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Chapter 321 Subtle propaganda offensive

After the Battle of Zhongshan, Yuan Shang was completely defeated and withdrew from Jizhou.

From the third year of Jian'an to the current sixth year of Jian'an, from Yuan Shao taking the initiative to attack with more than 400,000 troops; to being reprimanded by Lao Cao and turning to passive defense; and finally to Yuan Shang's defeat in Youzhou after Yuan Shao's death; after all, this battle

The war has been going on for more than three years.

In more than three years, Cao Cao finally captured most of Jizhou. The hardships involved are unimaginable to ordinary people.

From the beginning of the war to the present, the two sides have fought several large-scale battles involving hundreds of thousands of soldiers: the Battle of Baima, the Battle of Guandu, the Battle of Cangting, etc. In the end, even the city of Ye was captured twice. It can be seen that this

It was a difficult war. Cao Cao reversed his position from an absolutely weak position, defeated Yuan Shao, and then occupied most of Jizhou. He undoubtedly contributed many classic battle examples to the world.

In this protracted war, the total number of casualties on both sides was no less than 400,000, and as many as two million civilians were involved. Countless amounts of food, grass, and money were consumed, and the losses on both sides were immeasurable.

The gap between Yanzhou, Xuzhou and the three northern states is just there. Cao Cao's wish to end the war in a short time is simply a fool's errand. Historically, it took Cao Cao five or six years after the Battle of Guandu to gradually annex Hebei, although now

Cao Cao was much stronger than he was at the same time in history, but he did not reach the size that could swallow Hebei in one gulp.

It took Cao Cao three years to defeat Yuan Shao and seize Jizhou. However, facing the increasingly weaker Yuan brothers, the Cao Group's future battles will only become more and more smooth.

All these efforts were worth it to Cao Cao.


In the sixth year of Jian'an, it's mid-August, and now it's the season when the sun is scorching hot.

In Yangping County, a 30,000-strong army led by Chen Deng crossed the Yellow River from Cangtingjin and successfully conquered the important towns of Yangping, Dongwuyang, and Leping.

In the past more than ten years, he was either farming or doing government affairs, but now he was able to lead an army alone. The wanton blood on the battlefield and the passion of scolding Fang Qiu all made Chen Deng feel fascinated and intoxicated.

On the official road to join Zhao Yun, tens of thousands of mighty troops were marching forward.

The people along the way were not afraid of Cao Jun, and some of the brave ones even dared to get closer and observe.

The Cao Group's overt and covert propaganda campaign against Jizhou for so many years has seen results at this moment.

Chen Deng rode his war horse and looked at the surrounding situation.

Although there are countless fields on both sides of the official road, the fields are already overgrown with weeds. Only far away from the official road, there are very few fields that have been harvested.

Although there have not been many battles in Jizhou in the past three years, Jizhou does not have as strong an economic and agricultural foundation as Yanzhou.

The war was about money, food and population. Jizhou needed money and food to prepare for war, so it could only plunder it from the people, just like what many feudal dynasties did to the people.

The people were overwhelmed and fled their hometowns to find other ways to make a living.

Yangping County, which is close to Yanzhou, is a top priority. Almost every village has several or more families who have fled to the south of the Yellow River.

Dongjun is adjacent to Jizhou, so it naturally accepts the largest number of refugees; Taishan County, Qingzhou and other places have also absorbed a lot. The arrival of these refugees has in disguise provided the necessary factors and population needed for the development of these places.

Ahead is Guan County. Zhao Yun has already raided the surrounding area and is stationing troops here to rest and recuperate.

Leaving 10,000 soldiers to garrison various strategic locations, Chen Deng led 20,000 troops all the way to Guan County.

When they arrived in Guan County, Zhao Yun and Xia Houlan had been waiting outside the county town for a long time.

Chen Deng saw the heroic Zhao Yun and Xia Houlan from afar, so he shouted: "General Zhao, General Xiahou! Long time no see!"

Zhao Yun and Xia Houlan rode up to Chen Deng, cupped their fists and said, "Brother Yuanlong, it's been a long time!"

"Hahaha! It's been two years since we last saw each other, and the years have passed by so quickly!"

After the three of them sighed, Zhao Yun said to Chen Deng: "Brother Yuanlong, we have eliminated the enemy forces north of Yangping County. As long as we take down the government office, the remaining places should be taken care of."


"Zilong, General Ziheng's Dragon Cavalry Battalion has unparalleled combat power. I'm afraid these defenders will become timid before they even fight as soon as they hear your name, hahaha!"

Zhao Yun smiled, but couldn't help but sigh and said: "When Yuan Shao was here, we could barely guarantee the livelihood of the people.

After Yuan Shao's death, Yuan Shang and the noble gentry from various places plundered the people and forced them to join the army, which caused widespread complaints among the people. It can be said that the people have been suffering from the Yuan family for a long time...

After entering Pingyang Street, many local people heard that Cao Gong's army was coming. Not only did they not resist, but some even pointed out the way for our army... It must be said that the Yuan family's defeat was already doomed.


Chen Deng also showed a smile and said: "Lu Piaoqi's reputation for caring for the people has spread throughout the world, and you, Zhao Zilong, are Lu Piaoqi's most beloved general... Your reputation in the hearts of the people is probably greater than that of the Prime Minister and

Your Majesty, everything is easy to do."

"Brother Yuanlong is too praiseworthy. When Ziheng and I first followed Mr. Yuanlong, we vowed to do something within our ability for the Han people."

"Striving for your ideals is also one of the joys of life!"

"We have prepared a reception banquet for Brother Yuanlong. Let's have a good night's rest today. Tomorrow we will set off to capture Guantao!"

"Okay, I'll just follow your arrangements, Zilong!"


A night's rest,

Before dawn the next day, Zhao Yun's eight thousand cavalry and Chen Deng's twenty thousand soldiers marched towards Guantao.

There are still dozens of miles away from Guantao, and the surrounding villages and people are gradually increasing in number.

At first, when the people saw the arrival of the army, they seemed very afraid.

But when someone recognized them as the troops of Zhao Yun and Chen Deng, these people gradually felt relieved.

"It's better if it's not Yuan Shang's army..."

"Yes, I heard that Prime Minister Cao's soldiers never make things difficult for the people."

"Cao's army is here, and Yuan's army may have to leave. We can finally save some food this winter..."


The army moved forward for a while, and Zhao Yun suddenly saw a small group of people appearing on the road ahead from a distance.

Zhao Yun had excellent eyesight, and he saw that the group of people were all old men with gray beards, so he did not send any scouts to inquire, and rode alone to them.

When Zhao Yun rode his horse and came more than ten meters in front of this group of old people, he turned over and dismounted. The Yezhao Jade Lion spontaneously followed behind him... Arriving in front of the village elders, Zhao Yun clasped his fists and saluted: "The army is marching, please invite all old gentlemen."

Don’t stand above officialdom.”

Several old people who looked like they were already in their seventies or eighty years old. After hearing Zhao Yun's words, they quickly bowed their hands and said, "General, we are here specially for your army."

An old man of this age could refuse to bow to the emperor even when he saw him. How could Zhao Yun dare to accept the courtesy of this group of people?

Zhao Yun stepped out of the way of the old men's salutes and said, "We are the subordinates of General Hussar and Prime Minister Cao, and we are here to pacify Yangping."

An old man with almost all his teeth suddenly became excited and said: "We know that what we are waiting for is your army!"

This chapter has been completed!
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