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Chapter 414 Witness the birth of the cannon

When Lu Yan and others arrived, someone had already informed Ma Jun of the news.

By the time Lu Yan and the others arrived at the door of the forging plant, Ma Jun had already run out with three deputies covered in sweat.

"I've met... I've met Lu Xiuqi!"

"I've seen Lu Xiuqi!" Ma Jun and his three deputies saluted Lu Yan and others respectfully.

Lu Yan looked at Ma Jun, who had turned black but also become stronger, and asked: "How is it? Has the cannon been built?"

"Back to Lu... the Hussar has been built! And we have improved... ten... cannons according to different... specifications and proportions!"

Lu Yan heard this and praised: "That's right! New things require constant testing and improvement, so that we can create better things!"

The original ten-shot repeating crossbow was the result of Ma Jun's continuous research and modification. While its power was greatly increased, it became more and more convenient to use.

From the beginning, the ten-shot repeating crossbow required the cooperation of two people to use it. Later, the cavalry could shoot the crossbow with one hand... Every improvement here is the hard work of Ma Jun and countless craftsmen.

The cannon had actually been built a long time ago, but the test results of the first cannon were not satisfactory. Therefore, Ma Jun did not pass the news to Lu Yan, but chose to continue the research by himself and the experienced blacksmiths.

and various details of improved cannons.

When the tenth cannon was improved, Lu Yan, Zhuge Liang and others happened to arrive.

Zhuge Liang, Huang Zhong and Huang Xu were silent all the way.

As Ma Jun walked several kilometers and came to another open space, they finally saw the cannon that Lu Yan and Ma Jun were talking about!

There is only one cannon in the clearing, and it is the latest version that has been improved but has not yet had time to experiment.

Not far away, there are three cannons arranged neatly, which must have been eliminated.

Lu Yan and others circled around the cannon several times, while Zhuge Liang, Huang Zhong, and Huang Xu were full of doubts.

"What...is this thing for?" Huang Xu asked Huang Zhong quietly.

Huang Zhong actually didn't know, but he still answered affirmatively: "It's a weapon!"

Everyone knows this is a weapon...

"But how does it kill the enemy?" So Huang Xu asked again.

Huang Zhong glared at Huang Xu and said, "Why are there so many problems? Won't you know after reading it later?"

"Oh..." Huang Xu shrank his head and said oh, and Zhuge Liang next to him almost suppressed his laughter.

Ma Jun was worried that Lu Yan and others would be injured by the explosion, so he said to Lu Yan and others: "Please also ask Lu Qiaoqi and... everyone... everyone to stay away a little... the big... the cannon may hit

Hurt you... you."

Lu Yan knew that the cannon might explode, so he said to Zhuge Liang and others, "Stay away. This thing may explode and accidentally injure people around you."

Zhuge Liang and Huang Xu were very curious, but also very scared. They retreated far away, staring at the cannon with half-squinted eyes.

Huang Zhong blocked half of his body in front of Lu Yan. Even if there was danger, he was sure to use his body to block the crisis for Lu Yan.

The distance is almost two hundred meters, no matter how hard he explodes, he can't reach here. But Lu Yan didn't remind Huang Zhong, and even if he did, Huang Zhong might not get out of the way...

"Prepare the gunpowder!"

"Fill the iron bullet!"

Following the order, the craftsman responsible for operating the cannon began to make various preparations.

After the ammunition was filled, someone began to prepare the fuse for the fire point.

In front of the cannon muzzle is an open space, and 300 steps away from the open space is a dense forest. Looking into the woods from here, you can still see several broken trees, and at the end of the woods is a cliff, and the cannon is 300 meters away from the cliff.

, almost three kilometers away.

The angle of the cannon's muzzle has already been calibrated.

Ma Jun looked at Lu Yan from a distance, and when he saw Lu Yan nodded, he waved his hands fiercely and said: "Set... fire the cannon!"

Following Ma Jun's order, the craftsman responsible for igniting the gun immediately used a torch to light the fuse on the butt of the barrel.

The fuse started burning, and Ma Jun and the craftsmen quickly retreated.

The earliest time there was an explosion in the barrel, resulting in two people being injured... Therefore, the craftsmen who operated the cannon behind them became cautious.

As the fuse burns out,

With a loud "Boom!", an orange-red flame suddenly burst out from the muzzle of the cannon!

The cannon roared, and the huge recoil shook the ground slightly. The dust under the cannon suddenly flew up, covering the cannon.

As flames spurted out from the muzzle, a solid iron ball spurted out from the muzzle. In the blink of an eye, it flew to the woods three hundred steps away, and then slammed into the woods!



The moment we entered the woods, there were countless sounds of tree trunks breaking and trees falling to the ground.

In just one breath, a passage was blasted out directly where the cannon was facing!


Zhuge Liang, Huang Xu, including Huang Zhong, couldn't help but take a breath of cold air!

Although Huang Zhong is not young, his eyesight is still sharp.

He saw the scene inside from a distance through the passage in the woods. "It was like being trampled by a thousand-man cavalry team... Countless tree trunks were torn apart, and branches and leaves were scattered all over the ground. It was extremely tragic."

Zhuge Liang and Huang Xu opened their mouths and stared at the woods ahead...

Looking at the scene in front of him, Huang Xu, who had been a little contemptuous of the iron lump just now, couldn't help but raise his hand and rub his eyes vigorously, "I...did I read it correctly?"

Zhuge Liang, who was next to him, regained his senses faster. He suppressed the shock in his heart and replied: "You read that right, there is at least a three-person wide passage in the woods ahead!"

"This cannon is so terrifying!" Huang Xu sighed.

This is just the power of a cannon...

Huang Zhong has experienced hundreds of battles, and he undoubtedly thinks more about cannons than Huang Xu and Zhuge Liang.

He frowned and asked Lu Yan beside him: "Sir, if there are a hundred such cannons on the battlefield, then..."

"No one can stop him, he will destroy the world!" Lu Yan only answered with eight words, and Huang Zhong felt a chill in his heart.

Huang Zhong couldn't help but lamented, "If this is the case, what's the point of waiting for me to be a warrior..."

Lu Yan heard this and said with a smile: "Cannons are dead, but people are alive. And even if cannons appear on the battlefield, it will probably take a long time for them to completely replace the existence of powerful generals.

Although after the emergence of cannons, personal bravery will become increasingly pale and feeble as the battlefield develops, the importance of the commander becomes even more important when commanding large armies on the battlefield."

After hearing what Lu Yan said, although Huang Zhong was still disappointed, he felt better after all.

The emergence of artillery means that this era will transition from the era of cold weapons to the era of hot weapons, but it will probably take a lot of time to fully enter the era of hot weapons.

But no matter what, Lu Yan has now made history, and this is destined to be a moment that history will remember!

This chapter has been completed!
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