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Chapter 148 The most beautiful man in the world

When he was going to Hu Guang's house, Zhu Zhanzhen ordered Xiaosheng to take Hu Guang's information to study it.

Hu Guang was the number one scholar in the second year of Jianwen's reign. Of course, the reign title of Jianwen was revoked. The theory that he was not beheaded was that he was the number one scholar in the thirty-third year of Hongwu.

Moreover, his position as the number one scholar is quite interesting. Hu Guang and his fellow countryman Wang Gen participated in the palace examination in Jinling. The examiners agreed that Wang Gen should have won the first prize, but because Wang Gen was not good-looking, he was deposed as the second place winner by Emperor Jianwen.

Unexpectedly, Jianwen is still a beauty-obsessed person, and even if he is ugly, he won't even be awarded the top prize.

When King Zhu Di of Yan invaded Yingtian Mansion, Wang Gen, Hu Guang, Xie Jin, and Wu Pu gathered together. Hu and Jie each made impassioned speeches, but King Gen wept silently.

But I didn't expect that the person who committed suicide for Jianwen in the end was Wang Gen, who was disliked for not giving him the top prize for a long time, while Hu Guang, Xie Jin and Zhu Di were attached to each other.

So, Jianwen really doesn't know how to recognize people. He actually dislikes the ugliness of these loyal ministers who are willing to die for him.

This is an anecdote about Hu Guang Wenzhu. Hu Guang was greedy for life, but his talents and learning were indeed not bad, and his official affairs were well organized. Zhu Di even asked him to teach Zhu Zhanji during the last expedition. Otherwise, he still had some abilities.

I can't get to where I am now.

Early on the next morning, Zhu Zhanzhen left the palace gate. He couldn't let his pomp slip away. After all, he was still assisting the supervising government. If his pomp was poor, wouldn't he lose his father's face?

Hu Guang saw Zhu Zhanzhen's team at the door of his home. Their posture was comparable to that of the prince of Han Dynasty.

Hu Guang, who was standing at the door, greeted him. In fact, the bigger his ostentation, the more respectable Hu Guang was. After all, the presence of the Royal Grand Master in such a grand occasion was considered by others to be the favor of an official and a celebrity in front of the royal family.

Welcoming Zhu Zhanyi, he got off the carriage and entered Hu Mansion.

The decoration style of the house can reflect the owner's preferences and personality. The overall decoration of the Hu's house is dark, and the bricks and wall columns are mostly gray and blue. Before entering the middle hall, you must first pass through an elegant small garden. The taste of literati is indeed


Looking at the simple courtyard, it is actually of great value. Strange-shaped trees are deliberately cultivated. There is a stream flowing crisscrossing the courtyard underground. There is a lot of fresh running water every day. The water is clear and valuable fish are kept in it.

"Mr. Hu Ge, the courtyard is not much worse than the back garden of the palace."

"Your Highness, this is incomparable. It is less than one-twentieth of the area of ​​the back garden, and the things are not worth mentioning. I just like to play with some flowers and plants. They are not worth a lot of money, but they take more effort to take care of.

"If your Highness likes it, you might as well choose a few and send them to His Highness's courtyard." People like Hu Guang, who are well-versed in official circles, always speak without making mistakes.

"Mr. Hu Ge, this is Zhang San. You can tell him how many telephones you need in your house and which rooms they need to be installed in. Zhang San will set them up according to your requirements."

Usually craftsmen like Zhang San don't even have the chance to talk to Hu Guang, and they probably can only talk to the housekeeper in the house, but recently it was brought by Zhu Zhanzhen, and Hu Guanglian was somewhat polite to Zhang San.

"I've heard of your name a long time ago, and I heard that you also built the steam engine."

"Lao Miao Hu Ge praised it. It was all His Highness's idea. I just took advantage of His Highness's guidance and did some work."

"That's too modest. Butler Li, please come over and plan the phone lines in your house with Mr. Zhang San. I'm ashamed to say that I'm usually busy with official duties and I'm not familiar with my house. It's better for the housekeeper to be more familiar with it."

