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Chapter 485 Chai Sang is very hurt

After joining forces at Hefei, Sun Quan and Zhou Yu's combined forces still had almost 150,000 fighting troops left.

Sun Quan spent countless money and food on this expedition, and suffered nearly 50,000 casualties. The losses were not small. But if he had hesitated for a while, his losses would probably have been more than these.

After the siege of Hefei was lifted, Jiangdong soldiers began to enter the warships in Chao Lake in batches in an orderly manner.

Xiahou Dun and Liu Ye didn't understand what Jiangdong's army wanted to do. By the time they were halfway on board the warship, it was already too late...

The Sun family's navy is indeed very powerful. There are at least two thousand warships in Chaohu Lake alone.

Moreover, among the more than 2,000 warships, there are 18 large ships that can carry 2,000 people or more.

The building ship is tall and majestic, with a square bow and paddles on both sides like multi-legged centipedes. A three-story building ten feet high is built on the deck. Each floor is surrounded by parapets half a person's height. The first floor is surrounded by wooden boards.

It forms a battle grid, with arrow holes and spear points on both the female wall and the battle grid. Since it can be used for both long-distance attack and close-quarter defense, it can accommodate thousands of soldiers.

The building boat is parked on the surface of Chaohu Lake, with thousands of archers on high alert, like a mobile fortress. The fighting ships and other small boats next to it are like fish and shrimp facing sharks in front of such a giant building boat, which is full of oppression.

However, due to the complex construction and high price of building ships, and their financial, material and manpower were far inferior to Cao Cao's power in Hebei, the Central Plains, there were only eighteen building ships in the entire Jiangdong industry.

In the distance, Xiahou Dun and Liu Ye looked at the building boat not far from the shore. They tried to launch several attacks but were shot back by random arrows.

In desperation, they could only watch the Jiangdong Navy slowly sail away from here.


Lu Yan's navy has now marched to Chaisang City, which is not far from the river and is completely exposed to the range of the cannon!

Sima Yi said beside Lu Yan: "Chaisang City is the gateway to the east and west of the Yangtze River. Not to mention the high city and the pond, the food and grass are also very well collected. This time Jiangdong's army went north, it is estimated that half of the food came from Chaisang City."

Su Fei nodded and continued: "If we can create some trouble for Chaisang City, we might be able to effectively combat the arrogance of Jiangdong Army."

At this time, Lu Yan suddenly said: "It will take at least two or three days for Sun Quan to return from Chaohu. This time is enough for us to capture Chaisang City several times!"

"Attack the city???" Sima Yi and Su Fei were both stunned when they heard this... Su Fei even shouted in his heart: "No, what I just said seemed to be to create trouble..."

"Attack the city!" Gan Ning suddenly became excited when he mentioned the siege, "Sir, do you really want to do it?"

Lu Yan turned around and looked at Sima Yi, Gan Ning and Su Fei, then nodded firmly and said: "Do it!"

Sima Yi and Su Fei looked at each other and read a word from each other's eyes: "Madman!"

Due to limited space, only fifty warships docked near the river bank this time.

On the ship, the barrels of the cannons have been pushed out of the ship's side, and the black muzzles have been pointed at Chaisang City on the south bank of the Yangtze River!

The place corresponding to the muzzle of the cannon is Chaisang City. There are still many people on the other side pointing at the fleet, not knowing that they are about to be in disaster.

Lu Yan did not want to hurt innocent people, so he ordered the first round to be fired with blank bullets in order to shock and disperse the onlookers.


As the flag was raised, the soldiers who had been selected for reloading training immediately loaded the gunpowder.


With an order, the artillery ignited the fire signal, and fifty warships and hundreds of artillery made a loud noise that shook the earth!


Countless loud noises shook the heavens and the earth!

Some of the people on the shore were so frightened that they fell to the ground, while others were so frightened that they fled in all directions with their heads in their hands.

The giant ship in the river and the loud noise from the ship caused chaos in Chaisang City.

Xu Sheng, the guard of Chaisang City, led his guards to the city wall for observation.

They had received a letter two days ago, saying that Cao Jun's navy had entered the Yangtze River, and they were asked to take strict precautions.

Now it seems that the huge warships lined up along the river are those of Cao Jun's navy!

"Ahhh! What a terrible thunder. Is the God of Thunder angry?!"

"Cao...it's Cao Jun!"

"Where are the people? Where is Jun Cao?"

When Xu Sheng came up, the soldiers on the wall of Chaisang City were scared to death.

After shouting many times but no one paid attention, Xu Sheng drew his sword and chopped down two soldiers who were running around with their heads in their hands like crazy. Only then did the others come to their senses.

"Why are you panicking? Just go back to your posts!"

Xu Sheng's words calmed down the defenders, and they returned to their positions tremblingly.

At the same time, after confirming that the onlookers had almost dispersed, Lu Yan finally started to take action!

"Load live ammunition and start attacking the city!"

Before Lu Yan could finish his words, Gan Ning, who was as excited as if he had taken a drug, had already stuffed a cannonball into the barrel with his own hands!

"Go away, let me do it!" After Gan Ning stuffed the cannonball into the barrel, he grabbed the torch from the hands of the soldiers who were about to light it, and said, "I want to kill these bastards!"





The cannon exploded again!

But this time is different from the last time. Along with the shining fire, there are also deadly shells rushing out of the barrel!


A cannonball accurately hit the city wall amidst the roar. Suddenly, a burst of gravel flew from the city wall, and the ground shook!

On Chaisang City, dozens of soldiers patrolling the city wall suddenly suffered disaster.

A few unlucky ones were hit by gravel and died. Some were thrown away by the strong shock wave and fell to the foot of the city wall on the other side. Others were frightened by the huge roar and turned over.

He jumped off the city wall toward the city and ran away with his life.


Cannonballs are coming one after another!

The city wall of Chaisang City facing the Yangtze River was instantly uneven and shattered by the bombardment!


"What is that? It's so scary!!"

"Run for your life, Thunder God is showing off!"

Xu Sheng was not injured under the protection of his personal guards, but there was a lot of dust on his body and head, making him look a little embarrassed.

After he stood up, regardless of his fear of Cao Jun, he quickly shouted: "Calm down! Give me a cold...!"

Before the second word of calmness was uttered, Cao Jun's second round of shelling came again!


"here we go again!"

"Run for your life!"

The city wall beneath my feet shook violently again!

Xu Sheng felt the increasingly strong vibrations and thought something bad in his heart, so he shouted: "Take down the city walls, quickly!"

However, Xu Sheng's words were still half a step too late.

Different from the first round of calibrated bombardment, the second round of bombardment was immediately followed by the third round of bombardment!

After three rounds of shelling, the wall of Chaisang City, which was extremely strong in the eyes of the people and soldiers in Jiangdong, collapsed unexpectedly!

Xu Sheng had quick eyesight and jumped off the city wall first, but many of the soldiers who had no time to escape suffered bloody misfortunes as the city wall collapsed.

Watching large sections of the city wall fall down, many soldiers who had escaped death and the people in the city swallowed their saliva, their eyes filled with fear.

The bombardment has not stopped yet, the three-masted warship has lowered many small boats, and Gan Ning and Su Fei have already boarded the south bank of the Yangtze River in small boats!

"Up, up, up! Follow me up!"

At this moment, Gan Ning actually felt like he did when he was a Jinfan thief again, his excited eyes glowed green,

"Come with me into the city and steal and burn all the food in Chaisang City!"


This chapter has been completed!
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