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Chapter 402 Xu Shu visits

In March, the seventh year of Jian'an.

The canonization ceremony of Cao Ang's crown prince was successfully completed. From now on, he is Cao Cao's official successor.

After Lu Yan also received Cao Cao's support, he returned to Chenliu and began to prepare for arranging manpower to build a steel plant.

There are two basic requirements for the location of a steel plant: first, it should be far away from crowds to increase confidentiality and reduce disturbance to residents; second, it should be close enough to the iron mine to save a lot of transportation costs.

When it comes to iron ore, the first address that pops up in Lu Yan's mind is Anshan City in later generations, followed by Panzhihua.

Unfortunately, these two places are currently one in Liaodong and the other in Yizhou, and neither of them is under Cao Cao's control.

Fortunately, after asking some senior blacksmiths, Lu Yan learned that there are very rich iron ore deposits in Yanmen County and Dai County.

Yanmen County is located on the border and has an extremely complex personnel structure, making it unsuitable to build a steelmaking plant there.

Although Daijun was often harassed by Wuhuan people in the past, now that Wuhuan has been destroyed, the threat to Daijun has been greatly reduced.

After weighing the pros and cons, Lu Yan finally chose to build the steel plant in Daijun, as close as possible to the mountains and forests where the iron ore was located.

Another advantage of building a steel plant in Dai County is that modern Shanxi, that is, some of the territories of Bingzhou, Youzhou, and Sili Prefecture in the Eastern Han Dynasty, has extremely rich coal resources. The steel plant was established here, and the transportation of ore and coal

The cost has been reduced to a very low level.

Moreover, in the battle outside Liucheng, Cao Cao captured tens of thousands of Wuhuan soldiers. Aren't these people the best candidates for the labor force?

Once the location is chosen, someone needs to be responsible for the establishment and operation of the steelmaking plant.

Lao Geng is not young and is not in good health. It is impossible for him to stay in such a place with difficult conditions. Therefore, in the end, Lu Yan handed over the affairs of the steel plant to Ma Jun, the governor of Youzhou.

The governor will also do his best to cooperate with him.

Ma Jun was a practical man. After receiving Lu Yan's instructions, he ordered a thousand people to go north together overnight.

Although they had too many difficulties to overcome during this trip, none of these craftsmen complained because they had realized that the world would be changed by their hands!


After returning to Chenliu from Yecheng, before Lu Yan had time to go home and take a breath, Chen Dao greeted Lu Yan and said, "Sir, a scholar has come to see you three times recently."

"Did he say his name?" Lu Yan asked.

"The person who came called himself Xu Shu and said he was a student from Lumen Academy."

"Xu Shu?" After hearing this name, Lu Yan vaguely remembered that when he entertained the brothers from the Shadow Guard Jiazi Camp on the night of the New Year's Eve, Yan Feng seemed to have mentioned that Xu Shu came to the Central Plains.

Xu Shu's ability was beyond question. Lu Yan quickly asked: "Where is he now?"

"I don't know..." Chen Dao shook his head and said, "Every time he comes, he just asks if you are there. I asked him to give me your address so that when you come back I can send someone to inform him, but he

Every time, he just smiled and left."

Lu Yan didn't force it, so he said: "That's okay, I will stay at my house these days. If he comes again, you can just bring him to my study."

"Here!" After Chen Dao accepted the offer, he still stood there and refused to leave.

Lu Yan saw this and asked, "Tell me, what else can you do?"

Chen Dao seemed to have made a very difficult decision and said: "Sir, I also want to study at Taiyuan University!"

After hearing Chen Dao's words, Lu Yan looked Chen Dao up and down in surprise and said, "Why did you suddenly become enlightened?!"

"Sir, the Prime Minister wiped out three counties of Wuhuan in a battle in western Liaoning, which made countless men's blood boil... I, Chen Dao, also want to make contributions and expand the territory for the Han Dynasty!"

"Very good." Lu Yan nodded with a smile and said, "It just so happens that Boyan will enter Taiyuan College this year. When the time comes, the two of you will be together so that you can take care of each other."

Chen Dao bowed deeply and said, "Thank you sir!"


After three days,

Just when Lu Yan thought Xu Shu had left Chen Liu, Chen Dao's voice suddenly came from outside the study, "Sir, Mr. Xu is here to visit!"

Lu Yan put down the book in his hand and said, "Come in."

As Chen Dao opened the door, Xu Shu saw at a glance a man wearing a blue scholar's shirt with a gentle and jade-like temperament, standing in front of a row of bookshelves.

Lu Yan turned around and saw that Xu Shu was also in his thirties, with a thin face but bright eyes.

"Your Excellency, Xu Shu, I have met Lu Xiuqi!" After Xu Shu saw Lu Yan, he quickly raised his hands and saluted.

"Yuan Zhi, come in and sit down..." Lu Yan greeted with a smile, "I thought you were gone."

Lu Yan didn't have any airs, and he didn't have the arrogance that made Xu Shu hate him from the bottom of his heart. This made Xu Shu's favorability towards Lu Yan rise a lot.

After Xu Shu sat down, Lu Yan asked with a smile: "I have heard about Yuan Zhi from Yan Feng..."

Xu Shu nodded without saying anything and continued to wait for Lu Yan's next questions.

After Lu Yan poured a cup of tea for Xu Shu and himself, he suddenly asked: "Have you met your mother?"

Xu Shu was slightly startled when he heard this. He thought that Lu Yan must be the first to test him, but unexpectedly, Lu Yan's first sentence was to ask him if he had seen his mother.

Speaking of his old mother, Xu Shu, who was already a filial piety, immediately stood up and offered his hands to Lu Yan: "My mother is in good health, and there are neighbors looking after her... Shu, thank you sir for taking care of my mother!"

"It's just a few small things..." Lu Yan waved his hand and said: "Actually, it's not just your mother. We will take care of and care for all the lonely elderly people under Cao Gong's rule. There are many elderly people of the same age in the nursing home, and they often get along with each other on weekdays.

A companion to talk to."

"How about having someone to talk to..."

Xu Shu suddenly thought of the years when he was on the run, when his old mother was alone, and she was worried about his safety...

Thinking of this, Xu Shu's eyes turned red, "The child is unfilial..."

Lu Yan patted Xu Shu's arm and said, "Don't worry, at least here, the elderly here have a good place to retire."

"The old have support, the young have education, the poor have support, and the poor have help." Xu Shu recited a line from the "Book of Rites: Liyun Chapter", and then sighed: "It was only after I came to the Central Plains that I

Discovered that the 'Great Harmony' world imagined by the ancient sages actually existed!"

"These are just the beginning." Lu Yan smiled reservedly, then changed the subject and asked Xu Shu: "Yuanzhi, you have been working as an aide under Liu Biao for a period of time. What do you have for Liu Biao?"


Xu Shu respectfully took the tea cup with both hands, and after thinking for a moment, he replied: "Liu Jingzhou is just a chatter, and the master is the master..."

In times of peace and prosperity, he is naturally a qualified ruler.

But in troubled times, Jingzhou will sooner or later make wedding clothes for others."


Alas...the epidemic is here again. I did nucleic acid tests all night last night, which made me exhausted. When will it be over?

This chapter has been completed!
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