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Chapter 412 It doesn't matter, it's mainly because of the money

Zhuge Liang was "invited" back to Xuchang half a year early because of his outstanding work ability.

After returning to Xuchang, Zhuge Liang was never assigned another job, but he was not anxious at all. He spent his days reading, traveling, and visiting friends, and he lived a leisurely and comfortable life.

However, good days are always short-lived.

With a piece of paper from the imperial court, Zhuge Liang was transferred to the "Han Dynasty Naval Administration" and served as Army Sima under the Navy Commander Lu Yan, responsible for supporting government affairs and naval affairs.

Zhuge Liang is an extremely self-disciplined and diligent person.

After receiving the appointment documents, he immediately came to the Hussars General's Mansion.

Zhuge Liang is already very familiar with the Hussar General's Mansion.

When the doorman discovered that it was Zhuge Liang who knocked on the door, he immediately led Zhuge Liang to the backyard.

From the beginning of the new year to now, Lu Yan has been busy outside and traveled to countless places. His health is fine, but he is really tired.

Back at General Hussar's Mansion, Lu Yan cooked a salted fish, the kind that he didn't even bother to turn over.

Move the deck chair to the yard, hold a plate of fruit, bask in the sun, and read a book... This kind of life is really fulfilling and comfortable.

But Zhuge Liang's arrival interrupted Lu Yan's quiet time.

"Student Zhuge Liang, see you sir!"

Lu Yan was sleeping dazedly when he suddenly heard Zhuge Liang's voice... He took the book away from his face, propped up his upper body, and focused his eyes several times before successfully focusing on Zhuge Liang: "Kong Ming is here!

Come sit here with me."


After Zhuge Liang bowed respectfully, he came to sit on another recliner next to Lu Yan... But this recliner seemed a bit awkward just for sitting on it.

Seeing this, Lu Yan couldn't help but smile and said, "Why don't you try lying down too?"

"Um..." Zhuge Liang always pays attention to his manners, so he asked him to lie down like this...

"It doesn't matter, it's just you and me anyway."

After Lu Yan's repeated encouragement, Zhuge Liang could only try to lie down.

However, after lying down, Zhuge Liang immediately thought to himself: "Hey... this chair is really comfortable to lie on..."

Lu Yan and Zhuge Liang were just lying on a deck chair and basking in the sun.

At this time, Zhuge suddenly asked: "Sir, the student has a question to ask..."

Lu Yan reached out, picked a grape from the fruit plate, threw it into his mouth, and replied, "You tell me."

Zhuge Liang pondered for a moment, organized his words, and asked: "The student doesn't understand, sir, why do you insist on building the shipyard beside the Yellow River?"

Not only Zhuge Liang, but probably countless people can't figure it out.

Lu Yan handed the fruit plate to Zhuge Liang and said, "The grapes we just picked are plump and juicy. You should eat some too."

"...Thank you."

Zhuge Liang tried to put a black grape into his mouth, and a sweet and sour taste hit his taste buds immediately.

Lu Yan also replied at this time: "The main considerations are naval training and the issue of using local materials.

There are many mountains and forests in the upper reaches of the Yellow River in Chenliu. We can organize manpower to transport the felled wood from the waterway to the shipyard, which can save a lot of transportation capacity.

After the ship is built, the navy can train in the Yellow River, or go out of the Yellow River mouth to the Bohai Sea area for training."

But there is one more thing that Lu Yan did not say, that is, after the navy enters the Bohai Sea, it can go directly eastward to Liaodong County occupied by Gongsundu. Further east, it is the Korean Peninsula and the Japanese Kingdom...

After Zhuge Liang was appointed to work under Lu Yan to assist him in handling various affairs of the Navy General Administration, he read through many historical documents related to ships and the navy.

Judging from what Zhuge Liang has learned so far, there were already various types of ships during the Han Dynasty: passenger ships, cargo ships, warships, etc. Among the passenger ships, there were official ships and civilian ships; among the civilian ships, there were also boats, boats, and boats.

