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Chapter 28 Unowned Yanzhou! Ah!)

When Dong Zhuo was killed, Xi Zhicai had just met Cao Cao.

After the two met,

However, Cao Cao did not immediately let Xi Zhicai go to the army to appoint Xiahou brothers.

Instead, he took him and had a night talk by candlelight before falling asleep...

After a long night of talking,

Cao Cao no longer had any doubts about Xi Zhicai's talent, and was even astonished.

As a result, I felt even more resentful towards Lu Yan, and even complained in my heart:

"Mr. Lu, Mr. Lu, you are willing to keep a genius like Xi Zhicai under your control and do odd jobs for you? You are simply wasting your resources!"

Let’s not talk about Cao Cao and Xi Zhicai’s inseparable relationship, like a fish in water.

Let’s just say that Lu Yan lost his biggest helper Xi Zhicai,

It has returned to the previous work state of being in the dark, working at nine, nine, six, or even zero and seven...


Lu Yan's head hit the table hard.

A burst of pain came from his forehead, and Lu Yan woke up in a daze.

"Is it already Haishi? Even that guy Mao Jie is gone, and I'm the only one left working overtime!"

Lu Yan looked at the dark night outside the gate, feeling filled with sadness and anger: "Boss Cao, please give me back Xi Zhicai!"

It wasn’t because Lu Yanliang found out that he voluntarily worked overtime.

But because of Dong Zhuo's death, news of the chaos in Chang'an came out, which meant that Lu Bu, the fierce tiger, was about to be released from the cage!

After Chen Gong left Cao Cao, he went to Luoyang and worked under Wang Yun.

After Wang Yun was killed, Chen Gong had no place to go and so he defected to Lu Bu. He fled Chang'an with him and went to Yuan Shu.

Lu Yan felt uneasy when he thought that Boss Cao had almost succeeded in stealing the house due to the cooperation of Lu Bu, Chen Gong, and Zhang Miao.

"Chenliu County is full of waste and is waiting to be revitalized. Everything is just on the right track. How can we prevent it from being ravaged by the war?"

After Lu Yan woke up,

Looking carefully at the messy map and markings he drew, he shook his head and said:

"We are still too short of manpower. No matter how we look at it, there is no way we can defeat the enemy..."

Lu Yan is here now, and the only military commanders are Cao Ren, Cao Hong and Le Jin. Li Dian is now being used by half of the civil servants on the spot, and he is the kind who specializes in field service at the grassroots level...

There is no counselor at all. After all, Boss Cao doesn’t even have enough counselors himself...

"Whether it's counselors or generals who can lead troops to fight, Boss Cao is in short supply now!" Lu Yanchang sighed.

Although Cao Cao took control of Yanzhou soon, the serious shortage of talents may change.

But there are several counties in Yanzhou,

Maybe Cao Ren and Cao Hong around him will be transferred to guard one side.

By then, Chen Liu’s talent gap may only be even bigger!

"It's so hard!" Lu Yan covered his head, feeling powerless.

You know, Lu Bu was not alone when he escaped from Chang'an.

As the boss of Bingzhou Group,

Lu Bu not only had Zhang Liao but also Gao Shun under his command who were both good at commanding troops and also had a number of powerful generals themselves.

There are also second-rate generals such as Cao Xing, Hao Meng, Cheng Lian, and Wei Xu.

What are Lu Yan, Cao Ren, Cao Hong, Yu Jin, and Li Dian here?

"Emmmm..." are not used for comparison, Lu Yan thought:

"Spring plowing has just begun, and the people have just begun to have some hope. We can't let those bastards mess with it. I have to get Zilong back quickly and make preparations early."

Lu Yan was worried that there was no one in Chenliu County who could fight Lu Bu.

If those people really succeed in luring the wolf into the house,

All the efforts in the past and present may be ruined...

Although there is a lot of work,

But don’t forget the most important things every day,

Lu Yan was feeling a little upset today, so he just scribbled about a hundred words in his diary and called it a day.

Naturally, the result of perfunctory work was that he could not get anything good from the system. The system dismissed Lu Yan after he read "Master of Emotion Management".

arrive home,

Just stuff the books into the locker,

Lu Yan sat on the bed and started practicing again, "The sense of crisis is getting stronger and stronger!"


