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Chapter four hundred and eighty-three, the way of running out of food, we are good at this (thanks to [Fei Fei Fei Yang Yang]

Huainan County, Hefei.

Sun Quan has been besieging Hefei for more than two months, but apart from throwing away one or two thousand corpses each time, he has made almost no progress.

However, Sun Quan was not in a hurry, because his current task was not to capture Hefei, but to keep the defenders of Hefei and Shouchunxia Houdun in check.

Sun Quan received the news from Zhou Yu today.

Sun Quan was very unhappy about Zhou Yu's delay in taking Pingyu County and the capture of his favorite generals Zhu Ran, Ling Tong and Dong Xi.

But Zhou Yu was the commander he relied on most, and Zhou Yu had a high prestige in the army, so it was difficult for Sun Quan to lose his temper directly with Zhou Yu.

However, before Sun Quan could vent his anger on Zhou Yu, another piece of news came to him like a bolt from the blue!

The messenger sent by Han Dang arrived.

The messenger sailed straight on in a light boat and quickly arrived at Chaohu Lake in Hefei through the Yuxi River waterway.

When he heard that more than a hundred warships of Cao's army, which could carry a thousand men, appeared in the Yangtze River and easily defeated Han Dang's navy, Sun Quan was shocked at first, then quickly calmed down and told the guards around him

Said: "Quick, summon all the generals to come quickly to discuss matters!"

The atmosphere in the Chinese military tent was a bit tense.

Sun Quan took a look at the generals in the big tent and said: "Everyone, General Han Dang has sent urgent news, saying that General Lu Yan, leading a hundred ships and a navy of 100,000, has invaded the Yangtze River Basin east of our Yangtze River!"

This news about Sun Quan is still very shocking.

"Lu Yan is really here?!" Huang Gai was also surprised when he heard this, and said: "Isn't his navy in the Yellow River, and how did it come to the Yangtze River? Could it be that it really came from the sea???"

At this time, someone else said: "But it's also possible that the water came from Xuzhou."

Everyone discussed Cao Jun's navy, and finally reached a consensus: Cao Jun's navy should be launched from Xuzhou. Because the current warships of their Jiangdong Navy are difficult to stay in the sea for a long time.

It is even more impossible for the warships of Cao's navy to sail in the middle.

But the question now is not where Cao Jun's navy came from, but what they will do to Jiangdong.

Now Jiangdong's troops are all in Huainan and Runan. Jiangdong itself is like a completely undefended beauty facing a group of rude and hungry men...

Sun Quan looked at his most respected think tank and asked: "Zijing, what do you think we should do now?"

Lu Su had already thought about it. After hearing Sun Quan's question to him, he immediately stood up and said, "My lord, according to my subordinates, although Lu Yan's navy is huge, they do not dare to attack our homeland."

Sun Quan leaned forward and asked: "What's the basis?" Obviously he was very concerned about this.

Lu Su continued: "It's very simple. Although Lu Yan's navy has a large number of people, it only has 100,000 people. It is tantamount to wishful thinking to capture Jiangdong with only 100,000 people!"

It's not that Sun Quan didn't know this truth, it's just that he was in chaos if he cared about it.

Lu Su's words were like giving Sun Quan a reassurance.

Sun Quan then nodded and said: "Then what should we do now, ignore them?"

When Lu Su heard this, he shook his head seriously and said, "No, my lord. My subordinates suggest that we withdraw our troops immediately!"

"What? Withdraw the troops?" Huang Gai looked at Lu Su in disbelief and asked: "Zijing, do you know how many lives of soldiers we have paid and how much food and grass we have consumed... Once the troops withdraw, what will happen?

Isn’t all the hard work wasted??”

"Yes! Moreover, the Governor is about to capture Runan. We can definitely turn around and deal with Cao Jun's navy after we have established a firm foothold!"

