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Chapter 431 The highest realm of sprayers

The Prime Minister's residence was extremely quiet, and this man offended everyone present with just one word.

Even Lu Yan had to sigh in his heart, "Cowhide!"

This man's behavior, coupled with the fact that Cao Cao mentioned to Lu Yan that Kong Rong recommended Ni Heng, Lu Yan immediately guessed this man's identity.

Although everyone was not angry, they did not lower themselves to argue with an rude savage.

Lu Yanzai bowed his head and said in Cao Cao's ear: "This person should be Mi Heng."

Mi Heng, historically, lived in exile in northern Jing until the early years of Jian'an.

In the early years of Jian'an, he returned to Xuchang and planned to seek an official position from Cao Cao, but he did not expect that because his sex appeal was too extreme, he ended up humiliating Cao Cao and ended his future. Because he was frustrated, Mi Heng became more and more

When he got too extreme, he started to curse.

In this life, Mi Heng still returned to Xuchang, but it is already the seventh year of Jian'an, and he has lived several years longer than in history.

When Mi Heng first came to Xuchang, he was deeply shocked by its prosperity.

He came to Xuchang and found his friend Kong Rong. After an in-depth exchange of ideas, the two decided to stay here and show their talents.

But who would have known that several of Kong Rong's recommendations were ignored by Boss Cao. How could Mi Heng, who has always been extremely arrogant and willful, be so "insulted"?

So later Cao Cao reluctantly agreed, and even when he summoned him several times, Mi Heng firmly refused.

He also heard that Cao Cao was hosting a banquet for his capable men and generals tonight, and the extreme in Mi Heng's heart broke out again. This was the scene where Mi Heng broke into the Prime Minister's Mansion for a banquet at night.

Cao Cao was stunned when he heard this, and asked softly: "I summoned him several times before, but he refused with various excuses. Why did he come to the banquet uninvited today?"

Lu Yan shrugged and replied: "Who knows, why don't you ask him?"

"Are you Zhengping?" Cao Cao asked as expected.

Mi Heng was called out by Cao Cao, but suddenly burst into laughter.

Lao Cao frowned slightly and asked, "Why are you laughing?"

Mi Heng cupped his hands and gave a slight salute: "Savage Mi Heng, pay your respects to Duke Cao!"

His current appearance is indeed somewhat similar to that of a savage.

After saluting, Mi Heng said: "I laugh at the fact that there is no one in this huge prime minister's house!"

Being nakedly humiliated again, even the best-tempered person can't help but get angry.

But just when someone tried to stand up and say something in reply, Mi Heng suddenly reached out and tore off his patched sleeves!


Not only that, he also tore off a section of his trousers.

This guy's actions confused most of the people present, and Lu Yan was certainly no exception. An inexplicable thought popped into his mind, "Is there anyone doing performance art so early?"

However, Cao Cao and Lu Yan didn't understand Mi Heng's intentions, but that doesn't mean that others didn't know.

At this time, Xun Yu, who was sitting under Cao Cao, said softly: "The father-in-law is here with his head bowed, and the mulberry husband is walking naked... It comes from Qu Yuan's "Nine Chapters", followed by: There is no need to use loyalty, and there is no need to use virtuous people. When Wu Zi met with disaster,

Better than dry glutinous rice..."

After Xun Yu’s explanation, Cao Cao and Lu Yan suddenly realized that the emperor’s behavior was an accusation that loyal and virtuous people could not be used. It turned out that Mi Heng was insinuating that Cao Cao did not know how to use people, unlike Chu Huai.

The king is as foolish as a lord!

"Some rotten scholars don't use a single curse word when they curse people... But this Mi Heng is even better. He doesn't even have to say curses..." Lu Yan's awareness of trolls instantly rose to a new level.

The scene was very quiet, and although Xun Yu's words were relatively soft, some of the sentences in them could still be heard.

Seeing that someone had figured out his intentions so quickly, Mi Heng softened his attitude a little, and even bowed his hand to Xun Yu.

Xun Yu returned the gift, stood up and said, "You are Zhengping. You are also a famous scholar in the plains. If you have any dissatisfaction, you can just tell the prime minister directly."

