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Chapter 420 One is too cautious, the other is as steady as an old dog

Although he didn't know what kind of medicine Sima Yi was selling in his gourd, as an old player who had been in a high position for several years, Lu Yan was not afraid of this newcomer who had just entered the officialdom. Besides, the current Sima Yi could not be promoted at all.

The thought of usurping the world came up.

"Since you want to stay, then you can also serve as a military commander in the Naval General Administration. Kong Ming happens to be a little busy right now, and you can share some of the pressure for him when you arrive."

Lu Yan naturally recognized Sima Yi's abilities. He was one of the few people who could give Zhuge Liang a headache.

Sima Yi, who thought he would be kicked out, did not expect that he would stay in the Navy so smoothly. However, this also made Sima Yi even more confused, "Lu Yan left me so easily? Then he

What happened to the rejection of me in the past?"

I can't figure it out...

If you can't figure it out, then don't think about it for the time being. Anyway, you have already stayed. There will be plenty of opportunities to find out what Lu Yan really thinks about him in the future.

After making up his mind, Sima Yi bowed his hands and said, "Students, please follow your arrangements!"

At this moment, Zhuge Liang, who had taken the two newcomers out to "familiarize themselves with the environment", "happened" to come back.

Lu Yan saw Zhuge Liang, Wang Ming, and Li Ke coming in, so he said: "Wang Ming, Li Ke, you two are appointed as governors; Wang Ming, you assist Kong Ming, and Li Ke, you assist Zhongda."

Speaking of this, Lu Yan paused for a moment and introduced: "Oh, by the way, after the Navy starts training, the work will be complicated and arduous. Zhongda was just appointed as Army Sima by me. In the future, he will be mainly responsible for the Navy station.

I will share some of the work with you Kong Ming."

Zhuge Liang did not show any objection. He still saluted meticulously and responded: "Here."

Wang Ming and Li Ke were squeezed out by their colleagues and had no choice but to come to the Navy.

They did not have high expectations, they just hoped to continue working in the government and receive a salary that could support their families.

After Lu Yan arranged the responsibilities of several people, he suddenly said: "The navy has just been established, and I don't want to attract too much attention. Therefore, I will not report your position as commander."

Lu Yan's words dimmed the light in the eyes of Wang Ming and Li Ke.

According to the Han court system, the rank of the official historian ranged from 100 shi to 400 shi. However, the court had an unwritten rule that the chief official should appoint the official.

Up to four hundred stones or three hundred stones; for those who do not report, the salary is usually one hundred stones. In other words, their salary has been defaulted to one hundred stones.

"It's hard...a hundred stone salary...how can I explain to my wife when I get home!"

"That's all...at least I still have an official position. At worst, I can ask my wife's family to provide more support..."

The two of them couldn't help but lament in their hearts. Although they had prepared for the worst, they never expected that it would be worse than they expected...

They are not a wealthy family, but they come from a poor family. Their salary of one hundred stones is not enough even if they drink the northwest wind.

This salary is better than that of the craftsmen who work as supervisors, and even ordinary people who do odd jobs for the government.

Of course Lu Yan knew this, and he would never treat people badly who did things for him.

"Salary is just one of your incomes. In the future, you can also receive part of the dividends from part of the Navy's profits."

When Wang Ming and Li Ke heard this, doubts arose in their hearts, "The Naval General Administration is still profitable??"

“What does dividend mean?”

Ignoring the two people's confusion, Lu Yan said to Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi: "Of course, Kong Ming and Zhongda, you will also have a share. Not only you, but every soldier and general of the navy will have corresponding dividends."

Although I didn’t quite understand it, everyone still roughly understood the meaning.

This is the Navy General Administration, where does its profit come from?

Zhuge Liang has been in charge of the affairs of the Naval General Administration, and he has actually made some guesses about this.

Lu Yan wanted to test Zhuge Liang, and also wanted to take the opportunity to let him show his skills in suppressing Sima Yi, so he asked: "Kong Ming, you have been taking care of the affairs related to the Navy General Administration. I don't know what you think about the profit method of the Navy General Administration."


Zhuge Liang glanced at Sima Yi and thought that Lu Yan wanted to test himself and let himself show some abilities in front of everyone so that he could control himself.

"Sir, Liang does have some guesses...but if there are any mistakes or omissions, please correct me."

"Well, just say it."

After Zhuge Liang organized some speeches, he said: "Due to the establishment of the Navy General Administration, merchants have established water caravans one after another, trying to replace part of the land transportation with water transportation.

This is because businessmen are optimistic about the Han Dynasty Navy's ability to attack and suppress water bandits in the Central Plains and Hebei Province, so they dare to bet their freight on the Navy.

Since the navy has cleaned up the water bandits for the merchants and ensured their safety, it is natural and reasonable to charge some protection fees on certain road sections."

Wang Ming and Li Ke could not help but nod in agreement. It is normal for businessmen in this era to pay some protection fees.

Sima Yi remained silent, without any expression or movement, and still looked like he was listening attentively, waiting for more "guesses" from Zhuge Liang.

Sure enough, Zhuge Liang paused for a moment and then continued: "My subordinates also noticed that when building warships, the navy was also developing a huge cargo ship."

Having said this, Zhuge Liang couldn't help but look up at Lu Yan. After all, this already involved some secrets, and he naturally had to obtain Lu Yan's consent before speaking out.

When Lu Yan saw Zhuge Liang looking at him, he nodded slightly to indicate that he could continue.

After obtaining Lu Yan's consent, Zhuge Liang continued: "The structure of cargo ships is mostly similar to warships... Based on what my husband said, my subordinates made a bold guess about warships that can sail in the sea...

.... Sir, you want to use the navy’s long-distance navigation capabilities to conduct maritime trade!”

After hearing Zhuge Liang's guess, Lu Yan couldn't help but put his hands on his hands and laughed: "As expected of Wolong, he guessed my arrangements for the future navy just based on observation."

"Sea trade!" Wang Ming and Li Ke were a little surprised, but they didn't think it was outrageous.

After all, the Han Dynasty had already established the Maritime Silk Road a long time ago, which was the maritime route connecting the Indian Ocean with the South China Sea as the center.

Although the Han Dynasty did not pay much attention to the maritime trade line, sea trade actually brought enough benefits to the Han Dynasty.

Moreover, Lu Yan was well aware of the huge profits of maritime trade, so in Lu Yan's view, it was imperative to reopen maritime trade.

Speaking of maritime trade, Sima Yi's face finally changed.

Lu Yan keenly caught Sima Yi's expression, so he asked: "What is Zhongda's opinion?"

Sima Yi was called upon by Lu Yan, so he had no choice but to step forward and replied: "Mr. Hui, this is a new student here, so I don't dare to make any further comments."

This guy is as stable as an old dog.

Sima Yi didn't want to say it, and Lu Yan couldn't force him.

After Zhuge Liang's guess was confirmed by Lu Yan, Wang Ming and Li Ke's spirits were obviously much better. After all, with more income, the family's life could be easier.

Seeing that things were almost over and it was getting dark, Lu Yan stood up and looked at Zhuge Liang and said: "Kong Ming, you will take your colleagues to familiarize themselves with and inspect them later. There will be no flaws in the trial of the battleship tomorrow."

"Here!" Zhuge Liang, Sima Yi, Wang Ming, and Li Ke responded with their hands raised.

This chapter has been completed!
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