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Chapter 497 Cao Jun also has a navy?

Jingzhou Army, Danshui Camp.

After more than two months of fierce fighting, Pang Tong, Wenpin and others, as well as the Jingzhou soldiers they led, were exhausted.

However, Cao's army has not yet shown any signs of retreating, which only means that Jiangdong's army has not yet captured Runan and reached Xuchang.

Pang Tong had worked hard during this period, and he was exhausted both physically and mentally.

Just when he was lying on the couch with his eyes closed and concentrating, suddenly a bodyguard came from outside to report: "Military advisor, there is urgent news!"

The bodyguard shouted three times, and then Pang Tong slowly opened his eyes.

He forced his tired and weak body to sit up and asked, "What's the matter?"

After hearing what Pang Tong said, the personal guard entered the camp and handed a letter with both hands saying: "Military advisor, this is urgent military information sent from Fancheng!"

When Pang Tongyi heard that it was an urgent military message from Fancheng, he suddenly felt shocked and secretly said: "Could it be that Cao's army broke through the Xinye defense line?"

Pang Tongtong hurriedly took two steps forward, took the secret letter, opened it, and began to read it.

After only reading for two or three breaths, Pang Tong suddenly shouted: "Ah! It's terrible!"

Wenpin and Li Yan, who happened to come outside to ask about today's deployment, looked at each other in surprise after hearing Pang Tong's shout, then strode into the camp and asked: "Military advisor, what happened?"

Pang Tong's face was pale and his figure was shaky!

When Wen Pin and Li Yan saw this, they quickly stepped forward to support Pang Tong and said: "Military advisor, no matter what, you must take care of yourself!"

Pang Tong took two deep breaths, adjusted his mentality and physical condition, nodded and said: "It's okay, I'm just a little too tired..."

After helping Pang Tong sit down on the bed, Wenpin asked with a solemn expression: "Military advisor, can you tell us what happened?"

Pang Tong handed the secret letter in his hand to Wenpin and said: "Letter from Fancheng, Cao Jun's navy actually appeared in the Han River. They cut off our army's food route from Xiangyang to the north..."


"Cao Jun Navy?"

Wenpin Li Yan was confused, "Where did Cao Jun's navy come from in the Han River?"

"I don't know either, but Fancheng guard Deng Bomiao (Deng Zhi) would never lie about military information." Pang Tong replied.

"This star really wants to retire"

Wenpin and Li Yan fell into a brief silence.

But soon, Wenpin said: "Even if Cao Jun's navy secretly entered the Han River, we still have many navy now, can't we still defeat them?"

"General Wen, have you forgotten... Most of the Jingzhou Navy is under the control of the Cai brothers. In their previous battles, the Jingzhou Navy was almost crippled..."

After Li Yan explained, Wenpin came back to his senses and said, "Yes, it's all the fault of that damn Cai Mao! He destroyed our Jingzhou navy with a total of 200,000 men!"

After Cai Mao was defeated, he fled to Jingnan with his remaining soldiers and tribesmen.

The four counties in the south of Jingzhou have always been in a semi-independent state, and Liu Qi and Pang Tong's army could not rush in to arrest people.

The Jingzhou Navy was half disabled. After hearing that even the Jiangdong Navy was no match for Cao Jun's Navy, they were even more afraid to go out to fight.

At this moment, another messenger came to report: "The military advisors Zhang He and Gao Lan are leading an army of 20,000 people and are inviting a battle outside the city!"

"Here we go again!" Li Yan grunted, then his face changed slightly and he said, "Military advisor, do you think Jia Xu and others already know that our army has been cut off by Cao Jun's navy?"

Pang Tong gave a wry smile and said: "Nine times out of ten, they already know...that old fox Jia Xu has dug a big hole somewhere waiting for us to jump into!"

"Then what should we do?" Wenpin asked again.

what to do?

Pang Tong has also been thinking about it.

"How about we withdraw?" Li Yan asked tentatively.

Pang Tong couldn't wait for any news from Jiangdong, but he was almost made a dumpling.

The situation was critical and he could not wait any longer.

"Li Zhonglang, send my order to summon officers above the rank of captain to come to discuss matters!" Pang Tong ordered.

"Here!" Li Yan cupped his fists and accepted the order and left.

Pang Tong defeated Cai Mao and Huang Zu in a very short time and helped Liu Qi secure Jingzhou. In addition, his identity and background were not simple, so Pang Tong now has a high prestige in Jingzhou.

An order was given, and all the generals and commanders obeyed it. Before long, the Chinese army's tent was filled with people.

Pang Tong sat on the main seat and looked at the general below.

When everyone arrived, he finally said: "I, Pang Tong, am not talented. I was entrusted by my lord to lead my army north to attack the Han thief Cao Cao.

The situation was originally very good, but now, there has been no news from the Jiangdong allies, and Cao Jun's navy dropped the Han River from the sky, cutting off our army's retreat..."

"What? Cao Jun still has a navy? Are they cutting off our retreat??!"

Hearing that their retreat was cut off by Cao Jun's navy, these arrogant soldiers from Jingzhou suddenly felt ridiculous, and then they burst out laughing in unison,

"Hahaha! Where did the water monkey come from and dare to call himself a water master?!"

"No, Grandpa is laughing so hard!"

Pang Tong's expression remained unchanged. After the group of people gradually realized that something was wrong and stopped laughing at Cao Jun's navy, Pang Tong continued: "No matter how Cao Jun came and how powerful they are, our retreat will always be by them.


The soldiers in the hall began to whisper to each other, and not long after, a general came out and said: "Military advisor! How can Cao's army have any serious navy, how dare they dare to come and provoke them. When the general asks for a battle, he only needs 10,000 people.

Throw them all into the Han River to feed the fish!"

At this time, another general stood up and asked for orders: "Military advisor, the last general only needs five thousand people! Five thousand people can clean up your future troubles!"

"In the end, only three thousand people will be needed!"

"The final general only needs a thousand people!"


Pang Tong waved his hand and said: "I want the entire army to withdraw from Danshui and give up the offensive in Nanyang County."




What's going on with this... special meow?

"Why, why are you retreating! Military advisor!" A general was anxious and couldn't help but ask loudly.

Seeing that the soldiers were a little excited, Wenpin quickly stood up and shouted, "Please be quiet and listen to what the military advisor has to say!"

Wenpin is a veteran with high prestige.

With his intervention, the group of generals quickly calmed down.

Pang Tong was not angry, because even he himself was extremely unwilling.

But the current situation is rapidly developing in a direction that is unfavorable to them. If they hesitate for another day or two, they may not be able to leave even if they want to.

Pang Tong started with his allies in Jiangdong and began to analyze the current situation for these generals.

After a while, these generals finally understood why Pang Tong was determined to retreat.

"Jiangdong Army is really a bunch of soft-footed shrimps...I created such a good opportunity for them, but they still haven't been able to capture Xuchang..."

"Not to mention Xuchang, I'm afraid we'll have to use all our strength to capture Runan..."

"What a bunch of pig teammates!"

Just as the generals and commanders in the big tent were discussing, a messenger suddenly stumbled in from outside.

"Military advisor! Military advisor! It's a disaster! It's a disaster!"

Pang Tong felt a little nervous and asked quickly: "Tell me clearly, what happened!"

"I just got the exact news... Cao Jun... Cao Jun's navy came from the Yangtze River!

Along the way, they successively broke through dozens of fortresses set up by Jiangdong on the riverside, also attacked the important town of Chaisang City, and even defeated the 170,000 elite navy led by Zhou Yu!"


In the big tent,

Dead silence!

This chapter has been completed!
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