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Chapter 619 Before I die, I also want to take a look at the so-called prosperity

Cao Ren on the south city wall had already begun to compete with the Shu army for the gap in the city wall; Wei Yan on the east city wall was still commanding the artillery battalion to bombard the city wall indiscriminately.

Yan Yan stood on a large rock behind the ruins of the city wall. Looking at the increasingly unfavorable battle in front of him, he felt many emotions and mixed feelings in his heart.

To be honest, he didn't expect that the city walls and defenses he had built with all his heart would collapse so easily under Cao Jun's artillery fire; he didn't even expect that his carefully trained soldiers would collapse in the face of Cao Jun's strong military discipline and individual soldier quality.

He was as fragile as a child who had just entered the county school.

Seeing his own soldiers retreating under the fierce attack of Cao Jun, Yan Yan could not help but feel a sense of powerlessness in his heart.

If you don't leave Shuzhong, you won't understand the real heroes in the world.

Cao Ren and Wei Yan are so fierce, so what kind of terrifying creatures are Lu Yan and Zhao Yun?

Just when Yan Yan was slightly lost in thought, a general covered in blood and smoky suddenly ran up to Yan Yan, panting and reporting with fear: "General! The east wall has also collapsed, and the enemy has invaded.

When the city came, almost all our soldiers were defeated!"

Yan Yan was startled when he heard this and quickly looked east.


The sky to the east was filled with dust, and soldiers of the Cao army kept running for their lives in a hurry. Not long after, a group of Cao army infantry wearing black armor surged in from the collapse of the city wall.

Our own soldiers fled in embarrassment, crying like ghosts and howling like wolves, and it was terrible to see them being chased by Cao Jun.

A trace of despair flashed in Yan Yan's eyes, and then he quickly showed a trace of perseverance. He raised his sword and shouted: "Soldiers, let's fight Cao Jun! Let the people of the Central Plains know that we men from Shu are by no means cowards!"

Hearing Yan Yan's roar and seeing the figure of the old general whose beard and hair were all white but fighting the enemy vigorously, the soldiers of the Shu army who were already demoralized and shaken couldn't help but feel a surge of blood and the will to share the same hatred of the enemy.

"Fuck him! I'll risk it all!"

"Follow the general! Kill!"

The officers and soldiers of the Shu army shouted, some roared and turned back to face the chasing Cao army, and some simply threw themselves out, even if they died, they would have to hold them on their backs.

The sudden rise of the Shu army made Cao Jun suddenly feel tremendous pressure.

Seeing the Shu army rushing over like a group of possessed lunatics, if it had been the armies of other princes, I am afraid that there would have been a brief chaos by now.

But it is a pity that this group of Shu troops who charged with death ambitions did not face the armies of other princes, but the elite Cao army who were famous for their discipline and will!

Cao Ren, who had previously fought fiercely with Yan Yan on the south wall, saw this and quickly shouted: "Steady! Brothers, hold on! The enemy's crazy state will not last long. As long as it can withstand a moment and a half, the enemy will not fight.


As soon as Wei Yang entered from the east wall, he encountered the Shu army that was rushing back. After hearing the order from Cao Ren to hold on, he quickly organized his soldiers to form a circular formation and hold on on the spot.

The soldiers of the Shu army attacked Cao Jun's strong formation like a tide,

The soldiers of both sides fought bloody battles at the edge of the city wall. Broken limbs and broken arms were flying everywhere, and the air was filled with blood. The soldiers of the Shu army launched a fierce attack regardless of casualties. One after another, the soldiers of the Shu army were killed in battle, but their

However, the morale has not weakened at all. Instead, it roars like thunder and has a murderous intent. It actually seems that the more it fights, the more brave it becomes!

Since ancient times, Sichuan people have a fiery personality and are even a little rebellious. The more difficult and difficult the time, the more courageous they are to move forward and fight for success!

At this moment, the fighting will shown by the Shu generals made Cao Ren, Wei Yan and even all Cao Jun's generals feel admiration in their hearts.

However, admiration is admiration, and I will never be shy when I start.

Most of the Shu army wore light armor, and their helmets were even made of rattan. Facing the Cao army's formation, which was full of precision-cast battle armor, their weapons and armor seemed so weak.

