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Chapter 106 Early Morning

Winter did come early this year. There was fine frost on the eaves, the sky was slightly bright, and the palace gate was crowded with people. This was Zhu Di's first morning meeting after his Northern Expedition, and all the ministers came with their thoughts in mind.

Everyone filed into the hall. Zhu Zhanyi and Zhu Zhanyi stood under the dragon chair. Zhu Zhanyi felt uncomfortable with his clothes today, and his whole body was straight. On the other hand, Zhu Zhanyi looked at him with a smile on his face.

That high dragon chair.

His ambition cannot be hidden in those shallow eyes.

Zhu Zhanchen sighed, if the second brother was like this, the eldest brother could hold him down firmly.

As the ministers lined up on both sides, the process of the morning court remained unchanged, except that there was no one on the dragon throne. San Yang, Yao Guangxiao, Xia Yuanji and others jointly made the decision.

"There is a rebellion in Jiaozhi. The old ministers of the Hu Dynasty are now based in the south of Jiaozhi to form a certain scale. I sincerely request to send troops from Guangzhou, Yunnan to quell the rebellion." The eunuch of the Jiaozhi Supervisory Army, Ma Qi, who spoke, sent back to inform the minister Wang Dan.

Xia Yuanji stood up and said: "Your Majesty is marching north and the army is moving north. If there is a two-front war, the burden will be too heavy. Matters in the south will be discussed later."

Wang Dan also had a straightforward temper: "Xia Shangshu, that's not what you said. After hearing about His Majesty's Northern Expedition, Xia Shangshu also stood up and expressed his objections, and was ordered to be imprisoned by His Majesty. If it weren't for the Crown Prince Rende, Xia Shangshu would still be in prison.


"It is a big deal for the barbarians in the north to invade the border. The rebellion of the barbarians in the south must be tolerated and discussed later. Shangshu Xia is timid and timid. What is his intention to let the barbarians from a small country invade our Ming Dynasty?"

Xia Yuanji was furious, but Yang Shiqi stood in the way: "What you have stated about state affairs should not belittle others."

Wang Dan was not convinced, but he saluted respectfully: "I hope Heaven will listen to this matter and ask His Majesty to make the decision."

This matter was about to come to an end, but Zhu Zhanqi's voice rang out: "The emperor once said that Taizu expanded the territory, and if we, the Ming Dynasty, had to be bullied by the barbarians, it would be unfaithful, unjust and unfilial. The southern Jiaozhi

If you dare to rebel, you should send a large army to suppress it and increase the prestige of our country."

Zhu Zhanzhen looked at his second brother in disbelief. Do you understand what your fluttering sentence of "army suppression" means?

Sanyang, Xia Yuanji, Yao Guangxiao will suppress this matter first, and you will pick it out.

"What His Highness the Second Highness said is absolutely true." Wang Dan finally heard someone mentioning himself and immediately agreed.

Several ministers probably rolled their eyes inwardly, but Yang Rong said extremely respectfully: "Your Highness, the war on the north and south fronts will consume too much. We should wait until the matter is reported to His Highness the Crown Prince before making a decision."

At this time, Zhu Zhanjun nodded. He just wanted to have a sense of presence in the court and let these ministers see him.

He looked at Zhu Zhanyi again: "Fifth brother, what do you think?"

What do I think? I want to beat you up. You want to be in the limelight on your own. Just do it yourself. Why are you taking me with you?

But when I was asked, I had no choice but to say: "Master, I'd like to trouble you to make a calculation with Qin Tianjian tonight to determine the good or bad luck of the Southern Expedition. I have a great destiny and must obey the destiny of heaven."

As a staunch materialist, Zhu Zhanzhen used God's will as an excuse. He knew that no matter how Yao Guangxiao calculated this hexagram, it was a bad omen.

"Amitabha, what His Highness said is absolutely true."

In ancient times, when Providence came out, it was basically a one-hit kill, leaving everyone speechless.

