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Chapter 518 Two-pronged approach to win Xiangyang City

Seeing that the city wall would collapse soon, the Xiangyang defenders still did not give up.

When Wenpin saw that this section of the city wall could no longer hold up, he ordered the civilians and soldiers to clear a number of houses in the city and demolish the bricks and tiles of the houses. Finally, he ordered the people and soldiers in the city to risk their lives together.

The artillery fire was behind that precarious city wall, and sections of low walls were built at regular intervals.

Although these low walls are very rough in construction, they can still play a very good defensive role.

Their existence can not only delay the actions of Sergeant Cao's soldiers after entering the city, but also buy time for the defenders on the walls inside Wengcheng, giving them more opportunities to attack the enemy's effective forces.

A large number of defenders were transferred by Wenpin to the Wengcheng in the southwest of the city, and many ballistae, arrows, and even fire oil and other items were also brought from other places.

Wenpin also planned to personally supervise the battle, and was always ready to give the most brutal blow to Cao's army who entered Wengcheng after the city wall collapsed!

Half a quarter of an hour after Wenpin was ready,

The more than 100-meter-long city wall on the southwest side fell down as expected under the gaze of hundreds of thousands of people.

The city wall groaned in despair and fell with a rumble. The spectacular sight when the city wall collapsed made many soldiers and civilians couldn't help but exclaim in amazement.

The city wall collapsed, and dozens or hundreds of pontoons were built on the moat outside the city.

Initially, both Cao's army and the Xiangyang defenders thought that Lu Yan's navy was about to begin a large-scale attack across the river.

But for a long time after the sound of cannons stopped, no movement was seen from the navy soldiers.

Wenpin still personally sat on the wall of Wengcheng, intending to give Cao Jun a hard blow.

But he waited and waited until it was almost dark, but he still didn't see even half of Cao's army rushing into the city.

When Wenpin was puzzled, a soldier suddenly came to report: "Report! General! Cao's army has retreated!"


When Wenpin first heard about it, he thought he was too nervous and had auditory hallucinations. After repeated confirmations, he finally confirmed: "Cao's army really retreated!"

"It's strange, why did Cao Jun give up this great opportunity and choose to retreat?"

Not only Wenpin didn't understand, but even Pang Tong, Zhuge Jin and others were a little confused about what Lu Yan was doing.

In fact, not only the people in Xiangyang City, but also the officers and soldiers of Cao's army did not understand.

However, they did not understand. As night fell and another batch of artillery and truckloads of artillery shells were delivered by the navy ship, Cao's soldiers couldn't help but suddenly understood, and then they couldn't help but began to observe a few seconds of silence for the Xiangyang defenders.

Finally, looking at the neat artillery pieces in the military camp, even Jia Xu couldn't help but sigh in Cao Cao's ear: "Oh my god. Changsheng is simply planning to bully people to the end!"

"Yeah, it's really a bit too inhumane." Cao Cao replied with a smile, but after a moment he added: "According to me, Changsheng should take down Wengcheng in one go today, this will also reduce the time they have to suffer, yes


"." Jia Xu didn't want to reply and rolled his eyes at Lao Cao.

As for Lu Yan himself, of course he knew that it was a good opportunity; but he also knew that that opportunity would cost many people.

Lu Yan didn't want to use the lives of his soldiers to fill the big hole in Wengcheng, so he chose to use money. Oh no, he used cannonballs to break open Xiangyang's turtle shells and used heart attack to crush their will.

In the 10th year of Jian'an, on this day, May 15th,

Countless navy soldiers began to shout collectively outside the city: "Listen to the defenders in the city! Your defense system is about to be completely collapsed, and resistance is meaningless!

Surrender quickly, our army always treats prisoners preferentially!

After you surrender, you will not only survive, but those who are willing to stay will be given houses and fields."

Tens of thousands of people shouted in unison, the sound was so loud that all the soldiers and civilians in Xiangyang City heard it clearly.

After the voice of persuasion to surrender reached Xiangyang City, the morale of the defenders in Xiangyang City suddenly began to change quietly.

After all, if you can survive and live a better life, who is willing to sacrifice in vain?

"Listen to the defenders in the city! In the past, Liu Qi and Sun Quan raised their troops to rebel, because they were disobedient and traitors! We are the orthodox army of the imperial court, and we have come to crush the rebellion on the orders of the emperor!"

"Those who don't know are not guilty! We only kill the culprits and don't implicate others! You really don't need to waste your good lives for a group of traitors who betrayed the great man and the emperor!"

After these words were shouted, the defenders suddenly had other thoughts, and even their morale was probably shaken.

At this time, the remaining power of the Han Dynasty was still there,

Upon hearing that the imperial court was raising troops to fight against the rebels, many people and defenders were immediately shaken in their hearts.

Pang Tong knew that something was wrong and could no longer allow Cao Jun to instill "fallacious theories" so unscrupulously. He quickly sent his generals and literati to cheer up the soldiers and prohibited them from discussing these topics with each other, trying to strengthen and imprison the soldiers' thoughts and ideas.


But the signs of the Han Dynasty and the Emperor were too loud. Although the mouths of the soldiers and common people were "blocked" in public, many people were still secretly discussing it in private.

Although he couldn't see any obvious results after shouting all morning, Lu Yan knew that he had planted this seed in the hearts of all Xiangyang soldiers and civilians.

When the army was dispatched for the southern expedition, Lu Yan had already ordered 500 new artillery pieces and nearly 100,000 artillery shells from the steel mill.

These are all white pieces of silver!

But since it was a siege, many shells could be recycled and reused, so Lu Yan didn't feel too much heartache.


After having lunch,

The much-loved "shooting at Xiangyang City" activity has begun again!

Just after noon, this time on the northwest wall of Xiangyang, Cao Jun's artillery activity began again.

Gan Ning, Su Fei, and Xu Sheng took turns to take command. After the experience last time, it only took half an afternoon to destroy the northwest city wall, which was more than 80 meters long!

Originally, the soldiers and civilians in Xiangyang City were already somewhat shaken.

After another city wall was blown down today, many defenders were immediately discouraged.

They had seen the power of Cao Jun's bombardment in the past two days, and they all knew that if Cao Jun continued the bombardment, even if Xiangyang City was made of iron, it would be completely destroyed sooner or later.

Nowadays, a section of the southwest and northwest walls of the city wall have been destroyed by Cao Jun's artillery. They may attack Wengcheng and rush into the city at any time. Xiangyang City is already in danger.

However, Cao Jun retreated again this time!

Cao's army came to fight against the rebels under the emperor's edict, but not only did they not involve ordinary soldiers and people, they even divided them into fields and houses. This greatly weakened the defenders' will to resist.

After all, the other party is orthodox. Surrendering is not only not shameful, but also gives you a sense of justice as you turn from darkness to light.

Asi, why don't you give me a hammer? Is it necessary to use your own life to protect the big men in the city?

After another section of the northwest city wall collapsed, Cao Jun still did not choose to attack the city, but just like the previous day, he stopped and returned to camp to rest.

Moreover, after retreating, they launched a psychological offensive and repeated what they said in the morning.

After returning to the camp, no one in Cao's camp gossiped anymore.

Because basically everyone can see it,

Under the two-pronged offensive of attacking the city and attacking the heart,

It is only a matter of time for this group of navy to take over Xiangyang City.

This chapter has been completed!
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