Cao Jun's military formation is like a rock standing in the stream. No matter how the Shu army washes it, it will not move at all.

No matter how the wind blows from the southeast or the northwest, I will remain unmoved. Cao Junjun

The formation is so solid that it makes people despair!

As time went by, the Shu army inevitably suffered a large number of casualties, but Cao's army still looked like "What can you do to me?"... Finally, the courage in the hearts of the Shu soldiers

, subsided!

The Shu army finally collapsed!

The previous fierce and unyielding momentum of fighting to the bitter end quickly disappeared. The soldiers looked frightened and turned around and ran away, never daring to look back even once.

Yan Yan led the few personal guards to fight alone behind the gap in the city wall.

As the number of Shu troops behind the breach in the city wall decreased rapidly, Yan Yan and his personal guards were quickly overwhelmed by the black wave of Cao Jun.

"Come on!

!If you want to enter Shu, you must first step over my Yan Yan’s body!”

In the black ocean of Cao Jun, Yan Yan, who was still trying to stir up the waves, looked so tragic.

Three Cao Jun soldiers silently surrounded Yan Yan.

When Yan Yan saw this, he roared angrily, swung his sword and beheaded the one on the left, and then slashed at another Cao soldier on the right with his broadsword.

A flash of blood appeared, and the sword struck the soldier's shoulder violently.

The Cao Jun soldier's eyes narrowed, and he actually showed a crazy smile. Then, he firmly pressed the sword stuck on his shoulder blade with both hands, waiting for his comrades around him to attack Yan Yan!

Yan Yan pulled back violently, but was unable to pull out the sword. His sword seemed to be stuck in a stone and did not move at all.

At this moment, more soldiers of Cao Army launched an attack on Yan Yan. Seeing more than a dozen soldiers of Cao Army rushing up, Yan Yan was startled and quickly gave up his weapons. Only then was he able to escape Cao Jun's attack.

Wave attack.

However, although Yan Yan escaped this wave of attacks, without his weapons, he was like a tiger without teeth, and he was also an old tiger...

Unexpectedly, Cao Jun stopped attacking.

At this time, Cao Ren came to Yan Yan from the crowd and said: "Yan Yan, surrender, the prime minister will not treat a righteous man like you badly!"

Yan Yan glanced at Cao Ren, and then at the Cao Jun soldier in front of him who was still holding his sword tightly. He sighed and sighed in his heart: "I have been running Jiangzhou for more than ten years, but it was destroyed in just half a month.

The capture...our army has shown the greatest degree of bloodshed and courage, but the enemy army is really terrifying!"

In half a month, the fighting will shown by the 20,000 elite Shu Han troops in Jiangzhou is admirable.

But in the end, they still couldn't escape the end of the city being destroyed and people dying. After all, they were facing the elite of Cao's army that had conquered the world, and artillery, a high technology that they couldn't understand.

After this battle, basically half of the 20,000 Shu troops were killed, but even if they fled for their lives, almost no one surrendered.

Cao Ren patiently waited for Yan Yan's reply. The old general's tenacity and will in Jiangzhou had deeply won his admiration.

At this moment, Wei Yan also defeated the defenders in front of him and rushed to the battlefield where Yan Yan was from another direction.

"General Yan, surrender! Liu Zhang is not worthy of a righteous man like you!" Wei Yan also tried to persuade him.

Yan Yan was already determined to die. Faced with Cao Ren and Wei Yan's persuasion, he smiled and said, "I don't have much time left, so you might as well give me a good time!"

However, Cao Ren waved his hand and told his men to put away their weapons. He even had the soldier with the sword on his shoulder help him down for treatment, and then he continued: "Old General, you haven't been to the Central Plains for a long time, right?

Don’t you want to go there again in your lifetime and see the prosperity of the Han Dynasty today?”

"The great man... prosperous and prosperous...?"

"How can there be prosperity and prosperity in the midst of war?"

Yan Yan's eyes were a little dazed and she murmured to herself.

"Have you ever come to see it for yourself and you will know?"

After wondering about life and death, Yan Yan felt that the world suddenly became enlightened. He laughed loudly and said:

"That's fine, it's just that I'll die early and die late... Why don't I just go with your people to the Central Plains?!"
This chapter has been completed!
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