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Chapter 364 Zhao Yun's little junior sister?

Two years ago, Youzhou was invaded by the Wuhuan people. Qian Zhao led an army to Guangyang to resist the Wuhuan invasion.

But not all the Wuhuan cavalry stayed in Guangyang to confront the Qianzhao army. There were also some Wuhuan people who needed to "hunt" around and plunder the supplies and food needed by the army from all over Youzhou.

Liangxiang County, not far from Guangyang, was naturally also poisoned by the Wuhuan people.

At that time, Liujia Village was about to be massacred by the Wuhuan people, and a female ranger named Zhou Yan happened to travel here.

From Jizhou to Bingzhou, and from Bingzhou to Youzhou... Zhou Yan has been searching for his lost brother.

After Zhou Yan was separated from her younger brother Zhou Hong when she was in her teens, she met Tong Yuan by chance... Because of her natural strength and excellent aptitude, she was favored by Tong Yuan and accepted as a close disciple.

While in Bingzhou, Zhou Yan accidentally got some clues... A local scholar said that he saw a man who was somewhat similar to Zhou Yan's description. Later, Zhou Yan followed the clues and found Shangdang, and then found Taiyuan from Shangdang.

...In the end, someone said that he went to Youzhou...

After traveling thousands of miles, Zhou Yan finally followed the clues and came to Youzhou Liangxiang... But in the end, she still came with hope and returned disappointed... The person pointed to by the clues was found, but it was not the person she wanted.

The person you are looking for.

Zhou Yan, who was extremely disappointed and confused, happened to see Wuhuan people slaughtering the village when passing by Liujia Village.

She originally didn't want to meddle in other people's business, but amidst the screams of the villagers, she couldn't help but kill all the dozen or so Wuhuan people in the group.

The villagers were extremely grateful for Zhou Yan's life-saving grace. With their kindness, Zhou Yan finally chose to stay.

After years of running around, there is still no news from his brother Zhou Hong. Zhou Yan, who is exhausted both physically and mentally, also wants to take a break.

Although Zhou Yan also studied under Tong Yuan, her marksmanship is far less sophisticated than that of Zhao Yun and Zhang Xiu. However, she has an advantage that neither Zhao Yun nor Zhang Xiu has, and that is her strength!

The spear she used was specially selected for her by Tong Yuan, an extremely heavy cold iron spear.

If those dozen Wuhuan people were hit by Zhou Yan with one shot, regardless of whether they were soldiers or captains, their muscles and bones would be shattered and they would all die!

The simple villagers were extremely grateful for her life-saving grace, and Zhou Yan's life in Liujia Village was naturally very comfortable.

Two years have passed, and Liujia Village, located in a remote area outside Liangxiang County, has changed a lot.

Under Zhou Yan's guidance and guidance, the few dozen young adults in the village all learned some skills, and the entire village became a well-known hometown of bravery.

In the early morning, you can often see some villagers practicing marksmanship in the open space of the village or in their own yards.

Although it is only the simplest basic movements such as stabbing and picking, it is still considered to be outstanding even in the military.

Peaceful days are always precious.

It had only been two years of peaceful life. What all the people of Youzhou did not expect was that the Yuan brothers took the initiative to open the door and let the Wuhuan people in. The peaceful life they had finally won was ruthlessly shattered again.

Ten minutes in the evening.

Zhou Yan had just returned to the village from outside. Before he returned to his small yard, he saw smoke floating over the village from a distance.

Although the Wuhuan people had already invaded Zhuo County, because Liujia Village was remote and the Wuhuan people basically only went to counties with more resources, Liujia Village luckily escaped disaster.

Return to the village.

Many children saw Zhou Yan and happily invited her to their home for dinner. Seeing these lively and energetic children, her slightly heavy mood also improved a little.

Life... As long as I can have enough food and clothing, and no serious illness or disaster, I am happy just by being ordinary and simple.

It's a pity that in this troubled world where human life is like a piece of grass, even such a simple life has become a luxury for the people.

As soon as Zhou Yan returned to his house, before anyone could sit down and rest for a while, a group of soldiers suddenly came outside the village, soldiers from Yuan Xi's command.

Although it was only a ten-man team, the high and majestic appearance of the ten-captain, as well as the long sword hanging on his waist, still had a very strong deterrent effect on the people.

"Your Liujia Village seems to be quite famous in this place with eight villages and ten miles apart!" the tenth captain said to the hunched-over Muramasa with a half-smile.

Muramasa tried his best to show a flattering smile on his wrinkled face, and said: "In order to be on guard against bandits, the boys organized drills on their own on weekdays... which made the military master laugh."

"Very good!" A smile appeared on the captain's face, and then he said: "Then let all the men come out and report to the military camp with me."

"Ah!" When Muramasa heard this, he immediately exclaimed: "No way, Master Jun! Twenty of our Liujia Village men have already left to join the army, and now we only have the last few men left!"

"Stop talking nonsense, call me out!" The captain's smile disappeared instantly, and his face was full of ferocious expressions.

"It looks like spring plowing is about to begin, we can't leave them out! Please have mercy, Lord Military!" Muramasa bowed repeatedly, begging these soldiers to let go of their last few men and labor force.

But the ten-capion captain was a bastard who was so determined that he did not give in at all to Muramasa's plea.

Seeing that Muramasa was not cooperating, the tenth commander snorted coldly, waved his hand and said, "Search for me!"

The captain of ten gave the order, and his ten soldiers rushed into the village with a roar, intending to go from house to house looking for strong men.

Soon after, a dozen young and strong men who had been herded together gathered in the open space. Moreover, the soldiers had many more things in their hands and arms.

This group of soldiers did more than just arrest people. They looted whatever they were interested in in the name of military requisition. They were even more bandits than bandits.

Seeing that there were fifteen strong men and that the soldiers were all returning with their loads, the captain nodded with satisfaction and thought to himself: "I can make a good job today!"

Feeling much better, the tenth captain planned to return to the camp early for business, and maybe go to the county town to have a drink and meet those pestering little goblins.

But after counting the number of people, the captain became confused.

"How come you haven't come back yet?" the captain asked the other soldiers.

These soldiers looked at me and I looked at you, their eyes widened and they shook their heads to express their confusion.

Just when the captain was about to get angry, suddenly a scream came from a small fenced courtyard not far away, "Wow!"


As soon as the screams started, there was a heartbreaking sound of bones breaking.

Everyone's eyes couldn't help but focus on that courtyard.

Finally, under the astonished gazes of Yuan Xi's soldiers, a body suddenly flew out of the courtyard!

Tiedan's body crossed the fence,

After crossing a beautiful parabola,

"Plop!" With a sound, it fell to the ground.

This chapter has been completed!
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