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Chapter 526 News from Goguryeo

After taking Xiangyang City, Cao Cao immediately issued a series of decrees to maintain order.

At the same time, the New Deal under his rule was also implemented.

The old rule is that if you register your identity in the morning, you can enjoy all the benefits of the Han Dynasty in the afternoon.

At the same time, Cao Cao also promoted promotions to Kuai Liang, Kuai Yue and other Jingzhou civil and military officials who were friendly to him, which was a reassurance for the powerful families in Jingzhou.

Liu Qi was also promoted, but he could no longer stay in Jingzhou. He was transferred to Xuchang by Cao Cao, so he could live his happy life with peace of mind.

After capturing Jingzhou, Cao Cao's next goal was Jiangdong.

But before that, Lu Yan proposed to Cao Cao to send Zhao Yun and his dragon cavalry army to recover the four counties in Jingnan.

Lu Yan already knew about Zhou Yan and Zhou Hong. He wanted Zhao Yun to quickly rescue his brother-in-law who was hiding in Gada, a corner in southern Jingzhou.

Cao Cao had nothing to disagree with, and even allocated 20,000 infantry to Zhao Yun, allowing Zhao Yun to capture Jingnan with greater confidence.

After bidding farewell to Cao Cao and Lu Yan, Zhao Yun, Xia Houlan, and Zhou Yan led the dragon cavalry army and 20,000 infantry on the road to Wuling County.

It is now late May, and the wheat in the fields has faded from its green color and turned into an intoxicating golden color.

The new class of students at Taiyuan University have adapted to their initial life and are now slowly entering a learning state.

The first batch of students from Taiyuan College: Zhuge Liang, Fazheng, Yang Xiu, Cheng Wu and others have gradually begun to play key roles. Sima Yi, who later postponed his graduation, has now become a celebrity in front of Lu Yan.

After Sima Yi left, Taiyuan University fell silent for a while.

Without the existence of a peerless genius, Mr. Yang felt a little lackluster.

Fortunately, it didn't take long before the Taiyuan Academy welcomed two more amazing and talented people.

They are both Lu Yan's nominal adopted brothers, one is named Lu Xun and the other is named Lu Ji.

Lu Xun was good at military strategy, and Lu Ji was good at literature.

The enrollment of these two people immediately rejuvenated Yang Biao.

In recent years, Taiyuan University has trained countless talents for the Han Dynasty, especially grassroots officials and craftsmen. They have injected countless fresh and strong blood into the Han Dynasty.

No matter who it is, no one will doubt Lu Yan and Cao Cao's original approach of reopening Imperial College and establishing engineering and other subjects.

Looking at the world, Cao Cao has controlled almost half of the territory of the Han Dynasty. Lu Yan is also considering whether it is time to put the imperial examination on the agenda.

However, after Lu Yan told Cao Cao his thoughts, Cao Cao felt that the time was still too early. It might be more appropriate to wait until Jiangdong was captured.

Lu Yan did not insist. Anyway, it would be a year or two later at most. And the further time went by, the more acceptable the implementation of the imperial examination system would be.

It's early June.

After taking over Jiangling City, Cao Jun took full control of Liu Qi's territory.

As for the four counties of Wuling, Lingling, Guiyang, and Changsha in the south, I think Zhao Yun and others can successfully capture them.

Cao Cao, named Cai Mao, and Zhang Yun, who was willing to surrender, took over all the naval forces in Jingzhou. In addition to the original fifty thousand naval forces, Cai Mao and Zhang Yun had nearly one hundred thousand troops under their command.

One hundred thousand troops are now training in Dongting Lake, ready to enter the Yangtze River at any time and go straight down the river to Jiangdong!

Early March of the 10th year of Jian'an.

Under the auspices of Tian Chou, Youzhou built roads starting from Wu Ending City and moving all the way to Shanhaiguan. His ultimate goal was Yangle in Liaoxi County.

Due to the characteristics of cement, the progress of road construction is very fast.

