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Chapter 505: Military exploits, who doesn't want it?

Facing tens of thousands of Xianbei troops, Lu Bu waved his Fangtian painted halberd and rushed straight into the Xianbei army amid the astonished eyes of both sides!

Red light flashed, and large amounts of scarlet blood splashed everywhere!

There is no god of death, no unparalleled god of war; at this moment, there is only one person, and his name is Lu Bu!

Seemingly affected by Lu Bu's unparalleled performance, the eyes of the Han army officers and soldiers also glowed red, and the power in their bodies continued to pour out. There was only one word in their minds, "Kill!"

"God's Coming"

A Cao Cao cavalryman raised his standard sword and slashed at the oncoming Xianbei cavalry. No matter what, as long as the armor was different from his own, he would cut it first.

Defense? Non-existent! The armor I wear is the most sophisticated in the world!

In addition to heavy weapons such as maces that need to be avoided, the Xianbei people's crude scimitars, broadswords, and spears cannot break through their own defenses.


However, the soldiers of Lu Bu's army could not be so unscrupulous. The armor they wore was more than one level behind Cao's army.

But they are still incomparable because they have an invincible God of War!

"Follow me!"

After Lu Bu broke into the formation, Zhang Liao followed closely with his army.

"rush ahead!"

This is such an ordinary word, but it represents thousands of people fighting with their most precious lives.

Looking down from the sky, the two armies of Zhang Liao and Lu Bu formed a cone-shaped formation.

And this awl, like tofu embedded in it, easily and quickly penetrated the entire Xianbei army formation!

When had the Xianbei people ever seen such a valiant general, and when had they ever encountered these incomparable warriors... They were completely stunned almost as soon as they met.

The feeling of killing people is so good! The feeling of killing Xianbei people is even better!

Lu Bu has never killed so happily. His dream of killing Hu when he was young has finally come true!

Just when Lu Bu was getting ready to kill, he suddenly felt the space in front of him light up... It turned out that he had completely penetrated the Xianbei army!

Without stopping, Lu Bu turned around and inserted himself into the Xianbei army from another position, and began his second happy charge.

Zhang Liao and others were still charging in the military formation, but suddenly they saw Lu Bu coming back from the right front...

"This is so cute, it's an exaggeration!"

"Is this still a human?!"

"If I hadn't followed him for more than twenty years, I would have thought that some heavenly general had just descended to earth!"

Not only the Xianbei people, but also the soldiers under Zhang Liao and Lu Bu could not help but complain at this moment.

The autumn wind suddenly rose, blowing on the faces of the Xianbei and Han people, bringing them a hint of coolness.

This coolness did not extinguish the heat in the hearts of the Han people; but it amplified the coldness in the hearts of the Xianbei people.

Lu Bu's two attacks only caused about a hundred casualties to the Xianbei cavalry, but his blow to the morale and confidence of the Xianbei people was undoubtedly devastating.

"The Han people have such brave generals, do we still have hope of victory?"

"Is the most powerful God of War under the Eternal Heaven Seat descending to earth? But why would he help the Han people!"

"No more..."

Zhang Liao also killed through the military formation, and this time he killed so vigorously that he didn't even notice when the weak point of his arm was injured.

Zhang Liao's body and heart were now as red and hot as fire. He looked at the soldiers following closely behind him, and then at the Xianbei people who were avoiding Lu Bu in fear. A faint smile could not help but appear on his lips: "

The days when we were drinking and thinking were finally here..."

The Xianbei people have been frightened by Lu Bu and the Han army, and it may only take two more attacks before collapse.

Naturally, Zhang Liao will not give the Xianbei people a chance to breathe. He will continue to put pressure on the Xianbei people. He will completely crush this hungry wolf in one go!

"Soldiers, charge with me! We will make great achievements today!"


"Kill Hu!


The Han army rushed forward again!

Xie Gui Ni had just escaped from Lu Bu's plague god, but before he could even take a breath, the Han army charged in again!

The cavalry charge tired not only the people, but also the horses.

He didn't expect that the Han people didn't care about their horsepower at all. They just turned around after one charge and started a second one... Don't the Han people and their horses need to rest? Did you eat something wrong?


The Xianbei cavalry generals also did not care about resting.

They knew that the most powerful weapon of the cavalry was speed and impact; the Han people had already launched a charge, and they must not stop their horses, otherwise the other party would use the impact of the horses and their cavalry did not start running, it would be the same as

Yu stood there and was slaughtered like a lamb by the Han people!


Regardless of their fatigue and the pressure in their hearts, the Xianbei people passively launched a charge.

The Han army and the Xianbei army once again charged into one group... When they met on a narrow road, only the bravest could win!

Charge again and again!

The resilience of the Xianbei people still exceeded Zhang Liao's expectations.

I thought that the Xianbei people would collapse after two more attacks, but now they have charged and killed each other four times. Although the Xianbei cavalry is shaky, they are still holding on with all their strength!

After a little thought, Zhang Liao understood the reason why the Xianbei people refused to retreat in a fight to the death.

Because behind the Xianbei people is the home they rely on for survival; behind them are the defenseless women and children.

No matter which ethnic group you belong to, you will use everything you have to protect your home and family.

Zhang Liao showed respect for the spirit of the Xianbei people, but his actions became more ruthless!

"Kill! Follow me and keep killing!"

"The Xianbei people are dying. Brothers, follow me and charge!"

A quarter of the Han army had been killed, and more than half of them were wounded.

Their weapons have been chipped, and some have even been broken or lost. Although each of their faces has a tired look, among the tired looks, there is more excitement!

Anyone with a discerning eye can see in this battle that the Han army has already won!

The collapse of the Xianbei people is right in front of them. Those are all mobile military exploits, and rewards for being able to run away. We must not let them run away!

"Keep going!"

“Kill him, kill him!


Seeing the Han people rushing up again, Xie Guini and the Xianbei people under his command finally began to despair.

"Are these Han people made of iron? Aren't they going to get tired?"

"I can no longer lift the knife, and my horse can no longer run..."

"You can't fall down. My family is still waiting for me to go back with money and cloth..."

Nearly half of the Xianbei people suffered casualties, and their military formation was filled with despair and sadness.

"Can't withdraw!" Xie Guini looked at the Han people in front angrily. If he withdraws, he, the Xianbei Shanyu who has only been in office for a few days, will be completely in despair!

"Follow me and kill all the Han people with your Shanyu!"

"You said you are a Chanyu?"


This chapter has been completed!
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