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Chapter 390 Culture, Language, History, Religion

Outside Bailang Mountain, the battle between Cao Jun and the Wuhuan people lasted just over an hour and came to an end.

Under the stranglehold of Cao's soldiers like wolves and tigers, the Wuhuan people were finally defeated miserably and fled in all directions.

Zhang Liao's formation beheaded the Wuhuan Chanyu Tadun, and Cao Chun killed Wuhuan's young prince Louban; as for Wuyan, Su Puyan and others, they were all eventually chased by the Dragon Cavalry Camp, the Wolf Cavalry Camp and the Leopard Cavalry.

The first ones were conferred one after another.

But some Wuhuan leaders still escaped, as well as some Wuhuan leaders who were lucky enough not to participate in the battle. Some people chose the territory of Chaobei to escape, and some fled towards the north. Finally, there were some,

Escaped towards Gongsun Kang's territory in Liaodong.


The moment the Yuan brothers heard that Cao Jun had appeared, they had already packed their things and fled Liucheng in panic.

You must know that one Han is against five barbarians has already penetrated into the heart of every Han people.

In the view of the Yuan brothers, the Wuhuan people, who had gathered in panic and only had an army of 60,000, could not be a match for Cao's army in any case.

"Second brother, let's go to Liaodong and join Gongsun Kang. Maybe there will be a chance to make a comeback!" Yuan Shang still refused to give up and persuaded Yuan Xi.

Yuan Xi's eyes revealed confusion and dejection... So what if he doesn't go to Liaodong now? There is no place for the Yuan brothers in the vast number of big men.

Yuan Xi was heartbroken and said to Yuan Shang: "I'll listen to you, Third Brother... Anyway, we have nothing now..."


Liucheng is located northeast of Bailang Mountain, about a hundred kilometers away.

Lu Yan and Tian Chou were so anxious to attack Liucheng in order to capture and kill the Yuan brothers who had colluded with Wuhuan and allowed the Wuhuan people to enter Youzhou.

Unfortunately, when they and some of the Dragon Riding Battalion soldiers led by Xia Houlan arrived at Liucheng, which had little defense, the Yuan brothers were already gone.

"Alas! It's a pity that it's still a step too late..." Lu Yan sighed as he stood on the low earth wall of Liucheng, looking at the endless grassland.

"The Wuhuan people are finished. The Yuan brothers are just two lost dogs. Sir, don't be too sorry." Xia Houlan comforted Lu Yan from the side.

Tian Chou suddenly spoke at this time and asked: "Lu Xiuqi, there are nearly 200,000 Wuhuan people in and around Liucheng... How should we deal with them?"

Regarding the hatred Lu Yan showed towards foreigners along the way, Tian Chou was afraid that Lu Yan would directly say the word "kill".

Fortunately, Lu Yan was not so cruel as to kill even the old, weak, women and children. He said to Tian Chou and Xia Houlan: "Don't kill men who are taller than a horseback; don't kill women and old people; as for others, send them away happily."

Let them go to see the Immortal Heaven."

"General, take the order!" Xia Houlan clasped his fists and took the order, not questioning Lu Yan's order at all.

Tian Chou also nodded and praised: "Lu Qiaoqi's treatment is harsh yet humane, which is appropriate!"

"Hahahaha." Lu Yan laughed, and then said to Tian Chou: "Zitai, look at it! Why don't we Han people keep this huge plain for ourselves, but leave it to those foreigners?"

"Surviving on the grassland is not easy, and we Han people are also helpless." Tian Chou said with a wry smile.

"No!" Lu Yan's eyes flashed and he said: "As long as the Binhai Road is opened and the water transportation and road problems are solved, we can swallow this plain!"

"Water transportation? Road construction?" Tian Chou heard this and murmured: "These are two huge projects!"

The setting sun is like blood, complementing the large tracts of blood on the grassland.

When Cao Cao and others entered Liucheng, the city was almost completely cleared by Lu Yan and others.