"Lu Yan only defeated General Han by relying on his large number of ships. As long as the main force of our navy comes back for reinforcements, Cao's navy can be destroyed with just a few clicks!"

Lu Su's words aroused a wave of opposition, and even Sun Quan felt that Lu Su was making too much of a fuss.

"Zijing, since we have no worries in our homeland, why take the huge risk of hastily withdrawing our troops?"

Lu Su waited until the voices of everyone in the hall died down, and then he replied: "Lord, when we first captured Lujiang County, there was no one in the city and no grain of food was left... Our current military rations are completely dependent on

To reach Wuhu, it must be transported by a first-line waterway at Rukou.

Now that Lu Yan is here, with his strategic vision, he will definitely control this waterway and cut off our army's supply line. Let me ask you, which soldier can continue to fight without food?"

Lu Su's words caused everyone to fall into silence.

Yes, Liangdao!

Hijacking grain roads is a fine tradition of Cao Jun!

Thinking back to the beginning, whether it was defeating Yuan Shu or defeating Yuan Shao in the Battle of Guandu, Cao's army intercepted the grain road and it was like flying up.

Wei Yan's hundreds of cavalry intercepted Ji Ling's army and collapsed without food for several days. On the eve of Guandu, Gan Ning burned tens of thousands of Yuan Shao's grain and grass, forcing Yuan Shao to only have the last grain garrison in Wuchao. In the end, Cao Cao and Lu Yan

There was even a night attack on Wuchao, which burned Yuan Shao's underwear clean.

"The grain interception road... is really a headache!" Sun Quan couldn't help but sigh.

But being asked to withdraw his troops and give up Runan, which he was about to capture, made him extremely unwilling!

After weighing it again and again, Sun Quan thought of a compromise and said, "How about... let's hear what Gong Jin has to say first?"

Since Sun Quan had said so, Lu Su no longer insisted and replied: "Let the Lord arrange it."


After Zhao Yun's reinforcements arrived, Pingyu City held on for another day without any danger.

The Dragoon Army's arrows had been exhausted, and they also began to try hand-to-hand combat. But only the next day, after adapting to the threat behind them, Jiangdong Army increased its siege efforts.

However, seeing that the city was about to be destroyed, Sun Quan's messenger brought news that made Zhou Yu almost lose his temper and go berserk!

"Lu Yan led a hundred thousand naval troops into the Yangtze River. General Han Dang fought with him and returned with a great defeat!"

After listening to the messenger's report, Zhou Yu, Cheng Pu, Lu Meng and others were all silent.

"It's terrible! Lu Yan Navy will definitely cut off our army's food route... What can we do?" Veteran Cheng Pu saw the pain at a glance, and at the same time looked at Zhou Yu with worry and asked.

Zhou Yu's face was trembling and twisting uncontrollably.

He spent so much effort and sacrificed so many soldiers and generals. Seeing that the city was about to be destroyed, Lu Yan's magic soldiers descended from the sky and cut off his rear.

"Lu Yan... Lu Yan!!!" Zhou Yu's voice was almost squeezed out of his throat, full of hatred and unwillingness!

"Send my order to the general to withdraw our troops quickly and return to Hefei!"

"Withdraw the troops?! Grand Governor, you can't!"

"Grand Governor, we will capture Runan soon!"

"Withdrawing our troops now will mean all our previous efforts have been wasted!"

Zhou Yu suddenly stood up and said with grief and anger in his eyes: "Do you think I want to withdraw? Let me tell you, if Lu Yan cuts off the food route, we can still rely on Runan's food and grass to support us for a while, but it won't be until Ban Yue Lord

The army will run out of food and fodder!

If the lord is defeated by then, we will be trapped alone in Runan...Do you all want to bury your bones in a foreign land?"

"But... alas!!!" Everyone was unwilling but unable to refute.

Veteran Cheng Pu finally said helplessly: "Gong Jin's concern is correct, let's withdraw!"

This chapter has been completed!
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