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Chapter 433 Give Kong Ming a Demonstration

Realizing that he might have made a big mistake today, Mi Heng started in front of Kong Rong, "Today is my own humiliation, it has nothing to do with Brother Wenju..." After Mi Heng finished speaking, he took another look at the broken body on his body.


Looking back on today's behavior, it seems so ridiculous and childish.

Mi Heng pondered for a moment, then simply took off his clothes and said to Kong Rong: "Brother Wenju, I decided to travel around the Han Dynasty to see with my own eyes the people under Cao Cao and other princes.

What's the difference?"

Kong Rong was surprised and delighted by Mi Heng's sudden change, as if he saw a rebellious junior suddenly becoming mature.

Early the next morning, Mi Heng abandoned all the gold and silver property that Kong Rong had given him, and wearing only a piece of cloth worn by ordinary people, walked out of Kong Rong's mansion and gradually disappeared into the crowd.

Are you talented?

Undoubtedly, there must be.

Historically, Lao Cao asked Mi Heng to play drums to humiliate him.

But when Mi Heng played the drum song "Yu Yang", his appearance and posture were different, and the rhythm of the drum music was tragic and solemn. Everyone who heard it was deeply moved. Even Cao Cao said: "I wanted to humiliate Mi Heng."

, I didn’t expect that Mi Heng would humiliate me instead.”

Later, because Mi Heng was sitting at the gate of the camp, beating the ground with his big staff and scolding Cao Cao, Cao Cao was so angry that he sent Mi Heng to Jingzhou and handed it over to Liu Biao.

Liu Biao is known as one of the "Eight Heroes", with both reputation and talent. Therefore, Liu Biao and Mi Heng loved each other very much at the beginning.

But as time went by, Mi Heng's weird temper came back again.

One time, Mi Heng happened to be out. When he came back, he read the memorial they drafted and felt that Liu Biao and others' explanation of the memorial was not rigorous, so he tore up the memorial and threw it on the ground. Liu Biao felt strange and scared, so Mi Heng asked for pen and paper, and immediately

Written, spoken, and semantically impressive.

Later Mi Heng insulted and slighted Liu Biao again. Liu Biao felt ashamed and could not tolerate it. He thought Huang Zu, the prefect of Jiangxia, was impatient, so he sent Mi Heng to Huang Zu again, hoping to punish Ni Heng and make him restrain his temper.

When he first arrived in Jiangxia, Ni Heng did clerical work for Huang Zu. He handled everything appropriately, whether it was minor or important, or sparse or close, which made Huang Zu respect and value him very much.

Later, Huang She, the son of Huang Zu and the prefect of Zhangling, held a banquet. Someone brought a parrot and asked Mi Heng to write a poem with the parrot to make the guests happy. Mi Heng wrote as soon as he started writing, without any interruption.

Any changes were done in one go, and the diction was gorgeous, which made Huang She respect Mi Heng.

However, it didn't take long for Mi Heng's character to emerge again.

Once when Huang Zu was holding a banquet on a ship, Ni Heng made rude remarks and Huang Zu reprimanded him.

But Mi Heng actually scolded Huang Zu back in public, saying: "Dead old man (dead old man)!"

Huang Zu was humiliated in public, and he was so angry that he ordered Mi Heng to be killed. At the same time, Huang Zu's chief clerk had always hated Ni Heng, so he immediately carried out the order and killed Mi Heng. Huang She was barefoot after learning the news.

He came to save you, but failed to catch up. Huang Zu regretted it very much afterwards, so he buried Ni Heng lavishly.

You Heng was only twenty-six years old when he died.

Mi Heng's life can be said to be full of talents, but his too bohemian and arrogant character led to his short and tragic life.

Mi Heng's personality does have serious flaws, but as far as he is concerned, he is actually just a sensitive and fragile young man.

The encounter at the prime minister's house gave Mi Heng some enlightenment in an instant, and this gave him the idea of ​​traveling out and experiencing the lives of ordinary people firsthand.

Today is different from the past. Times are changing and our thinking must keep pace with the times.


April, the eighth year of Jian'an.

All twenty docks in the shipyard have been built, and the craftsmen are working day and night. So far, nearly forty three-masted warships have been built.

During this period, the shipyard also built some small warships, such as stern boats and walking boats, to facilitate entering some small rivers to perform tasks.

As for the navy, all 100,000 men have arrived.

With Sima Yi's efforts, the Navy's logistics support system has been fully established.

Various talents work together in a division of labor, and the cooperation is getting better and better, and the entire navy is in good order.

Lu Yan took Zhuge Liang, who had spared some time from his busy schedule, to the navy station.

Today, Lu Yan's purpose is to let Zhuge Liang see that a department can run very smoothly and efficiently even if he doesn't have to do it himself.

The way to govern a country is to promote talents.

This is a truth that Zhuge Liang, Sima Yi, or most people clearly understand.

But Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi were extremely different in their methods and standards for selecting talents.

When Zhuge Liang selects talents, he must pay equal attention to virtue and ability. Compared with talent, he pays more attention to virtue. This is very different from the approach of the Cao Wei Group.

What Cao Cao implemented at that time was meritocracy, "A person who is good at it may not be able to be enterprising; a person who is enterprising may not be able to do it".

Therefore, he recruited talents, even if they had "an insulting reputation, acted for fun, or were unkind and unfilial, but had the skills to govern the country and use military force, they should use their knowledge and do not leave anything behind."

Zhuge Liang himself has good moral character and extraordinary talents, so his standard when hiring people is to pay more attention to virtue on the premise of equal emphasis on virtue and ability.

However, looking at the whole world, how many people can achieve Zhuge Liang's ability and political integrity?

Jiang Wan, Fei Yi, and Dong Yun were pretty good, but after them, there was a large talent vacuum in Shu.

Without enough talents, Zhuge Liang would not be able to do everything himself even if he wanted to. What's more, he is a hands-on person who has a cautious character who can only feel at ease if he has complete control of everything. As the prime minister of the Shuhan Group, Zhuge Liang has to deal with quite a lot of affairs every day.

Due to the heavy workload and years of overwork, his health deteriorated and he ate very little. Eventually, he was exhausted both physically and mentally, and died of exhaustion early on.

But Sima Yi was very different. He knew people well and promoted talents boldly after taking power. Talents such as Guo Huai, Wang Shuang, Zhong Hui and Deng Ai emerged one after another, and they were all devoted to Sima Yi.

With the emergence of many outstanding talents, Sima Yi can also be freed from complicated affairs. He only needs to grasp the general direction, and the rest of the specific affairs will be completely taken care of by others. From this point of view, he, Sima Yi, and

Lu Yan looks even more similar.

Instead of saying it a thousand times, it’s better to take a look for yourself.

If Lu Yan wants to change Zhuge Liang's overly cautious and hands-on character, he needs real people who can convince him.

It may not be appropriate to use Lu Yan himself as an example, but it is more appropriate to use Sima Yi, an alumnus and colleague, as an example.

This chapter has been completed!
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