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Chapter 474 The magistrate of Zhaoling, not simple

The Ling Tong army that set out from Pingyu City all wore simple iron armor and carried wooden shields wrapped with iron sheets, broadswords, spears, bows and arrows and other standard equipment.

Such equipment, even among all Jiangdong's armies, is definitely considered very elite.

Ling Tong fought bravely and had the style of a national soldier. Although he was young, he was quite prestigious in the army.

Both Sun Quan and Zhou Yu valued Ling Tong very much, so they gave him a very elite team. However, the elites here are only relative to those within Jiangdong...

Ling Tong looked at the sky and then shouted:

"Quick, quick, quick! Speed ​​up! Try to get outside Zhaoling City before dark!"

Ling Tong was somewhat eager to achieve success and urged the army to speed up their march.

From the information sent back by Zhu Ran before, we can know that

Zhaoling City is just a small city. Only the east and west walls are relatively tall, while the north and south walls are relatively low. Strong men can even climb over them.

Based on this information, it was judged that it was only a matter of time before Zhu Ran and Dong Xi captured Zhaoling. Ling Tong was afraid that he would be late and would have no meat to eat.

The city defense of Zhaoling City is indeed not strong, and even seems a bit weak. But under such difficult circumstances, the city's defenders were able to withstand the siege of 10,000 Jiangdong troops, which shows that the defenders are not a simple person.

Of course he is not simple, because he is a student who graduated from the first military class of Taiyuan University, Cheng Yu’s son, Cheng Wu!

Historically, Cheng Wu was also a famous minister and counselor of Wei in the late Three Kingdoms period. Now Cheng Wu has inherited both Cheng Yu's intelligence and military power. Because of his tall stature, he looks more powerful than his old father Cheng Yu.


Cheng Wu's highlight moment in history was when he plotted against Zhao Yun, causing Zhao Yun to be ambushed and almost killed in Fengming Mountain. In this life, their enemies met in advance.

"Cheng Wu, the magistrate of Zhaoling County, has met the former general!" Cheng Wu came to Zhao Yun and bowed his hands in salute.

Cheng Wu, who was tall and stained with a lot of blood and had killed at least six or seven enemy soldiers, was practicing civilized etiquette, which made him look a bit strange.

Zhao Yun laughed and said: "I asked which general could stop the 10,000 Jiangdong Army with only 3,000 people and an earthen city. It turned out to be you, Cheng Wu!"

Cheng Wu smiled honestly and said: "If you make General Zhao laugh, I will not dare to praise you as a general."

"No, no, no, your performance is exemplary. You are worthy of being a top student graduating from military disciplines!" Zhao Yun couldn't help but praise.

Zhao Yun has now seen the power of Taiyuan Academy again.

Several top talents trained here, Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi, have shown extremely terrifying potential;

Now even Cheng Wu, who didn't look so dazzling before, has performed extremely well.

This made Zhao Yun sigh with emotion, "If the Taiyuan Academy can always produce talents like Xiao Wu, why worry about the big men not being interested?"

When Xia Houlan heard this, he also praised: "The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead. You are a very good boy!"

Cheng Wu was a bit thin-skinned. After being praised by Zhao Yun and Xia Houlan in turn, a trace of red appeared on his face...

At this moment, Cheng Wusa went out and the spy suddenly came to report, which relieved his embarrassment in disguise.

"Report to the county magistrate! A Jiangdong army was spotted twenty miles away, heading towards our county seat!"

When Cheng Wu heard this, he looked serious and asked: "Can we find out the number of people and who is leading the army?"

"There are probably more than 10,000 people, and the military flag is embroidered with the character "Ling"!" the spy reported truthfully.

"Ling?" Zhao Yun obviously had never heard of this person, so he turned to Xia Houlan.

Xia Houlan shook his head and said to Zhao Yun, "I don't seem to have heard of any general named Ling in Jiangdong."

"It should be General Zhao, a junior general from Jiangdong. What should we do?" Cheng Wu asked Zhao Yun.

Zhao Yun wanted to give the order directly, but suddenly an idea flashed through his mind, so he asked: "I wonder what your plan is?"

Cheng Wu didn't expect that Zhao Yun would ask him about his strategy, and he felt flattered for a moment.

You must know that Zhao Yun is a former general, second only to Jiuqing, and is one of the most prestigious generals in Cao's camp. He also has the reputation of being "invincible in battle and conquerable in every attack".

Such a person would actually ask a young man who was just starting out and had no battlefield experience before! This not only made Cheng Wu feel flattered, but also made Xiahou Lan feel a little surprised.

While Cheng Wu was excited, he also became more cautious.

He does have some ideas, but now that he is about to give his first time, it is inevitable that he must be more cautious and steady.

After thinking about it for about ten breaths, Cheng Wu thought that he had thought it right, so he said: "This army probably came to support Zhao Ling after seeing that it could not be attacked for a long time, although they could not stop General Zhao's cavalry.

, but there will inevitably be casualties in frontal combat."

Seeing Zhao Yun slightly nodding, Cheng Wu continued: "In my opinion, we can have the soldiers put on the battle armor of the Jiangdong Army, pretend that we have captured Zhaoling City, and invite them into the city.

At the same time, our army can set up ambushes in the city and outside the city, and as long as the enemy troops enter the city, they can launch ambush on both sides at the same time!"

Zhao Yun smiled and said, "Yes, your strategy should have a high success rate.

In this case, you should first arrange an ambush inside the city, and our cavalry will ambush outside the city.

At that time, if you use the war drum as a signal, our dragoon army will appear immediately to cut off the enemy's retreat!"

After Cheng Wu heard Zhao Yun's arrangements, he felt relieved and said: "What General Zhao said is true. I will go and make arrangements now!"

After Cheng Wu left, Xia Houlan came to Zhao Yun and said, "Cheng Wu has become both civil and military. There is a successor to the old Cheng family!"

"I know what you want to say..." Zhao Yun glanced at Xia Houlan, and then murmured: "When Jingzhou is pacified and her brother is found, I will give her an explanation."

Xia Houlan laughed when he heard this and said: "Zhou Yan needs to have good looks and good body. I really don't understand why you are still hesitating..."

Zhao Yun didn't say anything else, and just led the dragon rider towards the woods not far outside Zhaoling City.


When Ling Tong led his army to the outside of Zhaoling City, he was surprised to see the flags on top of the city representing the two generals Jiang Dong, Zhu Ran, and Dong Xi.

"We have already captured Zhaoling City?!"

Seeing that Zhaoling had been captured, Ling Tong felt a little happy, but also a little disappointed. This meant that he had lost a good opportunity to gain military exploits.

At this moment, someone on the city shouted: "The person coming is General Ling Tongling!"

Hearing someone shouting in the city, a guard walked out from Ling Tong's side and loudly replied: "It's General Ling's command. Brother, who are you from?"

"I am a subordinate of General Dong Xi! Earlier, General Zhu and General Dong attacked from both sides and captured Zhaoling City in one fell swoop. However, General Dong took the lead and suffered serious injuries during the siege. He is now recuperating in the city.


After a pause, the soldiers on the city continued to shout: "There is a lot of food in the city. Everyone

You can go into the city for a short rest."

The guard looked at Ling Tong and saw Ling Tong nodded slightly, so he replied: "In that case, please open the city gate for our army, brother!"

"Okay! The door will open soon!"

"Open the door!!!"

This chapter has been completed!
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