Although Zhu Di went on an expedition, the team from Yongle's prosperous era were basically retained in the court to check each other. As long as they didn't mess around, there would be no trouble, and what Zhu Di wanted now was stability.

After Wang Dan retreated, another minister came out. The people from the military department mainly talked about the recent situation of grain and army in the north. They just stated it and then retreated.

The governor of Jiangxi who had just returned to the court came out and said: "There is a banditry in Jiangxi. The ruthless bandit Chen Qian was originally the county government arrest chief. He robbed the prison and went to the mountain to cause banditry. Now it is getting worse. He has taken over the mountain and is king. He calls himself the King of Meiling. There are no more ruthless bandits in Meiling Mountain." One thousand, I hope to send troops to suppress it."

Bandits are more troublesome, and they are hiding in the mountains, unable to suppress the situation with large armies.

"When the report was made at the beginning of the year, there were less than 200 bandits in Meiling. How could they grow so fast?" Yang Shiqi asked puzzledly.

"We just robbed a prison a few days ago and took away more than a hundred prisoners."

"What use are you of Jiangxi's local officials and garrison?" Yang Shiqi was furious.

It was because the local officials kept suppressing him for fear of taking responsibility. It was only after he was robbed that he made too much noise and was discovered by the governor.

This matter is rather urgent, with thousands of people already involved, and Jiangxi is not far from Yingtian Mansion. If the banditry becomes more serious, there is no chance of causing trouble.

Several people discussed it, and Yang Shiqi made the final decision: "First allocate troops from all over Jiangxi to encircle and suppress the Meiling bandits. Instead of taking the attack into the mountains as the first priority, and to encircle but not rape, we will allocate a team of 100 people from the Yingtianfu Shenji Battalion to go there." Jiangxi supports.”

Ying Tianfu's military strength cannot be impressed. What we need to do now is to stabilize the bandits. These bandits are a mob. Although they are ferocious, they cannot be too united to surround and cut off their food and financial resources and prevent them from robbing their homes. These people It will be unsustainable.

When fighting in the mountains, the enemy is familiar with the terrain and may suffer considerable losses. Ying Tianfu's troops cannot make large movements, and the attitude of Yang Shiqi and others is still based on stability.

"Please also take pictures of a conductor to go."

To suppress the banditry, before several people could decide on a candidate, Zhu Zhanquan spoke: "I'll go."

I'll go! This second brother is really good at stirring up trouble, Zhu Zhanchen couldn't help but secretly cursed.

"Your Highness, there are only bandits, why should I bother you to go there?"

"No, the banditry in Jiangxi is changing too fast. If we don't suppress it as soon as possible and let it develop, what will happen if it affects Yingtian Mansion? Does the Emperor have to worry about Yingtian Mansion while he is leading the troops?"

Zhu Zhanquan was filled with righteous indignation: "Although I have never led an army, I have read many military books. The emperor and his eldest brother and his third brother are all fighting for the country on the border. If I cannot even maintain the safety around Yingtian Mansion, I will not be able to see the emperor." "

Your heart is good and your ambition is still good, but can you fight? Do you know how to deal with the bandits? Should you kill them all or recruit them?

Dedicate people to do specific tasks, and you are not Wang Yangming. Don't be brave when you shouldn't be.

"Your Highness, there is only a bandit problem, so there is no need for you to go there in person." Xia Yuanji advised.

"Huh, just a bandit problem? The bandits occupy the mountains and become kings, plundering the people, and the local officials conceal it. The situation is getting worse. If they are not suppressed, there are thousands of people now. Will they be tens of thousands next year? When your Majesty defeats the barbarians in the north, Will we still have to see Jiangxi rebel when we return to the DPRK?"

Zhu Zhanjuan's every word seemed to be asking why these civil and military ministers were so incompetent. Xia Yuanji and others did not dare to say that it was because they were afraid of his lack of ability. After all, he was now assisting the supervisor of the country. To disrespect him was to disrespect the prince and the prince. The emperor is disrespectful.

