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Chapter 272 Northern Expedition! Northern Expedition!

Xi Zhicai, Guo Jia and Jia Xu were hastily recalled from the governor's house by Lu Yan.

Suddenly hearing that Cao Cao was going to start the Northern Expedition against Yuan Shao, the three of them were shocked at first and then immediately became excited: "Changsheng, are we really going to start?"

Lu Yan nodded slightly, and then handed the letter in his hand to Guo Jia.

Guo Jia couldn't wait to unfold it, and Xi Zhicai and Jia Xu beside him also leaned their heads to watch together.

After a while, Xi Zhicai and Jia Xu sighed in unison:

"I see!"

"It turned out to be the Black Mountain Army who defected to the Lord!"

Lu Yan smiled and said: "That's right, Mr. Cao will not miss this opportunity for the Northern Expedition that fell from the sky."

Xi Zhicai thought for a moment and said:

"Zhang Yan's Black Mountain Army has a total of 100,000 people...

Now that they have come to surrender in good faith, Wen Ruo and Gongda will definitely persuade their lord to send troops to the north to attack Yuan Shao with thunderous force...

Changsheng, I think you can go and assemble the troops and baggage now."

"Three armies came out together. Yuan Shao will have to shed his skin this time even if he doesn't die!" Guo Jia said with a smile.

"Well, that's what I meant." Lu Yan nodded, looked at Jia Xu and said, "Please also ask Wen He to tell Duke Xiaoxian and Yuan Si about this matter, and leave the logistics to them."

"Here." Jia Xu agreed simply. Faced with such a big event, even the fishing team became serious.

Before the army is dispatched, the Shadow Guards will begin pre-emptive activities behind enemy lines. Guo Jia should have a lot to do at this time, and Lu Yan will not arrange anything else for him.

Lu Yan continued to say to Xi Zhicai: "I will make arrangements for the army. You first go to Xuchang to meet with Cao Gong.

"Okay, I'll leave right away." After Xi Zhicai finished speaking, he immediately stood up and left.

Lu Yan looked at Xi Zhicai's hurried away figure and suddenly said to Guo Jia and Jia Xu: "Before going out to the army, I want to ask for a few people from Taiyuan University in advance."

Because the Northern Expedition was brought forward unexpectedly by everyone, it was already too late to wait for the Imperial College official examination.

Lu Yan felt that such a good training opportunity should not be wasted, so he planned to bring a few people out to practice with the army. This method was a bit like the practical training or internship in later universities, allowing students to see the world and accumulate some experience before graduation.

The valuable experience will be of great benefit to them.

Guo Jia and Jia Xu looked at each other and asked, "Are you going to take a few students out to practice?"

"That's right...Zhuge Liang, Fazheng, and Yang Xiu are young leaders. Wouldn't it be a waste to leave them unused in Taiyuan Academy for a long time?"

"Well, these three are all rare young talents. After three years of study, they have made obvious progress... Letting them go out to see the world will be of great benefit to their growth."

The three of them completed their respective division of labor and began to act separately.

In Taipei University.

Students in the military and political subjects were in class. Suddenly someone broke into the classroom and whispered something in the doctor's ear.

In the political classroom, after the doctor heard the news conveyed by the visitor, he immediately called his name and said: "Dezu, you should rush to the governor's house immediately. Lu Qiaoqi has something important to ask you!" Yang Xiu was surprised, but he still immediately called him.

After standing up and saluting, he left in a hurry.

Similarly, in the military class classroom, the doctor who was teaching also called by name: "Kong Ming, Xiaozhi, you two should go to the governor's house immediately. Lu Qiaoqi has something important to explain!"

Fazheng and Zhuge Liang's eyes flashed at the same time, and they immediately thought of a possibility: "Is this going to... Northern Expedition against Yuan Shao?"

The two of them did not dare to neglect, and at the same time, with the excitement and excitement of possibly going to the battlefield in their hearts, they hurriedly left the classroom.

When Lu Yan rushed to the governor's house, Jia Xu, Mao Jie, and Han Hao had already gone to the granary and armory to prepare for the baggage.

Zhao Yun, Liu Bei, Huang Zhong and other generals had all arrived, and they all discussed and speculated on Lu Yan's purpose of calling everyone.

Lu Yan was followed by Lu Lingqi, Xia Houlan and Chen Dao as he entered the meeting hall.

