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Chapter 382 Talk about Tian Chou, Tian Chou is here!

The raindrops fell in large pieces, and soon they turned from the sound of pearls falling on the plate to the downpour of rain.

Rainy days are not conducive to cavalry marching, and people should not continue on their way after getting wet.

Fortunately, Wu Ending City was not far away. Cao Cao shouted: "Ahead of us is Wu Ending City. Brothers, if you hold on for a while, you can take a break once you enter the city!"

Soon, a small city appeared in front of everyone in Cao's army. The soldiers looked at it from a distance and felt a chill in their hearts: "How can such a small city accommodate our 40,000 troops?"

Cao Cao couldn't help but frown when he saw this, and said: "This city is smaller than imagined."

At this moment, a carriage suddenly appeared in the rain ahead.

Cao Cao and others slowed down their horses, and the curtain of the carriage opened just in time.

A man in his thirties, with a fair face, thin cheeks, and bright eyes shouted loudly in the rain: "Are these Prime Minister Cao's troops coming?"

Cao Cao wanted to step forward to talk, but was stopped by Lu Yan, "It's better to be careful."

Later, Lu Yan said to Dian Wei, who was following him as a bodyguard: "Dian Wei, go and ask who that person is and why he is blocking the road."

Dianwei's Tiefutu did not follow this raid, and his soldiers were all rare treasures. Lu Yan originally wanted to keep both Tiefutu and Dianwei to help Guo Jia, but Xi Zhicai shocked Youzhou...

But Dianwei kept insisting on coming, so we had to leave the Tiefu Tu in the Yan Kingdom of Youzhou for the time being and bring Dianwei out alone.

"Sir, my lord, please wait a moment, I will go and 'invite' that person over right away." Dian Wei's voice could be heard clearly even in the heavy rain.

Sure enough, after a while, the man in the carriage was "invited" by Dian Wei.

Lu Yan and Cao Cao stared blankly at the man who was carried over by Dian Wei like a chicken. The man also stared blankly at Cao Cao and Lu Yan. For a moment, the scene seemed a little awkward.

Cao Cao saw that the man was a scribe who had a somewhat bookish air, but he also had the masculinity of a hero. He did not look like a person with evil intentions.

"How can you treat me like this when you are so evil? I won't let you go yet!" Cao Cao scolded Dian Wei.

"Oh..." Dian Wei let go of his hand upon hearing this.

The heavy rain was still falling, and the scribe was taken out of the carriage by Dian Wei. As a result, he became a drowned rat like Cao Cao and others.

Cao Cao said apologetically: "My generals don't know etiquette. Please don't blame me sir."

The scholar was also open-minded, and laughed and said: "I have been exposed to the rain with the Prime Minister. I'm so lucky, so lucky!"

Cao Cao smiled and asked, "May I ask your name, sir, and why you are here?"

"I forgot to introduce myself. I'm rude... My surname is Tian Mingchou, and my courtesy name is Zitai. I am from Wuzhong County, Youbeiping County." The scribe bowed his hands and introduced himself.

When Cao Cao heard this, he was immediately surprised and said: "Are you Tian Chou?!"

"He is Tian Chou?!" Lu Yan was also slightly startled, and thought to himself: "It's really hard to find a place where you can't find anything, it doesn't take any effort to get here."

Tian Chou was not too surprised by Cao Cao's reaction. After all, his strength and reputation lie there...

Cao Cao then looked at Lu Yan and asked, "Mr. Lu, do you think he is the Tian Chou you mentioned?"

After Tian Chou heard Cao Cao's words, he realized that it was not Prime Minister Cao who knew about him, but someone else.

Therefore, Tian Chou curiously looked at this handsome general in his thirties, who was wearing a gold-lacquered mountain armor, and thought to himself: "I'm afraid this man is not even older than me, but he can be called sir by Prime Minister Cao? What a joke.

Zhicai, or Guo Jia... No, I think it must be him, Lu Yan!"

Lu Yan urged Bai Long to take two steps forward and asked, "Sir, do you know of another way to Liucheng?"

Tian Chou originally had his head slightly lowered. After hearing Lu Yan's question, he suddenly raised his head and asked in surprise: "How did the general know that I know another way to Liucheng?"

At this time, Dian Wei stood beside him and suddenly laughed and said: "Haha! I want you to know that there are few things in this world that you don't know!"

The corner of Lu Yan's mouth twitched and he said: "Idiot, talk less and eat more."


"Are you the current hussar general, Chen Liuhou and Lu Changsheng?!" Tian Chou looked at Lu Yan with bright eyes and asked with his hands raised.

"This is Mr. Lu..." Lu Yan cupped his hands and replied, "We were just saying we were looking for you, but we didn't expect you to come looking for us!"

"Hahaha! Then we really have a tacit understanding!" Tian Chou laughed and continued: "Wu End City is small and shallow, I'm afraid it can't accommodate as many soldiers as the Prime Minister. Tian is a mountain man who is lucky enough to be respected by the people. In Xu Wu,

A small town has been built in the mountains. This is not a place for talking. I would like to ask the Prime Minister to follow me to the small town for a short rest. It will not be too late to make plans after the rain stops."

Cao Cao looked at Lu Yan, as if asking for his opinion.

Lu Yan knew that Tian Chou was sincere in his commitment, so he nodded readily and agreed: "In that case, please lead the way, sir!"

Seeing that Lu Yan didn't hesitate at all, Tian Chou couldn't help but admire his courage and vision even more.

After making an invitation gesture, he said: "Prime Minister Cao, Lu Qiaoqi, please come with me!"


The rain in summer is not as soft and slender as in spring and autumn. It comes hard and goes away quickly.

The 40,000-strong army had all become drowned rats anyway, so they simply stopped worrying and followed Tian Chou's carriage towards the small town in Xu Wu Mountain.

After wiping the rain off his face, Cao Cao looked at the sky and said to Lu Yan beside him: "It looks like the rain is about to stop, but it's getting late... We'd better rest for the night and set off again tomorrow.


Lu Yan nodded and replied: "What Mr. Cao said is true. We really need to rest for a night."

The army marched for more than three hours again, and when they arrived at the small town of Xu Wushan, it was almost midnight.

The town is actually bigger than Wu End City. Although it is not much bigger, it can still accommodate an army of 40,000 people without having to set up tents on the wet ground.

The soldiers were sleepy and tired after traveling at full speed for a day, and some even fell asleep with their clothes on.

But as soon as they fell asleep, they were kicked awake by the military doctor in the army, who urged them to quickly take off their soaked clothes and armor, and take them and their clothes and armor to dry by the fire.

The residents of the small town are very hospitable, with smiles on their faces that are rare in Youzhou people.

They shuttled back and forth among Cao Cao's soldiers. Some people helped them light fires, some helped them bake their clothes, and more people were busy delivering food and hot water to them.

Tian Chou was very curious about the small details such as Cao Jun having to boil the water before drinking it.

"Whether it is drying clothes or boiling water for drinking, it is probably for the health of the soldiers.

I have never seen an army that pays so much attention to its soldiers. No wonder Prime Minister Cao and Lu Qiaoqi can win every battle and be invincible!"

This chapter has been completed!
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