Flat boat, light boat, dinghy boat, sailing boat, etc.

As for warships, most of them were developed from civilian ships.

During the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, he tried his best to open up maritime transportation and was committed to the exchanges between countries on the sea.

With the efforts of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, the Han Dynasty successively opened up three important sea routes.

The first route starts from Dandong, Liaoning in the north, and ends at the mouth of Bailun River in Guangxi in the south. This is the north-south coastal route.

The second route leads from the Shandong coast to North Korea and Japan via the Yellow Sea.

The third route was called the Maritime Silk Road by later generations, namely the Xuwen-Hepu route.

Navigation in the Han Dynasty was already very developed, so the related manufacturing technology of warships was naturally not far behind.

Nowadays, many types of warships have been developed, such as warships, bridge ships, fighting ships, stern ships, and the largest building ships, etc.

The warships at this time all inherited the technology of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and the most famous warship was undoubtedly the building ship.

The largest building ship in the Han Dynasty was more than ten feet high and could be said to be an aircraft carrier at that time.

There are three floors of buildings on the deck of the building ship. Parapets are set up around each floor. There are a number of sword holes and spear holes on the parapets and battle grids, which can be used for long-distance attack and close defense. There is a lot of space on the ship, and vehicles can be driven on the deck.

Walking horse.

There is a cabin below the deck for the oarsmen to row. The oarsmen are the soldiers who row the oars. The sailors in the cabin are well protected from enemy attacks. The soldiers on the deck of the building are armed with swords.

Use the enemy to engage in hand-to-hand combat and engage in boarding combat.

Inside the parapet on the deck, there is a second-story building called a hut. There are also parapets around the hut. The soldiers on the hut carry spears, giving them a condescending look.

There is a third-story building on the hut, called the flying hut, and the crossbowmen are hidden inside the flying hut. The crossbowmen fire arrows, which is a long-distance offensive force.

The highest floor is the royal cabin, which is equivalent to the driving room and command room of a modern ship.

Today's large-scale building ships should be led by Jiangdong. Its largest building ships, Feiyun and Gaihai, are five stories high and can accommodate 3,000 soldiers. They are like castles floating on the water.

In addition to the building ships, Jiangdong's other main battleship is called the 艨艉, which is famous for its speed.

In the Battle of Chibi, the 艨艉 was the arson ship that attacked Cao's fleet.

This small warship, with its long and narrow shape and extremely fast speed, is extremely fast and very flexible. It can often take advantage of people and cause some troubles.

Not to mention stern ships, geese ships, bridge ships, fighting ships, etc., they cannot travel far in the sea at all.

Although the building boat can barely sail in the sea, it is also very dangerous once it encounters wind and waves.

Even if the large ships were lucky enough to enter the Yangtze River along the coastal sea, how could they fight against the Jiangdong and Jingzhou navies by relying solely on the large ships? These were the problems that troubled Zhuge Liang.

Zhuge Liang asked his questions and worries.

Lu Yan slowly sat up straight and said: "The boat I want to build can not only sail in rivers, but also in the sea, it can also sail long distances!"

Zhuge Liang thought: "Sure enough!"

In fact, after thinking about it, he thought that the only explanation for Lu Yan's insistence on doing this was that "he was confident of building a warship that could sail long distances in the sea."

But when Zhuge Liang heard that Lu Yan could really build such a ship, he couldn't help but ask: "Sir, are you really so confident about your ship?"

Zhuge was always cautious in his life, and he did not agree with anything that was too risky.

"If you are sure, wouldn't you know if you try it after the boat comes out?"

"But it takes a lot of effort to build such a ship, but if it fails..."

"It doesn't matter, we have more money."


Well, Lu Yan's words finally silenced Zhuge Liang.

This chapter has been completed!
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