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Chapter 215: When the water is mixed, it is easy to fish

Just as Lu Yan expected, Guo Jia told Cao Cao the famous theory of ten wins and ten losses!

"It is known to everyone that Liu and Xiang were defeated. The ancestors of the Han Dynasty only outsmarted Xiang Yu, so although Yu was strong, he was eventually captured.

Today, Shao has suffered ten defeats and Gong has ten victories. Although Shao is strong, he cannot do anything.

Shao has many rituals and rituals, and the public body is left to its own devices. This is the way to win;

Shao acted against the will and the public obeyed to lead the world. This is the victory of justice;

Since the time of Huan and Ling, the government has failed to be lenient, and Shao has been lenient to the lenient, so it is not taken care of. The public corrections are fierce and the top and bottom know how to control. This is the victory of the government;

Be generous on the outside and taboo on the inside, be suspicious of people when hiring, appoint only relatives and children, be easy on the outside but clear on the inside, there is no doubt that people should be hired only according to their talents, regardless of distance, this is the best way to win;

Shao has more plans and less decisions, and loses it in the affairs of the future. The public can make plans and act at will, with endless adaptability. This is how to win;

Shao Gao negotiates and yields in order to gain reputation. The good words of a scholar are mostly appreciated by people who show off their words. He treats others with sincerity and sincerity, and does not use false beauty. Those who are loyal, upright, farsighted and practical are all willing to use them. This is the winning virtue;

When I see people who are hungry and cold, I feel sorry for them, and it is reflected in their colors. I don’t see what I see, and I may not be able to take care of it. I am always neglecting the small things at present.

If you don't see it, you will be careful about everything. This kind of kindness is the best;

The ministers of Shao fought for power and made slanderous remarks to confuse chaos, but the ministers followed the Tao and failed to infiltrate it. This is a clear victory;

It is impossible to know what is right and wrong, and what is not correct is to be treated with the law. This article is the best;

Shao Hao is a weak force, he does not know the key points of the army, he uses a small number to defeat the masses, he uses his troops like a god, the soldiers rely on him, and the enemy is afraid of him, this is the victory of martial arts."

In his eloquent words, Guo Jia criticized Yuan Shao to no avail.

Whether you look at it horizontally or vertically, Yuan Shao is definitely no match for your Cao Cao.

After these words, not only Cao Cao, but also Dian Wei, Zhang Fei and others felt that Yuan Shao was just a paper tiger who was strong on the outside but weak on the inside...

Although Guo Jia did not put forward a specific policy for defeating Yuan Shao,

But his words were like a shot in the arm to everyone. They came very timely and were very important.

As soon as the theory of ten victories and ten defeats came out, Cao Cao's confidence, which had begun to waver, became firm again.

The other civil and military officials in the big tent were now much less afraid of Yuan Shao.

Cao Cao struck while the iron was hot and said decisively: "I think it is appropriate for Mr. Lu to concentrate his efforts on Guandu..."

"Here comes! Pass this message down, break camp and return to Guandu tonight!"

"Send an order to Xiahou Yuan to lead his troops to withdraw to Guandu overnight, without any mistake!"

"Send the order to withdraw the Wuchao garrison and fully assist Guandu in strengthening its defense!"

"Also, logistics will speed up the transportation of arrows and equipment, repeating crossbows, and trebuchets. Bring me as many as you can!"


After issuing a series of orders, Cao Cao finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After sorting out his deployment, Cao Cao felt that he had almost achieved the ultimate goal that he could think of.

It all depends on people. He thinks he has made the best response.

As for which direction the situation will develop in the future, we will only know the details at that time.


In the middle of July of the third year of Jian'an.

After Yuan Shao defeated Xiahou Yuan's eighth camp, he suddenly stopped moving forward.

Without it, Yuan Shao's 400,000-strong army was about to run out of food and fodder. He had to temporarily rest and wait for the subsequent food shipments to arrive. By the way, Yuan Shao could also take the opportunity to stabilize the food roads in the rear to avoid Cao's army emerging from Dongjun or other places.

Threaten your own lifeline.

At the beginning of the third year of Jian'an, after Yuan Shao destroyed Gongsun Zan, he actually wanted to take advantage of his great victory and go south to destroy Cao Cao.

But he still delayed his troops to march south until May, because Qu Yi had besieged Gongsun Zan for nearly a year and exhausted Yuan Shao's old base.

From January to May, Yuan Shao spent several months trying every means to raise food and grass.

Regardless of whether it is Jizhou, Youzhou, or even Qingzhou and Bingzhou, he will try his best to allocate grain.