On the second day,

The sky is clear and the sun is shining brightly,

But Lu Yan was no longer in the mood to go back to sleep.

Early this morning, Lu Yan received a message from Cao Cao in Puyang.

What the letter said:

The Yellow Turbans of Qingzhou, who were originally suppressed by Gongsun Zan, resurrected and attacked and coerced the people arbitrarily, until they were known as millions and became a disaster!

After the disaster has ended in Qingzhou,

They turned to attack the neighboring Yanzhou, and their offensive was overwhelming, and they successively attacked several counties in Yanzhou.

Liu Dai, the governor of Yanzhou, did not listen to the dissuasion of Bao Xin, the Prime Minister of Jibei Province, and sent troops to fight against the Yellow Turbans. However, he was killed by Xu He, one of the leaders of the Yellow Turbans in Qingzhou, among the rebels!

I have to mention that one of the leaders of the Qingzhou Yellow Turbans also has a familiar face from Cao Cao's army, that is Yu Du, one of the leaders of the Black Mountain Army who was defeated by Cao Cao before.

Nowadays, the officials and scholars in Yanzhou are extremely panicked. In addition, the governor Liu Dai has been killed, and there is no one in charge in the state. Yanzhou is in chaos.

When Cao Cao heard the news, he was really excited.

I learned from Lu Yan’s diary that he would take over Yanzhou in the future.

But every time Lu Yanna was arrested, he just brushed it off and never recorded the details in his diary. So Cao Cao could only wait patiently after he captured Dongjun.

Fortunately, Cao Cao finally got his chance.

The Yellow Turbans from Qingzhou invaded Yanzhou, and Liu Dai, the governor of Yanzhou, died in battle. Isn't this the "good time" he had been waiting for!

For this reason, Cao Cao was happy for an hour.

He also wrote a handwritten letter to tell Lu Yan the good news, in an attempt to induce Lu Yan to "share" more things about Yanzhou in his diary.

But what disappointed Cao Cao was that,

Now when Lu Yan sees the word "Yanzhou", his head is big and his head is big.

"Damn it, if you capture Yanzhou, it means Lu Bu is going to steal the house. I'm so happy!"

The letter also said,

Xi Zhicai offered advice: "The governor of Yanzhou is dead, and Yanzhou has become a land without an owner.

Now that the emperor is controlled by Li Jue and Guo Si, the connection between various places and the imperial court has been severed.

In the next few years, the imperial court may not be able to appoint a new governor. If Duke Cao doesn't come to Yanzhou now, when will he wait?"

The letter revealed Cao Cao's praise and trust in Xi Zhicai, which made Lu Yan feel sour in his heart.

"Obviously I met him first, yet you snatched him away...

Now you come to show off his talents in front of me again, Boss Cao, how about we just be human beings?"

But complaints are complaints,

After reading the letter, Lu Yan naturally wanted to write back to his boss to cheer him up.

"Congratulations to Mr. Cao!

Now that Yanzhou is leaderless, it is the perfect time to take control of Yanzhou!

With ambition and talent, Wen Ruo and Zhong De's plans, Zi Long, Wen Qian, and Xia Hou's courage, it is time for Duke Cao to take over Yanzhou at this time!

With Yanzhou, there is a real foundation.

In the future, you can use this place as a foundation to gradually grow and realize your dream of supporting the Han Dynasty."

Do you believe this last sentence? Lu Yan doesn’t believe it anyway,

But Lu Yan didn't care whether he helped the Han Dynasty or not, as long as Boss Cao could treat the people well and give everyone a sense of security.

I replied to Cao Cao,

Lu Yan calculated that it had been a while since he had inspected the fields, so he planned to go to Tuntian District today.

Spring plowing is the most important time for the people.

Lu Yan still clearly remembers the scene when he followed his grandfather and grandmother to the fields to plant rice in his previous life as a child.

"It would be nice if the system could reward some hybrid rice..."

Think about the modern rice that can be grown in the desert.

Lu Yan couldn't help but sigh: "I really miss that old man..."

This chapter has been completed!
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