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Chapter 2 Your son's house, here we come!

In the yamen of Chenliu Mansion,

Cao Cao feels a little sore in his head now.

One is because I don’t know how I will go in the future.

One is because Lu Yan has been treated a little cruelly recently...

Cao Cao still doesn't know why he will massacre the city in the future.

So now he can't think of the farming that Lu Yan has been thinking about so much.

In fact, he just wanted to solve the future food crisis for the people and the army under his rule.

To what extent did the food crisis push Cao?

According to "Shiyu of Wei and Jin Dynasties":

"At the beginning, Cao Cao was short of food, so Yu took over his own county and provided him with three days' worth of food, which he mixed with dried meat. As a result, he lost the hope of the court and was unable to take the throne."

It probably means,

In order to prevent Cao Cao from being controlled by Yuan Shao due to food issues, Cheng Yu

He went so far as to plunder his own territory.

The dead people were also made into dried meat to serve as military rations!

This shows how far food issues can distort human nature.

This is also one of the situations Lu Yan least wants to see.

Cao Cao is most criticized for these few things:

Kill Lu Boshe’s family,

Xuzhou Massacre,

human meat dry food,

And seize other people's wives.

The former is about pursuing ideals at all costs, but the last one is a personal matter. Although a young woman is good, she cannot take it by force.

If Lu Yan wants to stay in the Cao Group for a long time, a stable home front is a major prerequisite.

But there is no food in Te Miao, and the people have to exchange their own goods for food. How stable is this?

How to relieve worries?

Only farming!

So after Lu Yan came back, he gave up his post as Army Sima.

Instead, Cao Cao set up some kind of military commander.

Then I ran to farm with my farmer uncle.

When Lu Yan did this, it really gave Cao Cao a headache.

"Mr. Lu, immortal...even if you don't want to reveal the secret,

You can't give me explicit instructions,

Even if you reveal some future-related news in your diary, that would be great!

Farming and fishing every day, is this worthy of your status as an immortal?"

Cao Cao thought about it,

I still feel that Lu Yan cannot be left alone for too long,

It would be such a waste to keep such a great god beside you and not be able to use it.


Lu Yan, who still doesn’t know that his good days are coming to an end,

I was tinkering with some strange things with two men in the workshop.

So many months have passed,

Lu Yan got a lot of strange things from the system by keeping a diary.

Apart from the most basic elixirs,

There are also some clothing, accessories and other equipment,

Then there are drawings, seeds, recipes and other things.

It's a pity that apart from the curved shaft plow and the wind-powered waterwheel, the drawings are all of little use.

There are very few seeds and recipes, and they are basically useless.

For example, soap recipes,

Lu Yan's first reaction when he got it was,

"Now that we can't even afford food, is there really any point in making soap?"

There are only three kinds of seeds, chili pepper, Chinese prickly ash, and Chinese cabbage.

Not to mention the Chinese cabbage that is now available, the chili and Sichuan peppercorns are not enough to make people full except as seasonings!

Only by solving the problem of food and clothing,

Only then will people pursue quality of life,

Now we are in troubled times again,

How can I have so many resources and leisure to make soaps, seasonings, etc...

Those high-yielding grains known to later generations,

Such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, improved rice, etc.

Well, Lu Yan doesn't have one now...

What can be grown now are mainly wheat, millet, millet, soybeans, etc.

Moreover, due to factors such as planting methods, land reclamation methods, and field fertility, grain yields are very low.

Lu Yan was studying Qu Yuanli here, when Cao Cao suddenly came to his office.

The curved shaft plow consists of eleven parts.

That is, plow share, plow wall, plow bottom, pressing trowel, forehead, plow arrow, plow shaft, plow tip, plow blade, plow frame and plow plate.

From long shaft to curved shaft, short shaft,

The shaft head is also equipped with a plow disc that can rotate freely, making it lighter and more flexible.

Moreover, when farming in dry fields,

The curved shaft plow can also be pulled by manpower, which can also free up some cattle, thus increasing productivity.