Lu Yan strode to the main seat, stopped and turned around. Lu Lingqi's status was quite special. She did not stand among the generals like Xia Houlan and Chen Dao, but stood behind Lu Yan.

Seeing Lu Yan come in, everyone's discussion stopped abruptly, and they all looked at Lu Yan with a little doubt, curiosity and expectation.

"Everyone!" Lu Yan put his hands behind his back, looked at the group of hungry and hungry men in the hall, and said with a smile: "We will be one of the main forces this time to help Duke Cao in his northern expedition to Yuan Shao, and take a solid step towards unifying Hebei!"

As soon as Lu Yan finished speaking, an uproar suddenly broke out in the hall.

"Ah! It is indeed the Northern Expedition!!"

"Great! I, Lao Zhang, have long disliked this Yuan Shao. I want him to tremble under the iron hooves of Tiefu Tu!"

"Third brother, second brother is determined to be the vanguard, so don't argue with me."

"Second and third brothers, don't be reckless. This pioneer brother can also be a leader..."

As the saying goes, a gentleman's revenge is never too late!

Ten years ago, the three brothers in the Dong Dong Alliance were angry and unfairly treated at the hands of Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu. Now the three brothers want to get back their capital and profits!

Yuan Shu has been destroyed, and now only Yuan Shao is left.

The fighting spirit of Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei was already burning brightly at this moment!

"Old Zhang, I will also help you take revenge!" Dian Wei supported Zhang Fei,

"Good brother!" Zhang Fei gratefully punched Dian Wei on the chest, making a "bang" sound...

The two of them now eat, sleep and train together in the military camp, and their relationship is so good that even Liu Bei and Guan Yu are jealous.

At this time, Zhao Yun suddenly spoke, "Our Dragon Cavalry Battalion should naturally be the vanguard, so I won't bother you all."

Zhao Yun's words were very domineering!

"Sir, you must not forget our Bingzhou Wolf Cavalry." Even Lu Lingqi started to blow the pillow wind, which shows how much this group of people have been looking forward to the Northern Expedition. It can be said that they are looking forward to it.

Lu Yan raised his hand and everyone fell silent. He said: "Although the Northern Expedition is not easy, we have to take this step after all. Yuan Shao's foundation is still there, we still can't be careless and underestimate the enemy.

I will order Han Yuansi to lead 30,000 field troops to stay in Chenliu. This time we will all go out for the Northern Expedition!

As for who will be the vanguard, it will be decided by Duke Cao when the time comes."

"It's over! Let's fight for an egg!" Upon hearing that Cao Cao would decide the vanguard, Zhang Fei immediately spread his hands and curled his lips helplessly.

In fact, Zhang Fei, Dianwei, as the commander of the heavy cavalry Iron Buddha, they cannot be the vanguard under any circumstances... Zhang Fei is just making noise.

"Yes, when Prime Minister Cao went on an expedition, as long as Zilong was in the army, there was no time when Zilong was not the vanguard..." Dian Wei agreed sourly, and Taishi Ci nodded fiercely beside him, as if he had long been interested in Zhao.

Yun's "special treatment" is so coveted.

"That's why Zilong said I won't bother you all!" Xia Houlan replied, looking at this guy's appearance, he seemed to be more proud and arrogant than Zhao Yun himself...

Chen Dao looked at Zhao Yun, who was handsome and handsome, and had an air of looking down upon the heroes of the world. His eyes were filled with stars, and he had unconsciously regarded Zhao Yun as his idol and benchmark in his life, or it could also be said to be his future development template.


In the hall, a group of people made a fuss for a while. At this time, Zhuge Liang, Fazheng, and Yang Xiu finally arrived belatedly.

It's not that they don't care, it's that Taiyuan University is quite far away from Chenliucheng, and it still takes them a long time to get there.

"Good guy!" Yang Xiu was startled by the battle in the hall, "Is this going to start a war?!"

"Sure enough, the Northern Expedition is about to begin!" Zhuge Liang showed a smile.

"Hahaha! I, Fa Xiaozhi, will stand out from the crowd, starting from today!"

When Lu Yan saw the three of them coming in, he smiled and said, "As the commanders of the army, the three of you will follow Xi Zhicai when the time comes."

He continued: "Okay, everyone go gather your teams first. In three days, we will go directly to White Horse!"

"The last general takes orders!!"

This chapter has been completed!
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