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Chapter 50 Boss Cao, no matter how good you say it, it's better to pay some

"I want to ask for more compensation for them, especially those brothers who died..."

Lu Yan's words were very direct and sincere.

Not only Cao Cao, but also Xi Zhicai and Guo Jia felt the heaviness in Lu Yan's words.

Whether the soldiers were dead or seriously injured or disabled, their placement has always been a headache.

Cao Cao came to Lu Yan, reached out and patted his arm, comforting him:

"In battle on the battlefield, sacrifice is inevitable. Changsheng, don't be too sentimental."

After comforting Lu Yan a little,

Cao Cao talked about the arrangements for his fallen soldiers: "The Han's compensation for the dead soldiers is actually pretty good.

The imperial court stipulated that as long as a soldier died in battle, the local government would purchase a coffin and burial clothes for him.

Moreover, local officials have to personally attend the memorial and burial ceremonies.

We, Cao Ying, should naturally follow the policies of the Han Dynasty."

In the Han Dynasty, there were no clear regulations on pensions for soldiers. It all depended on the ruler's personal likes and dislikes and even his mood.

At the beginning, when the politics was clear and clear in the early Han Dynasty, these policies were implemented relatively well and the results were really good.

But later,

Years of wars have devastated people's livelihood, national taxes have been greatly reduced, and official corruption has become prevalent again.

Not to mention the pension, the coffin itself might have been embezzled...

Seeing Cao Cao reveal his arrangements for the fallen soldiers, Lu Yan simply threw out his own thoughts.

"Mr. Cao, do you think you have accomplished this?"

This is very embarrassing, let alone Cao Cao, not even the imperial court can do it.

In troubled times, people are dying in wars all the time, and there is simply no energy and financial resources to implement these policies.

Without waiting for Cao Cao to answer, Lu Yan suddenly changed direction and continued to ask:

"Mr. Cao, have you ever thought about those soldiers at the lowest level? Do they know what they are fighting for?"

"Why are you fighting?" Cao Cao was a little confused when he heard this. After thinking about it for a moment, he carefully asked tentatively: "Fighting to help the Han Dynasty?"

"Do you believe it?"

"I don't believe it." Cao Cao was sincere, and he finally told his true opinion, "The world is in chaos, the Yellow Turbans are everywhere, and many people join the army just for a bite to eat."

Lu Yan nodded and said, "It seems that you do understand the situation of some low-level soldiers."

After a pause, Lu Yan continued: "However, such an army can only fight with superiority. Once it falls into a disadvantage, it may soon face collapse."

In fact, this is the current situation of most princes' armies now, and it is also the reason why many armies are instantly defeated without even resisting once they encounter an ambush.

It's just for a bite of food, so why risk your life?

Cao Cao thought in silence for a long time, sighed, and said: "This is a problem that troubles many famous generals, and it is also the reason why there are only a few elite soldiers since ancient times."

"The reason why they are called elite soldiers is

That is, they have a strong sense of loyalty and identification with their general,

And the generals also need to spend huge amounts of money to arm and train them." Xi Zhicai added something to Cao Cao's words.

Cao Cao agreed very much with Xi Zhicai's words, but he felt that with Lu Yan's knowledge and experience, there might be some solution. "Sir, you came here specifically for this, so you must have a countermeasure in mind?"

Lu Yan tried hard to search for the little memory and knowledge in his mind, and thought to himself: "What supported that army through the difficulties and obstacles of 25,000 miles?"

Thinking of this, Lu Yan felt in awe,

He said with the most serious expression and tone he had ever had: "Do you know, Mr. Cao, that I have seen such an incredible team before?"

"Oh? What kind of team is it?"

"Tell me about it!" Guo Jia asked, blinking his big curious eyes.

"They have traveled more than 20,000 miles with their feet,

Breaking through the natural dangers of Wujiang River, climbing over snow-capped mountains, and crossing grasslands!

They broke through layers of blockades along the way, smashed the enemy's pursuit and blockade of millions of troops, and finally successfully reached their destination and successfully joined forces with other main forces."

Cao Cao, Guo Jia, Xi Zhicai and Zhao Yun were stunned by the feats of this army described by Lu Yan, and their hearts were full of longing for such an army.

"It's unimaginable...what supported them to accomplish such an incredible feat?" Cao Cao murmured.

Others may also wonder if Lu Yan is making it up, after all, they have never heard or seen Xian Guan’s deeds or documents.

But Cao Cao is different,

He is the only one who knows that Lu Yan is an "immortal" who can be reincarnated.

He said these words and said them so specifically, so he must have witnessed such an army with his own eyes.

Cao Cao sighed with emotion and said: "With such a tenacious army, I can't think of anyone who can defeat them!"

Lu Yan's description gave everyone present more or less some ideas.

Xi Zhicai first asked: "Mr. Lu, you mean that we should start building an elite force that is tenacious and invincible, right?"

"That's what I mean." Lu Yan nodded and confirmed.

Guo Jia continued to ask: "As Zhicai said, that's why Changsheng wants to solve the worries of the soldiers first, right?"

"That's right."

At this time, Zhao Yun also expressed his opinion, "To become a strong army, as the teacher said, the soldiers need to know why they are fighting!"

As Cao Cao listened to Xi Zhicai, Guo Jia and Zhao Yun's words, the fragmented thoughts and thoughts in his mind finally came together to form a high-definition blueprint.

However, Cao Cao still has one last question,

So he looked at Lu Yan's clear eyes and asked: "May I ask, sir, why do the soldiers fight so that they can become the iron-blooded army you described?"

Lu Yan grinned and said, "Actually, it's very simple to say, it's national justice and vital interests."

"Well..." It's really simple to say. Isn't "supporting the Han Dynasty" a kind of righteousness?

However, Cao Cao knew that what Lu Yan wanted to express was definitely not as simple as what he said.

Sure enough, Lu Yan's next words confirmed Cao Cao's thoughts,

"When a person protects what he values, he will always burst out with unparalleled courage and fighting power.

Therefore, only by allowing the people and soldiers to recognize this land and let them fight for everything they have created and cherished, such an army will naturally be invincible and invincible in every battle!"

Cao Cao suddenly understood and said: "Is this one of the reasons why you implemented a series of policies to benefit the people in Chenliu County?"

Lu Yan nodded and said: "Only when the people regard Chenliu as their home, will they fight for their homeland without hesitation!"

Speaking of which, he suddenly added:

"Since this is a family, we naturally can't treat our family badly. Mr. Cao, this pension must be guaranteed to some extent!"


After all, it was just a word of wooing, but Lu Yan used his feelings and connections to add some benefits to win over him.

But for such a simple truth, how many princes are really willing to do it?

Common people?

In their eyes,

They are just a bunch of grass that will grow back on its own after being cut!

This chapter has been completed!
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