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Chapter 591 Sun Jing surrenders

Cao Cao's army of more than 200,000 troops has arrived at the city.

Although Cao Jun has not yet attacked,

But Sun Jing, the city guard of Wu County, is now as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

Sun Jing is Sun Jian's younger brother and Sun Quan's uncle.

At this time, there were only 30,000 defenders in Wujun City, and it was impossible to withstand Cao's attack.

Even though Sun Jing knew that Sun Quan had run away, he actually didn't want to live or die with Jiangdong in his heart.

But now that Lu Su is in the city, Sun Jing's command over the defenders has been weakened, and he doesn't know what other officials and generals think, so he can only worry about it in his own house for the time being.

Just when Sun Jing was thinking about whether to inquire about other officials and generals, a guard suddenly ran in and reported: "Report! General Zhonglang! A brother has received a secret letter from Cao Jun.


Sun Jing was shocked when he heard this and said quickly: "Quick, show it to me!"

The guard handed the letter to Sun Jing. Sun Jing tore open the envelope and quickly browsed it twice.

The content of the new message was not unexpected, and it was indeed intended to persuade people to surrender.

Sun Jing was still hesitating and struggling at this moment, but the guard who reported the message suddenly asked: "General, is that letter... persuading you to surrender?"

After hearing the guard's question, Sun Jing was moved and asked: "Do you think we should surrender?"

The guard looked around and saw no one around, so he whispered: "To be honest, General Zhonglang, in fact, none of our brothers want to work for Sun Quan anymore..."

After hearing this, Sun Jing decided to test it more, so she asked: "Is it because he left you and left Jiangdong?"

The guard nodded, with red eyes, "Jiangdong is our home, and we can fight regardless of life and death to protect Jiangdong. But Sun Quan abandoned Jiangdong and abandoned us, so why should we sacrifice our lives for him?"


Sun Jing understood clearly and asked again: "Are there many brothers in the army who think the same way as you?"

"Many! Most of the brothers think like this!"

Sun Jing felt happy and suddenly felt that the surrender was probably settled.

No matter how loyal Lu Su is to Sun Quan, if you don't have military morale, you are just a polished commander.

Sun Jing made up her mind and whispered a few words to her guards.

So, that night, a huge change occurred in Wuxian County!

Cao Cao, Lu Yan, Jia Xu, and Xun You stood outside Wuxian County, listening to the chaotic shouts and curses in the city, as if they were waiting for something...

Sure enough, without letting them wait too long, the gate of Wuxian County City suddenly opened!

"Here we come!" Cao Cao said with a smile.

"It seems that Sun Quan really ran away. He just left Jiangdong. Where could he run to?" Jia Xu asked with some confusion.

"Didn't we say before that there was a fleet going north from Kuaiji? Could it be that Sun Quan went to Dongzhou, Sanhan or Liaodong?" Xun You guessed.

Cao Cao was noncommittal, but seeing that Lu Yan remained silent, he turned to ask: "Mr. Lu, where do you think Sun Quan might be hiding?"

Lu Yan did not answer directly, but asked instead: "I don't know, do you still remember the world map I drew earlier?"

"Well..." Although Cao Cao had almost forgotten it, he still said shamelessly: "I still have some vague memories..."

"There is a large island not far from Kuaiji County, which can accommodate tens of millions of people. I think Sun Quan probably fled there!"

Big island on the sea? Cao Cao, Xun You, and Jia Xu looked at each other in shock when they heard this.

After a while, Xun You asked: "According to your opinion, Changsheng, can we send troops to capture that island and Sun Quan?"

Lu Yan frowned and replied: "Sun Quan left Jiangdong and wanted to make a comeback. It would be a fool's errand within a few decades or hundreds of years. Moreover, he now has the natural barrier of the sea. Instead of wasting time and troops in the sea, he can

It’s better to deal with Xiliang, Hanzhong and Xichuan first!”

Cao Cao nodded and agreed: "Mr. Lu is right! Our pace of unifying the Han Dynasty cannot be stagnated because of Sun Quan. Since he has withdrawn from the territory of the Han Dynasty, let us put him down for the time being and let Liu Zhang and Han

So, Zhang Lu and the three of them have to deal with it later!"

Jiangdong was defeated, and the remaining Liu Zhang, Han Sui, Zhang Lu and others were no longer able to stop Cao's army.

A unified man!

Such a great goal seems to be very close!

Cao Cao, Xun You, and Jia Xu even felt that the blood in their bodies was burning!

While they were talking, the city guard Sun Jing led the civil and military officials out of the city to ask for surrender.

Cao Cao jumped off his horse and came to Sun Jing, but before Sun Jing could salute, he walked straight to Lu Su, who was disheveled and tied like a rice dumpling, and then personally untied him.

Cao Cao's actions made Sun Jing and others a little embarrassed.

"Lu Zijing is also a hero among men... But now that Cheng Pu, Han Dang, Zhou Tai and other Jiangdong veterans have returned to the court, there is no need for you to lose your life for the Sun family."

Fortunately, Cao Cao did not say anything humiliating, which made Sun Jing and others secretly relieved.

In this way, Cao Cao captured Wu County without any blood and took the fundamental lifeline of the Sun family.

At this point, there were only sporadic resistance forces left in Jiangdong, and it was only a matter of time before Cao's army occupied the entire territory of Jiangdong.

Lu Su remained silent, and Cao Cao did not force him too much. He just asked his personal guards to take Lu Su to the military camp to rest.

No sleep tonight.

In the hall of the magistrate's office in Wuxian County, Cao Cao met with a group of officials headed by Sun Jing overnight.

However, several Sun family loyalists did not come, and Cao Cao did not care too much about this.

After appeasing everyone, Cao Cao's attitude made Sun Jing and others feel at ease.

In their view,

This is a gentle, reasonable and wise master with clear rewards and punishments. Following such a master, you should have a very bright future in the future!

It's dawn the next day.

The residents of Wuxian County, who had been frightened all night, began to cautiously look outside through the cracks in their doors.

There was no blood, no weapons, no flames of war, just patrolling soldiers who seemed to have changed their armor...

After just one night, Wu County has already changed its owner. So what should they do now?

Soon, Cao Jun gave the answer.

The soldiers methodically began to post notices everywhere in the city, and some people beat gongs and drums, preaching Cao Jun's military regulations, and comforting the people not to worry too much and fear, and to live their lives how they should.

As some people tentatively walked out of their houses, they found that Cao Jun had indeed done nothing to them.

As a result, more and more people took to the streets and gradually accepted the fact that Wu County was ruled by Cao Jun.


Xichuan, Chengdu.

Liu Zhang, who had been fighting with Hanzhong Zhang Lu for a long time, has been feeling a little melancholy recently.

Jingzhou was captured by Cao Cao, and now Jiangdong is also captured by Cao Cao, so will it be his turn to conquer Xichuan next?

In the hall, Liu Zhang looked helpless, which made Zhang Song, Zhang Ren and others standing in the hall couldn't help but frown.

Zhang Song was a little helpless. He knew that Liu Zhang had absolutely no chance to count on him.

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