Although Mi Heng had just saluted Xun Yu, it was just because he recognized Xun Yu's knowledge, and it did not mean that he recognized Xun Yu as a person, especially someone who was more handsome than himself.

"Who are you?" Mi Heng asked in a somewhat unkind tone.

Xun Yu was extremely well-educated. Even though Mi Heng was so rude, he still responded gracefully: "I'm Xun Yu, Xun Wenruo."

"Oh." Mi Heng said oh, but there was no follow-up. What does oh mean? You're really talking!

An awkward atmosphere permeated the entire Prime Minister's Mansion. Xun Yu could neither stand nor sit. No matter how well-mannered he was, he could no longer hold back at this moment.

Seeing this, Lu Yan couldn't help but shook his head, thinking: "This is the consequence of talking to trolls... Xun Yu, Xun Yu, you are still too young."

Lu Yan, who has seen later generations of Internet trolls and keyboard wizards, knows very well that these people are capable of infuriating people to death. The best way to deal with these people is to ignore them. Because the more you resist, the more excited they will be.

No matter what, you will still be the one who gets frustrated and angry in the end.

Xun Yu felt as if he was being roasted on a fire. Someone finally couldn't stand it anymore and stood up and yelled: "You are a rude fellow, how can you humiliate Xun Lingjun!"

Someone helped him out, and Xun Yu was finally able to sit back.

Mi Heng turned to the person who spoke up, glanced disdainfully, and asked: "Who are you?"

If you answer, you will become a loser. If you don't answer, you will look too cowardly... So is it to answer or not to answer?

Fortunately, that man knew how to avoid the important and take the easy. He did not directly respond to Mi Heng's question, but said: "Xun Lingjun has far-reaching wisdom and good governance. Although Xiao He and Chen Ping are nothing more than this!"

Mi Heng replied with a non-smiling smile: "Haha! Xun Wenruo can really use me to pay my respects!"


As soon as these words came out, many people who were secretly eating meat and drinking wine couldn't help but spit out the wine in their mouths.

Can Xun Yu take this opportunity to express condolences? This is such a shame!

In ancient times, funerals usually had to be hosted by someone with a solemn and handsome appearance, and the Hakkas usually sent good-looking and dignified people to attend. So Mi Heng said that Xun Yu "can be used to mourn", which was secretly scolding him for just showing up.


Lu Yan was happy in his heart: "It's really a shame to catch this brother. He is truly the originator of trolls!"

The person who said "Zhengyi" went on to say: "Xi Jijiu is strategizing and full of wisdom; Guo Jijiu is far-sighted and has insight into people's hearts!"

"A talent for drama can be used to recite poems and poems; Guo Fengxiao can be used to serve tea and water."


Without waiting for the brother to call his name again, Mi Heng said in rapid succession: "Xun You can make the tomb guards guard the tombs, Cheng Yu can make the doors close, Zhang Liao can make the drums beat for gold, Xu Chu can make the cattle and horses herd, and enjoy the music."

Jin can make people take orders and read out moves, Li Dian can make people pass letters and send messages, Man Chong can make people drink wine and eat grains, Xu Huang can make pigs and dogs slaughtered, Xiahou Dun can be called the perfect general, and Cao Zixiao can be called the prefect who wants money!"

"!" Everyone opened their mouths and were stunned. People at the banquet forgot even the sound of breathing for a while.

Those who were named felt ashamed and angry, while those who were not named were secretly grateful...

Just when Lu Yan was glad that he was not named by Mi Heng, Lao Cao suddenly spoke, "I have Zhao Yun and Zhao Zilong who must be the vanguard in every battle and are nearly invincible in the world!"

Mi Heng glanced at Cao Cao and said: "Zhao Yun can make the horse fall and kick, he is worthy of use."

"Think!" Seeing Lao Cao point to Zhao Yun, Lu Yan's heart thumped, secretly thinking that he was about to suffer!

Sure enough, before Lu Yan could stop him, Cao Cao reached out and pointed at Lu Yan beside him and asked: "I have Lu Changsheng, the pinnacle of civil and military affairs! Dare I ask, who else in the world can compare with me?!"

This chapter has been completed!
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