge without any plan, he was decisive and self-willed in the face of discipline, and Guo Tu was a shameless villain, so there was nothing to worry about.

As for Yan Liang and Wen Chou, they are just as brave as an ordinary man. Compared with Zhao Zilong, who is unparalleled in wisdom and bravery in our army, who is invincible in foot battles, Dian Huilai, and who kills Taishi Ziyi and others on his back, they are not even a little bit behind!"

Xun Yu's words made more ministers nod their heads. The number of wise and brave men under Cao Cao may be smaller than that of Yuan Shao, but the quality is not the same at all.

In addition to Zhao Yun, Dian Wei, Tai Shi Ci, Lu Yan also had Huang Zhong, Xia Houlan, and perhaps Gan Ning;

Cao Cao can mobilize generals such as Xia Houyuan, Zhang Liao, Wei Yan, and Li Dian. There are also five counselors headed by Xi Zhicai, Xun Yu, Xun You, Jia Xu, and Cheng Yu, as well as the shadows who have independently controlled the special agency.

Guo Jia.

Fighting against ministers and generals? Cao Cao is probably several levels higher than Yuan Shao!

Xun Yu's words strengthened Cao Cao's determination to fight Yuan Shao.

Cao Cao stood up, walked to the steps, and looked around at the civil servants and generals in the hall...

Finally, his eyes rested on Liu Bei.

A glint of unknown meaning flashed in Cao Cao's eyes, and he asked: "General Zuo, what do you think of this?"

Liu Bei was suddenly called by Cao Cao, but he didn't look panicked at all.

Liu Bei, who had no trouble in ancient times, walked out of the queue, bowed respectfully to Liu Xie and Cao Cao, and then said: "Return to your majesty, Prime Minister. I thought that Yuan Shao was a man who was scheming, indecisive, timid, ambitious, incapable, and indecisive.

If you focus on small immediate gains and forget about great righteousness, even if you have many soldiers and sufficient food, you will not be afraid!"

"Good guy! Liu Bei actually agrees with Feng Xiao on Yuan Shao's views. In terms of his ability to understand people, Liu Bei is probably rare in the world!" Liu Bei's words made Cao Cao's eyes suddenly open, and a trace of fear flashed through Cao Cao's eyes!

Liu Bei knew without even looking that Cao Cao would be wary of him, but since he stood up and said these words, he was already prepared in his heart.

Don't forget, Liu Bei looks like a gentle gentleman on the outside, but in essence he is a very strong-tempered and independent person!

Liu Bei suddenly clasped his fists at Cao Cao and said: "This general is incompetent and has spent half his life in the army! Now Yuan Shao has raised an unjust army to invade Tianwei. The last general is willing to serve as a hussar general, a front soldier, a barrier for the people, a barrier for Your Majesty, and a

The Great Han’s Barrier!!!”


Deathly silence!

This chapter has been completed!
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