Cao Cao walked into Lu Yan's humble workshop,

I saw him instructing two craftsmen to play with a strange prop.

So he asked curiously: "Mr. Lu, what are you doing?"

When the two craftsmen saw Cao Cao coming, they saluted respectfully and shouted: "Mr. Cao!"

But Lu Yan didn't even raise his eyes and said to the two craftsmen: "Hey! It will be assembled soon, don't stop!"

The two craftsmen looked at Cao Cao, somewhat at a loss.

"You guys continue."

It wasn't until Cao Cao spoke that the two craftsmen continued their previous work.

Seeing that Cao Cao's arrival had disrupted his work rhythm, Lu Yan asked unhappily:

"Mr. Cao, why are you free to come to my place today?"

Cao Cao saw that Lu Yan didn't like him, so he smiled unnaturally and replied: "Damn it, I haven't seen you for a long time. I miss you a little."

"Fuck!" Lu Yan rubbed his arms, took two steps away from Cao Cao, and said quickly:

"Don't do this, Mr. Cao. If you have anything to say, please just say it."

Cao Cao looked around and asked, "Say it here?"

Of course we can’t say it here,

Lu Yan invited Cao Cao to his office.

Although it is still very rough here, at least it is not leaking from wind and rain, and there are tables and cushions.

After inviting Cao Cao to sit down at the main seat,

Lu Yan then asked: "Mr. Cao, I wonder why you came to see Mr. Lu?"

Cao Cao considered his words for a while before replying: "Cao Cao has been staying in Chenliu for several months and is a little confused about the future development."

"Yes, this person is here to ask about the plan..." Lu Yan said in his heart: "I know the general direction of your development, but I don't know the details!"

Lu Yan really didn't know how Cao Cao suddenly became rich.

He only knew that Cao Cao rose with unstoppable momentum after acquiring Xun Yu, Guo Jia, Xun You, and Chen Yu.

Seeing that Cao Cao seemed to want to ask himself some very bald questions,

In order not to let trouble bother me,

And for the sake of my own farming business,

Lu Yan rolled his eyes and said to Cao Cao in a pretentious manner:

"There is no need to be impatient, Mr. Cao. Haven't you already issued an order seeking talents? There will always be talents who will answer your questions."

"More than a month has passed and I haven't seen the talented person you mentioned. There are quite a few people who are eating and drinking here."


Lu Yan didn't know how to answer for a while.

He remembered that Xun Yu was the one who took refuge with Cao Cao in the winter of the second year of Chuping.

I guess this should be coming soon.

Thinking of this, Lu Yan said to Cao Cao:

"Mr. Cao, please be at ease.

It will take time for the order to seek talents to be issued.

It also takes time for talented people to come to Chenliu.

Believe me,

You just have to wait a little longer,

Talents will surely follow!"

Cao Cao glanced at Lu Yan suspiciously and thought to himself:

"Did Mr. Lu just say it casually or did he reveal the information in advance?

Why don't you just write it in your diary?

Otherwise, it would be really difficult for me to distinguish the authenticity from the fake!”

at this time,

Xiahou Dun's loud voice suddenly sounded,

"Brother, brother, are you here?"

"I'm here!"

After hearing Cao Cao's voice, Xiahou Dun strode into Lu Yan's small office.

Under Lu Yan’s curious eyes,

Xiahou Dun said to Cao Cao mysteriously:

"Brother, a scribe came from outside Chenliu City and said he wanted to see you by name!"

"Are you here?" Lu Yan's eyes lit up and he asked first, "The person here is about thirty years old, dressed simply but with an extraordinary temperament?"

"Ah! Lu Sima, you are amazing, you have guessed all this!"

Xiahou Dun was surprised, suddenly laughed again, and joked:

"Sima, why don't you guess again, what is the scribe's name?"

Lu Yan did not answer Xiahou Dun directly.

He stood up,

Walking up to Cao Cao, he said to Cao Cao with a very solemn expression:

"Mr. Cao, your son's wife is here!"

Xiahou Dun: "?"

Cao Cao: "!!!"

This chapter has been completed!
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