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Chapter 503: Lv Bu, Zhang Liao, Danhan Mountain

In the ninth year of Jian'an, early September.

After the Xianbei royal court in the central part was razed, Youzhou sent Huang Zhong and Dian Wei together with 5,000 soldiers and 3,000 civilians to the grasslands to collect prisoners, property, cattle and sheep.

Regarding these two peerless ferocious beasts, Tian Chou certainly did not let them come just to escort prisoners and property.

After Huang Zhong and Dian Wei join forces with Cao Ang, they will follow Cao Ang all the way east to attack Xianbei in the east!

But after all, a trustworthy and capable general is needed to lead the prisoners back to Youzhou.

As a result, the task of escorting the prisoners finally fell to Guan Ping, the most junior person. Although he was reluctant and helpless, Guan Ping could only accept the order and leave...

Guan Ping led five thousand soldiers, escorted 80,000 Xianbei people, countless cattle and sheep, and thousands of carts of goods back to Youzhou.

If Cao Ang hadn't distributed a lot of gold, silver and jewels to the soldiers, I'm afraid there would have been another fleet of thousands of cars...

According to the previously formulated policy,

All men over the age of fourteen in Xianbei first go to mines and mine coal for three years and undergo labor reform; as for their subsequent placement, it depends on their performance during the labor reform period.

For women and children in Xianbei, corresponding civil servants would arrange teachers to teach them how to speak Chinese and recognize Chinese characters.

Not only that, they must also wear Han clothes, practice Han customs, change Han surnames, eat Han food, learn Han etiquette, and accept the transition from nomadism to farming.

Now there are nearly 300,000 prairie people in Youzhou in total.

They were scattered and settled in several areas of Daijun and Shanggujun, and they became glorious and happy Han people who were superior to the Hu people.

After several months of raids, the Xianbei tribes in central China declined sharply.

The news of the destruction of the Kebi Neng tribe, along with the migrating Xianbei people, was taken to various places in the grasslands, causing panic among all the grassland people.

Although less than half of the tribes were wiped out by Cao's army, the rest of the Xianbei tribes were forced to move to settlements in the east after hearing that the Han people were raiding the grasslands; some even went all the way west to seek refuge with the Murong clan of Xianbei further west.

, Tuoba clan and other tribes.

None of the leaders of the eastern Xianbei could come back, but someone still took the lead in the organization. They called on all Xianbei people to unite and try to resist the "bloody suppression" of the Han people.

After the demise of Xianbei in central China, there was a short gap period in the grassland in the north of Bingzhou.

Originally, according to Lu Yan's plan, he should start paving roads deep into the grassland with cement now, and even build a city.

Unfortunately, the joint attack by Jingzhou and Jiangdong completely ruined Lu Yan's great plan.

Lu Yan's early departure resulted in insufficient support and insufficient expansion of the cement plant, which in turn led to insufficient cement production capacity, which was simply not enough to support simultaneous road construction plans to western Liaoning and the grassland...

In the final analysis, the main problem is lack of money and lack of people...

If you want to quickly obtain money and labor, waging war to colonize the indigenous people is undoubtedly the best way.

Many shameless countries in later generations relied on this method to quickly accumulate a large amount of wealth.

Only China is a country that, after beating its evil neighbor to the ground, not only actively pays for medical expenses, but also gives others a large amount of real money every year for a face-saving job. It is simply a model of taking advantage of others.

Lu Yan's thinking is different from those "sages" in China who are deeply influenced by etiquette and morality, and they don't care about the so-called "glory" on the surface. What he wants is real benefits, and what he wants is to be able to truly support the great man and become the world.

The capital of the strongest empire - population and resources!

Although the war in the south has been temporarily suspended, the arrow has already left the string, and Lu Yan cannot return to the previous state of devoting himself to construction.

As for his grand plan, it was only temporarily put on hold.


"Jihou, the last general has sent out his scouts. There is no Xianbei tribe in the area of ​​a hundred miles."

Zhang Liao came to Lu Bu's side and reported the latest progress and intelligence, just like he did when he was still following Lu Bu.

But Zhang Liao is no longer the same Zhang Liao, and Lu Bu is no longer the same Lu Bu.

If it were Lu Bu from before, I'm afraid he wouldn't have replied to the previous sentence; but now he nodded slightly and asked Zhang Liao: "The Xianbei people will never disappear out of thin air. Wenyuan, where do you think they went?"

Zhang Liao has personally felt the changes in Lu Bu's body and thoughts during this period... If Lu Bu's character back then was more like a big boy with the biggest boss in the world, then Lu Bu now is a thoughtful person who is willing to think more.

Middle-aged wise man.

Lu Bu is not without culture and intelligence, he is just used to solving problems with his fists.

After the battle between Lu Bu and Lu Yan, he realized that he was not invincible. Coupled with a series of subsequent failures, his arrogance and arrogance were also restrained.

After Lu Bu's family was defeated and captured, Lu Yan did not harm Lu Bu's family. On the contrary, he made them live a better and happier life than with Lu Bu.

Lu Bu, who has always valued his family the most, understood his own shortcomings at this point, which also prompted Lu Bu to quickly transform into maturity.

Regarding Lu Bu's change, Zhang Liao was both pleased and regretful.

Happily, isn't such a powerful man exactly what I wanted to see most back then?

Unfortunately, the person who likes to see Lu Bu mature more than himself can no longer see Lu Bu now...

Although he was thinking about everything in his mind, Zhang Liao still responded to Lu Bu's question immediately, "The general thought that they should all go to the Xianbei Royal Court in Danhan Mountain."

The royal court of Xianbei is located on Danhan Mountain, only more than three hundred miles away from Gaoliu.

"Huh, they all went back to their hometown. It seems they want to fight us to the end."

At present, the armies of Lu Bu and Zhang Liao are not far away from Danhan Mountain.

"Bu Dugen is dead, and the Xianbei army in Danhan Mountain is leaderless..." After thinking about it, Lu Bu immediately ordered: "Send the order to the entire army to march to Danhan Mountain."

The Xianbei people gathered various tribes together and increased their strength, which made the battle more difficult; but from another perspective, Lu Bu, Zhang Liao and others also saved the time and energy of searching for the Xianbei tribe, and they could defeat them in one battle.

Full credit.

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Danhan Mountain is more than 300 miles north of Gaoliu. The previous Xianbei overlord Tan Shihuai conquered the north and south, unified the Xianbei tribes, and established a tent in Danhan Mountain. This made this place very important to the Xianbei tribes.

Has extraordinary significance.

Danhan Mountain has a radius of hundreds of miles, and Xianbei tribes live in scattered areas. They come to the royal court and are protected by the royal court. At the same time, they also serve as a barrier to the royal court on the outside.

Lu Bu and Zhang Liao led their troops to attack Danhan Mountain this time in order to crush the faith of the Xianbei people, plunder the Xianbei population, and completely disperse the Xianbei people.

"Da da da..."

On the endless grassland, more than 20,000 Han cavalrymen were galloping forward.

Lu Bu, who was at the forefront, was holding Fang Tian's painted halberd, followed by more than a dozen personal guards, approaching the Danhan Mountain area... As for the troops under his command, they were naturally handed over to Zhang Liao for command.

With Zhang Liao, Lu Bu suddenly regained the feeling he had before.

He no longer has to distract himself from commanding the army while killing enemies.

He can now charge forward unscrupulously,

Just because there is someone behind him who is absolutely trustworthy and reliable, Zhang Liao!

This chapter has been completed!
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