None of the Wuhuan nobles were left alive... Only the old, young, women and children of the Wuhuan civilians could be left.

Cao Cao couldn't bear it in his eyes. He came to Lu Yan and opened his mouth and said, "Mr. Lu... look at how these people, orphans and widowers, will live in the future."

"Huh?" Lu Yan looked at Cao Cao and thought that this guy had finally learned to be soft-hearted.

But before Lu Yan Lu Yan could ask questions, Cao Cao continued: "Why don't we send them on the road together, and the family will be neat and tidy."

"..." Lu Yan was silent for a while and thought to himself: "You are indeed the same Boss Cao I know..."

"Mr. Cao, there are too many casualties among the people in Youzhou. We need some people to fill Youzhou." But in the end, Lu Yan rejected this tempting suggestion and instead persuaded Cao Cao.

"But those who are not from my race must have different minds. If these barbarians are moved inland, what will happen if they rebel in the future?" Cao Cao still felt like a bone in his throat about the Wuhu Luanhua mentioned in Lu Yan's diary.

Cao Cao's words naturally reminded Lu Yan of the origins of Wuhu's chaos in China.

During the Jin Dynasty, too many Hu people migrated into the Central Plains, which gave them more land and nutrients, and also gave them the opportunity to disintegrate Chinese civilization from the hinterland.

But this is actually not a big problem for Lu Yan.

As long as they are changed ideologically and become real Han people cognitively, then the Hu people will eventually become members of the Chinese nation.

Chinese civilization is an inclusive civilization. As long as you consider yourself a member of the Chinese nation and safeguard the interests of the Chinese nation, both Han and Hu people are Chinese.

"Don't worry, Mr. Cao, I have plenty of ways to change their situation..." Lu Yan pointed to his head with a smile and said to Cao Cao.

"But I still think it would be easier to just kill them... As for the population, we Han people can survive!"

Relying on a living? How long will it take to survive...

Lu Yan then persuaded again: "I also want to kill them all, but sometimes if you want to completely conquer a nation, just killing may not work."

"Oh? Sir, do you have a better way?"

"It's nothing more than culture, language, history, and religion." Lu Yan only said four words, but it made Cao Cao feel like he had opened the door to a new world.

Seeing that Lao Cao seemed to want to continue asking questions, Lu Yan quickly waved his hand and said: "I can't stop talking about these. It's August now, and the weather is about to turn cold... We'd better clean up the remaining Wuhuan as soon as possible.

Force, let’s go back to Youzhou first!”

"Culture, language, history, religion!" Although Cao Cao felt itchy, he still held back his cat's claws and said, "Okay, let's go back and discuss it!"

Immediately, Cao Cao ordered everyone: "According to Mr. Lu's strategy, implement it as soon as possible. All actions must be completed within ten days!"



For this group of aliens on the grasslands, when the Han people became strong, they would grovel and submit to them.

When the Han people were in civil strife, they immediately rebelled, harassed and plundered the borders... What's more, the Wuhuan people who invaded Youzhou even wanted to exterminate the Han people and then have the Central Plains to themselves!

After being beaten up by Cao Jun, this group of Wuhuan people thought they had escaped disaster by returning to the grassland.

Unfortunately, they obviously miscalculated this time.

Cao's army made a surprise attack from thousands of miles away and entered Wuhuan's lair.

Shanyu Tadun, Wang Zilouban, and more than a dozen leaders, large and small, were all executed. Wuhuan, the three commanderies, completely withdrew from the stage of history!

Lu Yan had a clear integration policy for this group of Wuhuan prisoners.

So Cao Cao ordered all the Wuhuan people to be moved to the west and south of Youzhou, and appointed Yan Rou as the Wuhuan Colonel to provide unified management of the Wuhuan people.

In early July, troops were dispatched from Wuzhong County,

Captured Liucheng in early August,

If all goes well, before the end of this year, these Wuhuan captives will be able to register, receive their identity books, and become members of the Han people!

This chapter has been completed!
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