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Chapter 348: Recovering Hedong

Jia Kui, courtesy name Liangdao, was from Xiangling, Hedong.

Jia's surname was originally a common surname in Hedong, and Jia Kui's ancestors were also from a wealthy family... Unfortunately, their family fell into decline. By Jia Kui's generation, their family was almost impoverished.

Speaking of poverty, how poor is Jia Kui's family?

There is a saying, "In winter, I often don't have hakama, so I can stay with my wife and brother Liu Fu, but I don't know what to do, so I wear fu hakama." When it gets cold in winter, he doesn't even wear pants, which shows how poor Jia Kui's family is. ...

However, just like the protagonists in many inspirational stories, although Jia Kui's family was poor, he had great ambitions since he was a child and wanted to join the army and conquer the world. When he was a child, other children were playing in the mud, and only Jia Kui often pushed other children Arrange your troops as soldiers...

Jia Kui's grandfather accidentally saw Jia Kui's behavior and was very optimistic about him, predicting that he would definitely become a general.

Although the Jia family declined and became poor, their knowledge was still passed down.

Jia Kui's grandfather was even able to dictate tens of thousands of words to Jia Kui on the art of war, which shows the deep origins of the Jia family's family knowledge.

When Jia Kui grew up, he first served as a county official in Hedong County by virtue of his extraordinary ability. Later, because of his outstanding work, he was promoted to the county magistrate of Jiangyi.

Later, the allied forces of Gao Gan, Guo Yuan and the Huns attacked Hedong County.

Jiang County was jointly attacked by Guo Yuan and the Huns. Jia Kui knew that he was unable to resist, so in order to protect the people in the county, he had to open the city and surrender.

Because he refused Guo Yuan's surrender, Jia Kui was imprisoned in an earthen kiln in Huguan County by Guo Yuan and Gao Gan.

Until Guo Yuan died in the battle, no one was watching the cellar where Jia Kui was imprisoned. Jia Kui was also broken down by a passing righteous man and released the cellar door.

Because he missed his home in Hedong, Jia Kui took the trouble to return to Hedong County on foot, preparing to return to Jiangxian County and continue to serve as his county magistrate.

Unfortunately, not long after he returned, he encountered another rebellion from the local families in Hedong.

Jia Kui saw that these rebels would have to fight sooner or later, so he led hundreds of county soldiers to escape from the county town before the rebels sent people to surrender.

Later, Du Ji issued a summons order, calling on people with lofty ideals to come and help him fight against the rebels. Jia Kui rushed over as soon as he received the news.

Du Ji was able to lead his troops to fight against the rebels in the wild for so long. At least half of the credit for this must be attributed to Jia Kui.

Whether it was training the militia, making suggestions, or even leading the army in battle, Jia Kui did it himself.

It is precisely because of this series of difficult experiences that he has developed a great talent with both civil and military skills.

Lu Yan was recalling historical information related to Jia Kui in his mind, when Huang Zhong came back.

After Huang Zhong came back, he raised his hand to Lu Yan and asked, "Sir, the rebels still have more than 10,000 prisoners. What should we do with them? There is not that much food in Yishi County. We cannot afford to feed them."

"Don't worry, I have written to Duke Cao. I believe that a large amount of grain will be shipped to Hedong soon." Lu Yan came to his senses and replied.

Huang Zhong grinned when he heard this and said: "Sir, you have your own rules for doing things, but the general is worrying too much."

"It's not a bad thing to think more. At least until the food arrives, we still need to take good care of these prisoners and not let them cause chaos."

"Here!" After Huang Zhong agreed, he clasped his fists and stepped back.

Lu Yan's words undoubtedly made Du Ji and Jia Kui feel relieved.

To be honest, Yishi and nearby Yuncheng don't have much food either.

If the rebel camp had not seized some grain and grass, it would have been very difficult to feed Lu Yan's army. If he continued to feed these prisoners, it would have cost Du Ji his life.

But we can't keep so many prisoners in vain. After all, there are more than 10,000 prisoners.

So, Lu Yan opened his mouth and said to Du Ji: "The Central Plains implemented the work-for-relief program to feed countless refugees and improve many infrastructures. Therefore, these prisoners cannot be kept in vain. We give them a meal, and they have to

Use your own labor force in exchange for the chance of survival."

When Du Ji heard this, he immediately felt relieved. He cupped his hands and said, "Lu Qianqi is a wise man! Before the rebellion, I actually wanted to recruit manpower to reclaim wasteland and build canals... Now it's good, we have enough manpower!"


"Very good!" Lu Yan thought for a while and added: "There are a group of engineering students graduating from Taiyuan University, and it is just right for them to come here to show what they have learned. These people are valuable talents, you can't let them

What accident happened to them?"

Du Ji had long heard that Taiyuan University had cultivated a group of extraordinary talents. When he heard that Lu Yan was actually willing to send some people to Hedong for training, he was immediately overjoyed and said repeatedly: "

Hedong County has experienced two major turmoils, and there is a huge gap in grassroots officials. It is great to have them to lead the people!

Don't worry, Lu Qiaoqi, even if I, Du, are hacked, I will never let Taiyuan's precious baby get hurt!"

Du Ji's words gave Lu Yan a reminder, "Not only the students who have experienced it, but also the court must send many more officials... The Hedong family must complete a batch of purges. Although the locals can supplement some of them, the key positions

We still have to use our own talents." However, Lu Yan did not say this out loud, but secretly remembered it in his heart.

Lu Yan shook his head and replied: "There is no need to overdo it. What we want to cultivate are talents who can really do things. We must let them endure the hardships they deserve. They must also be punished when they make mistakes. It must not be just because they are from Taipei University.

Students will be given special preferential treatment. Remember, they only need to ensure their personal safety, and let them fight for the rest based on their abilities. Only in this way can the purpose of training talents be achieved."

After listening to Lu Yan's words, Du Ji's face became serious, and he replied respectfully: "What Lu Qiaoqi said is the way to build a country. I will teach you."


After the Yi clan recovered, Lu Yan and Zhong Yao divided their troops non-stop and headed south in two directions.

Five days later, Lu Yan and Huang Zhong recovered Dayang; Zhong Yao, Pang De, and Zhang Xiu recovered Hebei County.

Lu Yan's army came to attack, and the rebels in Hongnong County saw that Zhang Baiqi was killed in battle and the high officials were missing. They felt that the situation was over, so they finally chose to surrender to the court. At this point, the rebels in Hedong County were completely eliminated, and Hedong County also welcomed another

A rare peace and tranquility.

After the road to Hongnong County was opened, Hedong also received some grain and grass as a supplement.

However, the food and grass were still far from enough, and life was still tight.

Fortunately, ten days later, the first batch of grain and grass shipped from Yin and Hanoi County in Henan finally arrived in Anyi County.

The visitors also brought letters from Sima Lang, the governor of Henan Yin, and Wei Zhong, the governor of Hanoi County.

They said that more than 100,000 shi of grain and grass were being prepared later, but because there were not enough ships to mobilize, only 10,000 shi of grain were sent first.

In the governor's house, Lu Yan finally breathed a sigh of relief after reading the letters between Sima Lang and Wei Zhong.

He said he had food in his hands, but he didn't panic in his heart... With these hundreds of thousands of stones of food, the people of Anyi County could at least get through this winter safely. Moreover, the salt pond near Yuncheng has been controlled by people sent by Lu Yan

, nationalized. After the Chamber of Commerce expands, there will be no problem with the livelihood of Hedong County.

This chapter has been completed!
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