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Chapter 8 Talents are coming

Early the next morning,

Cao Cao then received news that Zhao Yun, who had been away for a long time when he was at Hulao Pass, suddenly came back.

He thought Zhao Yun had finally abandoned him and Lu Yan.

But don't want to,

Zhao Yun not only came back,

He even brought back eighty-three white-horse Yi Cong, who were famous for their martial prowess!

When Boss Cao first learned the news, he immediately pulled his bodyguard Cao Ren to find Lu Yan.

When he saw the white horses and the strong Zhaojiazhuang warriors,

The tears almost flowed out.


After the three-way conversation between Xun Yu and Lu Yan yesterday,

The relationship between Cao Cao and Lu Yan finally took another step forward.

He no longer calls him sir,

Instead, like Xun Yu, he called Lu Yan by name.

"Changsheng! Come! Come, come!" Cao Cao waved to Lu Yan from a distance.

Lu Yan saw Cao Cao coming again. After exchanging a few words with Zhao Yun and Xia Houlan, he came to Cao Cao and asked, "Mr. Cao, you seem to be quite empty recently."

"Hehe..." Cao Cao chuckled, then pulled Lu Yan to the corner and asked: "Changsheng, what happened to Zhao Yun and the people he brought back?"

"Are you asking this?" Lu Yan then remembered that he had previously thought that this was a private matter between him and Zhao Yun, and it seemed that he had never told Cao Cao the whole story of Zhao Yun's departure.

“Zilong’s heart is filled with thoughts about the people who followed him and took refuge with Gongsun Zan.

So I gave him something,

Let him go north to Gongsun Zan and redeem everyone."

"So that's it!" Cao Cao suddenly realized, then touched his lips and asked: "These warriors, at first glance, they are rare elite cavalry!"

"Baima Yicong, how much more can you say about your combat power?"

"Yes, yes... But Changsheng, how do you plan to arrange them?"

"Yan was about to report this matter to Duke Cao, but he didn't expect Duke Cao to come in person." When Lu Yan heard Cao Cao ask how to arrange the white horse Yi Cong, he immediately replied with a smile.

"Ha! How are you doing?" After hearing Lu Yan's answer, Cao Cao couldn't help but widen his eyes, his eyes suddenly filled with anticipation!

"Zhao Yun and his people have recognized me as their lord.

From now on they are my personal guards.

I was just about to report this matter to Duke Cao.

Let’s see if we can get them more food, pay, equipment, etc… After all, you know that raising cavalry is very expensive!”

"Um..." The smile on Cao Cao's face froze, and the expectation in his eyes turned into surprise and disappointment.

The flash of disappointment in Cao Cao's eyes was keenly captured by Lu Yan.

Lu Yan lowered his head and whispered in Cao Cao's ear: "If Mr. Cao can always remember what Yan once said, Yan will help him with all his strength."

"That sentence?" Cao Cao thought of many words Lu Yan said,

But it seems that only the sentence "People are like water, kings are like boats. Water can carry a boat or capsize it" can be regarded as Lu Yan's advice and expectations for himself.

"Water can carry a boat or capsize it?" Cao Cao asked.

"Yes, I have nothing else to ask for. I just hope that if Mr. Cao succeeds, he can treat the people under his rule well in the future."

A very solemn look appeared on Cao Cao's face. He raised his hands and said to Lu Yan, "I, Cao Mengde, must bear in mind my teacher's teachings!"

"Then..." Although he was a little reluctant, Lu Yan still had to make some sacrifices in order to reach the final 'deal', "Then, Yan will let Mr. Cao do what he wants! (Voice: While at work)


The relationship between Lu Yan and Cao Cao is more of cooperation than loyalty.

"If you, Cao Mengde, are as good as you said, and can treat the people under your rule well, then it wouldn't be a bad idea for me, Lu Yan, to help you with all my resources!


It’s lunch break time so soon?”

Lu Yan's statement undoubtedly gave Cao Cao a big reassurance.

He was about to take Lu Yan's hand and express his ambitions.