Yao Guangxiao kicked the ball to Zhu Zhanzhen's feet again: "Your Highness, Fifth Prince, what do you think?"

"What the second brother said is absolutely true. You can't just sit back and watch the banditry intensify. Jiangxi has a mountainous area. If you want to go into the mountains to exterminate the bandits, I'm afraid it won't be completely eliminated in a short time. You need to ensure supplies and kill them for a long time. Listen to the governor's wishes. There are many bandits.

Those who commit crimes are not trustworthy to each other."

"Control their material supplies, prevent them from robbing homes and houses, and order all the surrounding yamen to participate in the suppression of bandits. Anyone who violates the rules will be killed."

When Zhu Zhancheng heard that Zhu Zhancheng agreed with his idea, he immediately went on to say: "My fifth brother has the same idea as me and has sent a battalion from Zhejiang to accompany me on the expedition."

"Second brother, we need to suppress the bandits, but you can't do it."


"Second brother, the two of us have accepted the order of the emperor. My father is not feeling well. You and I will assist my father in supervising the country. If the second brother leads the troops to suppress the banditry, the trip will be as short as three to five months. Without the second brother here, father

This leaves me without a right and left arm, and I alone cannot bear this responsibility."

The implication is that okay, okay, you are the minister of the auxiliary country, and the country cannot do without you. I beg you, please don't cause trouble.

"What His Highness the Fifth Highness said is absolutely true." Xia Yuanji followed.

"Hey, okay, we will send troops to suppress the bandits from now on. I will personally supervise the operation. All information about the suppression of bandits will be transmitted to my office. Anyone who fails to do things well will be severely punished."

"I obey your orders, Your Highness."

Zhu Zhanjun found a job for himself. He needed to make certain political achievements. Otherwise, everything would be done by Sanyang Xia Yuanji and others. How could he do it if he finally helped supervise the country and had no political achievements at all?

Zhu Zhanzhen had errands for steam engines and banks. As long as there were no problems with transporting grain and grass by water and the steam ships were put to use, he would definitely have political achievements. He also had errands for Japanese spies.

But now he has no errand that he takes the lead on, and he can't wait to find one. Being good at suppressing banditry is also his political achievement.

Other matters in the early court were settled by several ministers. Zhu Zhanzhen and Zhu Zhanzhen were reported to the prince first.

Today's ministers are also saying that although Zhu Zhanquan is impulsive in his actions and words, he has a straightforward personality and dares to speak out. Although he is a little unconsidered, his spirit is commendable.

Zhu Zhanzhen was young and mature, but he didn't show much in the early dynasty. For the ministers, he was too young. People who didn't know him complained about the emperor asking him to assist in supervising the country.

There was a doll standing in the court, and I couldn't help but smile bitterly as I listened to his childish voice.

Zhu Gaochi learned about Zhu Zhanchun's approach and gave him a few words of encouragement. At least Zhu Zhanchun was in good spirits and was active in his work.

Zhu Gaochi asked Zhu Zhanyi to retreat first, leaving Zhu Zhanyi alone.

"Zhan Zhan, what do you think about Jiaozhi today?"

"Jiaozhi is in the south and Northern Xinjiang is in the north. It is absolutely undesirable to start a war on two fronts." Zhu Zhanyi said bluntly.

"Since the recovery of Jiaozhi, there have been continuous rebellions and poor management for many years. Yunnan Mu Mansion is not sure whether it is unable to suppress it or it is difficult to suppress it. Originally, your imperial grandfather meant to let your second uncle rule Yunnan, but your second uncle was unwilling, so things continued.


"Father, what do you mean?"

"There has been discussion in the court about abandoning Jiaozhi. What do you think?"

When Zhu Zhanji came to power in the Ming Dynasty, he made the decision to abandon Jiaozhi, and discussions had already begun.

"No, this is not possible, absolutely not. I will not give in to the territory of the Ming Dynasty."

This chapter has been completed!
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