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Chapter 289 Who Opened Pandora's Box...

After visiting the configuration, packaging and storage of gunpowder, the group of people behind Lu Yan were almost going crazy.

Imagination is always beautiful, but reality is always extremely cruel... I didn't expect that the gunpowder that blew up the walls of Yecheng turned out to be so inconspicuous and even ugly...

After Geng Liang took the pass token necessary to enter the valley, he led Lu Yan and others to the valley where the experimental gunpowder was located.

After many rounds of inspections, everyone entered the valley.

From the point of view, the interior of the valley appears to be very open, even wider than the cavalry camp.

On the site in the middle of the valley, there are several very thick and high walls, all made of bluestone bricks, which look almost like city walls.

When the craftsmen in the valley saw Lu Yan, Geng Liang and their party, they all stopped their work and came up to salute.

Just in time, Geng Liang said to one of the craftsmen: "Xiao Wei, go and demonstrate the latest explosive package to Lu Qiaoqi and the generals."

"Okay!" After the young man named Xiao Wei saluted, he picked up a newly developed explosive bag and walked towards a bluestone wall in the distance.

Geng Liang motioned for everyone to retreat until they were a hundred steps away before giving up.

Xiao Wei placed the explosive package under a wall, lit the fuse that was more than ten feet long, and then quickly ran to a bunker and hid behind it.

The burning time of the fuse is only about twenty seconds, but Zhao Yun and others find these twenty seconds particularly difficult because they are both looking forward to and somewhat unwilling to see its effects...

"It's best to cover your ears..." Geng Liang said with good intentions, but no one criticized him...


In the chaotic thoughts of Zhao Yun and others, the fuse finally burned to the end.

There was a loud noise, a bright light flashed, followed by rising smoke and flying gravel!

Lu Yan waved his hand and knocked away several rocks flying towards him and Lu Lingqi. He was very satisfied with the effect of the improved explosive pack.

This kind of explosive bag has the right proportions, is easy to carry, and is really powerful.

The only thing that is not ideal is that it is difficult to store, especially in rainy and hot and humid weather, it is easy to get damp. This is why the scouts were originally ordered to bring packaged gunpowder instead of finished explosive bags.

To solve the problem of how to preserve explosive packets, craftsmen need to do more research.

Lu Lingqi bit her lip, not knowing what she was thinking.

"This...this...power...this sound..." The power of the explosive pack made Zhang Fei so shocked that he was a little incoherent.

"The thunder that night! It's exactly the same!" Zhao Yun stared at the bluestone brick that had a large section broken off by the explosion.

Tai Shici and Xia Houlan swallowed their saliva together and murmured: "Oh my God, who can bear this?"

"No, my dream..." Xia Houlan murmured to himself.

Huang Zhong and Dian Wei were shaken as the explosion sounded. Finally, they stared at the miserable city wall and the big pit next to the city wall without saying a word...

Geng Liang took out his tinnitus and shouted loudly: "Lu Qianqi, generals, the power of this explosive pack is acceptable!"

Lu Yan said loudly in Geng Liang's ear: "Not bad! It looks good!"

"Hehe! Thank you Lu Qiaoqi for the compliment!"

Looking at Xiao Wei who was running back with dust on his head and body, Lu Yan asked again: "How much black powder did you put in that explosive bag just now?"

Xiao Wei replied respectfully: "Back to Lu Qiaoqi, the explosive bag just now contained twenty kilograms of gunpowder!"

Lu Yan nodded and said: "Yes, that's almost it... After attacking the city and burying more than ten or twenty of them, what other city wall in the world can withstand it?"

"This power is too terrifying!" After Guan Yu finished speaking, his face turned even redder.

"Not only that, this explosive bag can also be used with a trebuchet." Lu Yan said to Guan Yu, Zhao Yun and others who were surrounding him: "You can imagine, if the trebuchet dropped this explosive bag into the enemy's camp or city, what would it look like?



"So scary!"

"Like hell!"

Zhao Yun and others couldn't imagine it, and after a long while, they asked: "If this thing falls from the sky and explodes around us, even Marquis Wen or you in the innate age can't stop it, right?"

Even if he is born with an innate body, he is just a mortal body. Lu Yan had an extremely difficult time resisting even the volley of crossbow arrows. How dare he use his body to resist the explosives?!

"I'm afraid I won't be able to handle the gods when they come, let alone us mortals?" Lu Yan said with a wry smile and shook his head.

Lu Yan's words silenced Zhao Yun and others.

With the advent of such a powerful weapon, how will warriors like them compete with it in the future? Fortunately, they are the only ones who have developed gunpowder. At least this extremely powerful weapon will not be used on themselves. This is the only way.

It's a little comforting.

This is because Lu Yan didn't mention guns and cannons... But with the current industrial level, there is still a long way to go to make guns.

Lu Yan had never revealed the matter of gunpowder to anyone before, because it was a powerful weapon and his strongest trump card.

"The secret of gunpowder is of great importance. If the news of gunpowder is leaked, the princes of the world will be on pins and needles, and they may unite to deal with us. You must keep your mouth shut, remember this!"

Lu Yan warned again and again, and the generals also solemnly swore not to leak a word.

Lu Yan was able to tell them this secret because he regarded them as his confidants. If someone leaked the secret out of nowhere, others would probably not let him go.

After watching the demonstration of explosive packs, the generals were inevitably in a low mood and the atmosphere seemed rather heavy.

I thought it was a realm or technique that could only be encountered but never expected, but I didn't expect that it would turn out to be a new type of weapon.

Just like the swords, guns, swords and halberds in the hands of today's soldiers,

This powerful thing that can directly blow open city walls is actually a weapon that can be mass-produced!

"If everyone uses this kind of weapon in the future..." Everyone couldn't help but lamented in unison, saying: "Sigh... I'm afraid the battlefield in the future will completely change... I'll wait.

How should warriors deal with themselves?"

Lu Yan saw everyone's thoughts, so he smiled and comforted: "Don't worry, gunpowder alone is not enough to change today's fighting methods. Even if it is used with some equipment, gunpowder will not change today's fighting methods.

There is a long way to go, and even if you want to be lazy, I'm afraid you won't have the chance!"

After hearing Lu Yan's words, a gleam of light suddenly flashed in the eyes of Zhao Yun and others, and they asked: "Seriously?"


After hearing Lu Yan's affirmative answer, everyone's mood recovered a little. They were not afraid of death, but they were afraid that they would have nowhere to put their talents to use...

Think about it, the Ming Dynasty already had a large number of muskets and artillery, but in the end they were defeated by the Qing people. Perhaps there were many reasons for this, but it is undeniable that if firearms were to completely replace the cold

Weapon warfare indeed still has a long way to go.


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