But Lu Yan didn't want to look up at the sky,

Then he suddenly turned around and walked towards the group of Changshan tribesmen, waving his hands and shouting loudly:

"Brothers, it's lunch time!

Let’s eat hotpot mutton for lunch today.

Everyone, hurry up and move!"


"There is mutton to eat! Ah!"

"Thank you, my lord!"

"You should be grateful to Duke Cao!" Lu Yan turned back and pointed at Cao Cao and said, "He is Cao Cao Mengde who assassinated Dong alone, broke the tiger prison, and entered Luoyang. He is also your lord's current boss!"

Following Lu Yan’s introduction,

Zhao Yun and Xia Houlan first clasped their fists and saluted: "I have met Mr. Cao!"

Then the Changshan tribesmen stepped forward to salute with fists in their hands.

"Hero Cao Gong, I have long admired him!"

"Gong Cao is so mighty!"

"It would be better if I could kill Dong Zhuo!"


Cao Cao was very happy,

The feeling of being flattered by a group of people is quite good.

Being flattered by Zhao Yun and Lu Yan felt like falling into the clouds!

At noon, Cao Cao, Cao Ren, Lu Yan and others had a lively mutton-boiled meal together.

before leaving,

In addition to promising to do his best to support Lu Yan's bodyguards, Cao Cao also promised to select 16 elite cavalry for him, making up a hundred men for Lu Yan!

For this matter,

Cao Ren also complained to Cao Cao privately,

"Brother, Lu Yan's bodyguards are not yours, so why do you spend such a huge price to help him support his soldiers?"

"Zixiao, I have reached an agreement with Lu Yan, so naturally I will try my best to help him."

"What agreement?"

Cao Cao glanced at Cao Ren, and then said lightly:

"As long as Lu Yan is here, I, Cao Mengde, will always have a trump card in my hand!

Helping him means helping ourselves, do you understand?"

Cao Ren nodded as if he understood, but he was still murmuring in his heart.

"You just believe him so much? Why can't I see what's so great about Lu Yan?"


Cao Cao recruited talents in Yanzhou,

Although the early results were good and many people came,

But none of the truly useful talents were recruited.

But since the news spread that Xun Yu surrendered to Cao Cao,

Finally, real talents came to serve Cao Cao one after another!

The first month of the third year of Chuping.

There is rare sunshine today. Cao Cao is inspecting the military camp.

Suddenly a man came to meet him.

Although he experienced many disappointments, Cao Cao still did not dare to neglect.

This feeling is just like drawing cards in the game,

Draw cards and abuse me thousands of times, I treat drawing cards like first love...

And the people who came this time did not disappoint Cao Cao!

This is a middle-aged scribe,

Eight feet and three inches long, with a beautiful beard and beard under his chin,

Seeing Cao Cao's arrival, the middle-aged scribe cupped his hands and said: "Cheng Yu and Cheng Zhongde, who are from Dong'a in Dongjun, have met Duke Cao!"

Cao Cao was overjoyed when he heard that it was Cheng Yu who came to join him.

He held Cheng Yu's arm with both hands and said excitedly:

"Wen Ruo recommended to someone before that Liu Dai had a wise man who was from Dong'a, Dongjun.

He is eight feet three inches tall, has a beautiful beard, and has clear eyebrows. His surname is Cheng, his given name is Yu, and his given name is Zhongde. His talent is ten times better than his!"

When Cheng Yu heard this, he quickly bowed and said:

"Just down here,

How to deserve such high praise from Cao Gong and Xun Sima!

Yu, panic!"

"You deserve it, you deserve it! Hahaha!"

After Cao Cao got Cheng Yu to join him, he immediately accepted him as his assistant.

Later, another man from Chenliuping Qiu, named Mao, Jie, and Xiaoxian, came to serve, and Cao Cao also hired him to work.

Later, another man led hundreds of troops to surrender to Cao Cao.

His surname is Yu, his given name is Jin, and his courtesy name is Wenze. He is from Juping, Mount Tai.

Cao Cao saw that Yu Jin was proficient with bows and horses and had outstanding martial arts, so he appointed him as the commander of the army.

So far,

Cao Cao's team finally began to slowly form.

This chapter has been completed!
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