After defeating Baima and occupying Yanjin, Yuan Shao's supply line will become longer and longer as his army moves further south.

The current food and fodder for Yuan's army comes from Youbian Prefecture and is delivered to Yuan Shao's army via Yanjin; the other route is from Qingzhou and Hebei Prefecture, passes through Liyang, and then is delivered to Yuan Shao's hands by Baima.

The two grain roads are the lifeline to maintain Yuan Shao's 400,000-strong army, so Yuan Shao cannot be careless.

The Yanjin road is relatively safe, while the Baima road is threatened by the defenders of Chen Deng and Yu Jin from Dongjun.

During this period, Qingzhou Governor Yuan Tan, the eldest son of Yuan Shao, also began to take action.

Yuan Tan has some tricks, but he doesn't have much talent. When Yuan Tan and Kong Rong were fighting each other, he still had some advantages, but against a prince like Cao Cao, or a resourceful person like Chen Deng,

When he was a scholar, Yuan Tan behaved like a little boy in kindergarten.

Seeing that Yuan Shao had broken through Baima and penetrated deep into Cao Cao's hinterland.

In order to please Yuan Shao, Yuan Tan sent 50,000 troops from Qingzhou with the intention of sneak attacking Dongjun from the rear, hoping to solve Yuan Shao's serious problem in Puyang.

Yuan Shao left 30,000 garrison troops in Baima to prevent soldiers from Dongjun from coming out to cause trouble.

If he could get rid of the defenders of Dongjun or even capture Dongjun, wouldn't he be one step closer to that position if he has made such a great contribution?

The more Yuan Tan thought about it, the more passionate he became, so he only left 20,000 defenders in Qingzhou Plain and other counties, while he personally led an army of 50,000, marching day and night in an attempt to sneak attack Puyang City.

However, Chen Deng, the governor of Dongjun, had already been on guard against Yuan Tan of Qingzhou.

In the direction of Qingzhou, Chen Deng had laid countless secrets long ago. As soon as Yuan Tan's army moved, the secretaries immediately sent the news back to Chen Deng, and Chen Deng arranged in advance to set up an ambush at the place where Yuan Tan crossed the river.

The soldiers were halfway across and struck him!

Yu Jin is well versed in the art of war and has a good grasp of timing.

When only half of Yuan Tan's 50,000-strong army had crossed the Yellow River, Yu Jin personally led an ambush force and suddenly came out!

Yuan's army was caught off guard, and the army was in chaos. Yu Jin's ambush soldiers killed them and left their helmets and armor behind, and they returned in defeat.

Yuan Tan had 50,000 soldiers when he came, but when he returned, there were less than one-third. Most of them were driven down the Yellow River by Cao's army and drowned...

What does it mean to arrive in good spirits and then return in disgrace? Yuan Tan Lao Tielai will personally give you an example.

While Yuan Tan sent troops to sneak attack Dongjun,

Qingzhou Lu Bu, who had been taking no action, finally took action!

Yuan Tan and his army had just returned to the border of Qingzhou when suddenly three groups of people came out and headed straight for Yuan Tan!

Looking from a distance, the banners of the three groups were "Lü", "Wei" and "Song" respectively. Yuan Tan thought it was Lu Bu who was leading the army personally, and was so frightened that he left the remaining soldiers and went to Liyang alone.

direction to escape to.

But the person standing under the banner of Lu is not Lu Bu, but the eldest lady who has become more mature and beautiful after a long time, Lu Lingqi!

Watching Yuan Tan leave, Lu Lingqi raised her hand to stop the subordinates behind her who wanted to catch up, and said: "The military advisor has an order, let Yuan Tan leave, and just recruit Yuan's soldiers and seize the equipment and materials."

Wei Xu came to Lu Lingqi and asked: "Miss, this Yuan Tan is the fat fish! Why doesn't the military advisor let us capture him? Maybe we can use him to exchange some territory with Yuan Shao!"

Lu Lingqi glanced at Wei Xuhou and replied with a half-smile: "The military advisor doesn't want to completely break up with Yuan Shao yet."

"But Yuan Tan has been driven out of Qingzhou by us. Isn't this considered a loss of face?"

"You can save these questions and ask the military advisor later. Now just act according to the plan."

"Oh..." Wei Xu retreated angrily.

Lu Lingqi looked towards Chen Liu,

After a long while, she finally couldn't help the worry in her heart and murmured to herself: "Father's military advisor has finally started to take action... Sir, you must hold on..."

This chapter has been completed!
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