In the past few months, the road has been built to Suizhong. I think it will take at most half a year to reach Yangle City.

There was still a lot of noise about road construction, and naturally it was discovered by Gongsun Kang's spies from Liaodong.

When he learned that Cao Cao wanted to build a road from Wuzhong County to Yangle, which was right next door to him, Gongsun Kang felt a little irritated and uneasy in his heart.

At the same time, a person came to Xiangping City in Lelang County, a very interesting Goguryeo man.

This man's name was Gao Baqi, and he was the elder brother of Gao Yanyou, the current king of Goguryeo.

The year before last, King Guocheon of Goguryeo died. Since King Guocheon himself had no heirs, his younger brother Go Yeon-woo seized the throne.

In order to secure his throne, Gao Yanyou ordered his people to imprison Gao Baqi in an attempt to eradicate the forces that could threaten him. However, Gao Baqi received the news in advance and successfully fled to Liaodong in advance.

After arriving in Xiangping, Gao Baqi planned to see Gongsun Kang and tried to ask Gongsun Kang to send troops to help him regain the throne.

Unfortunately, Gongsun Kang was now worried about whether Cao Cao wanted to do something to him, so he ignored Gao Baqi.

Gao Baqi was angry and helpless, and finally gritted his teeth and headed west.

After leaving, he came to Youzhou, and finally met Tian Chou, the governor of Youzhou.

Gao Baqi learned from Tian Chou that the Han Dynasty was becoming increasingly powerful with the support of the Cao regime.

Until he heard that the three counties of Wuhuan and the powerful Xianbei had been destroyed by the Cao family, Gao Baqi was immediately overjoyed.

Cao Cao is many times stronger than Gongsun Kang. If he can get Cao Cao's support, then for someone like Gao Yanyou, wouldn't squeezing him to death be as easy as squeezing an ant to death?

At this time, Cao Ang happened to lead his army to break through the eastern Xianbei royal court, and returned to Youzhou with Su Li and Que Ji who were captured alive, as well as nearly 100,000 Xianbei prisoners.

Having just destroyed the central Xianbei and the eastern Xianbei, the fire of war in Cao Ang's heart has not yet been extinguished.

Originally, he was preparing to lead his army to the south to join Cao Cao, but after learning about the existence and identity of Gao Baqi, his heart suddenly moved, and he thought to himself: "Is this a secret given to me by God to destroy Goguryeo?"

Youzhou, the governor's office.

Cao Ang and Tian Chou sat opposite each other, with a table in the middle. On the table was a pot of Erguotou.

It's cold in the north, so drinking alcohol can help keep the cold away.

During the time when Cao Ang was running around outside the Great Wall, he never left his body without wine, and his father's collection of Erguotou became the standard wine bag on Cao Ang's waist.

Cao Ang learned about the current situation in Goguryeo during his conversation with Tian Chou. He said: "Although Gao Baqi escaped from Goguryeo, his escape was still short, and the foundation of Goguryeo should not be completely eliminated by the new king in the future.


If we use Gao Baqi and his remaining forces properly, we might be able to plunge Goguryeo into civil strife."

Tian Chou couldn't help but glance at Cao Ang when he heard this, and then said jokingly: "Your Majesty, you don't want to follow the example of Xianbei and destroy Goguryeo again, do you?"

When Cao Ang heard this, he smiled slightly and said, "Why not?"


Why not?

The prince is so evil!

Tian Chou couldn't help but think in his heart: "You said that Lu Qiaoqi, who is so gentle and friendly to others, taught such a vicious student like Prince Cao Ang?"

If Cao Ang heard Tian Chou's thoughts, Cao Ang would definitely sneer and say:

"Prince Tian, ​​you are too superficial in your judgment of people!

Am I so angry?

In terms of evil spirits, I’m not even worthy of carrying the teacher’s shoes, okay!”

Thinking of this, Cao Ang couldn't help but muttered: "I heard that my third brother is going to learn the art of war and formations from my husband. It's a sin."

This chapter has been completed!
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