Zhang San followed the housekeeper to do the wiring work. He also had to teach the servants how to use the steam generator. A big iron lump was transported to the house. The surrounding neighbors started talking about it, but most of them were not qualified.

After entering Hu's mansion, they could only gather around and discuss.

Of course, there are many rich and powerful people living on this street.

No, seeing a lot of people talking here, a rich young man dressed in splendid clothes walked over curiously, and the two servants beside him cleared away the people around him.

The young master looked around and waved. He pulled someone over and asked, "What's going on in the Hu Mansion?"

"A royal carriage came just now. A very good-looking His Highness entered the Hu Mansion, followed by many people. We are here to see if the Hu Mansion has received any reward."

"Your Highness is very handsome? How good-looking is he? Are you as good-looking as me?" This rich man behaves in a rough manner and wears gorgeous clothes. He seems to be afraid that others will not see that he is a rich and powerful man. He attaches great importance to appearance, but in fact he

She looks like a normal adolescent human being.

"I have never seen such a handsome young man."

"Ah? I'm not standing in front of you, how can anyone be more handsome than me?" The young man looked unconvinced.

He attaches great importance to appearance. He considers himself the second most handsome man in the Ming Dynasty. The first reason is that he is afraid of being scolded by his father. He publicizes that his grandson Zhu Zhanji is the first, but he does not admit it in his heart. He always thinks that I am the most handsome in the world.

At that time, it was written in the newspaper that Zhu Zhanzhen, a young man, conquered the spring breeze, became an official and became a god. He rode a horse and carried osmanthus flowers, and the fragrance filled the capital for 500 miles. I pity you for your beautiful young man, and it is such a comfortable and clear relationship. I am thinking about the clouds outside the mountains, and my leisurely love before the moon.

Under the spring and autumn moon, a beautiful young man falls.

This made him so angry that he found someone to go to Yunde Building to cause trouble, so that the newspaper writers could come out and reveal who was the most beautiful man in the world. Later, he was scolded by the elders in the family and taken home.

"Your Highness? I want to see which His Highness it is. Come with me to the Hu Mansion to visit Mr. Hu Ge."

"It is said to be His Highness the Fifth Prince."

"Your Highness Fifth Prince? What a coincidence. I didn't see the group of flatterers when I went to Yunde Tower. I want to see you today."

"Your Majesty, we don't have a greeting card." The servant behind persuaded.

They know very well that their young master has a bad temper and does not indulge in food, drink, prostitution or gambling. He may be considered a good man in culture, military skills, but he is narcissistic.

Some people say he is more handsome than him, but that doesn't work. They have to open their eyes to what it means to be the second most handsome man in the world (actually the most handsome man).

"A greeting? I, Zhang Zhong, need a greeting wherever I go, so I can go and say hello."

The servant had no choice but to say hello shamelessly.

Hu Guang, who was explaining the method of growing warm plants to Zhu Zhanchen, suddenly received a message from the boy at home and looked embarrassed.

"Mr. Hu Ge, what's going on?"

"Your Highness, the British prince Zhang Zhong wishes to see me."

"Oh? The eldest son of the British Duke Zhang Fu's family?"

"Exactly, you don't have much interaction with me, and I don't know why you suddenly came to visit me today. I'll let someone go and politely decline."

Zhu Zhanzhen rolled his eyes: "No, let him in. I also want to see the heir apparent of the British family. I heard that he is the second most beautiful man in the world." This kind of gossip naturally comes from Sang Yu.

Now, Zhu Zhanzhen heard her and Chu Er talking about the most beautiful man in the world, Zhu Zhanji, and the second most beautiful man in the world, Zhang Zhong.

Chu'er said at the time that he was definitely not as good-looking as his Royal Highness, but Zhu Zhanchen was also quite curious about the second most beautiful man in the world.

The first-placed Zhu Zhanji is definitely popular among the people, but maybe the second-placed man is genuine. If he is really selected by the people, then he is truly the most beautiful man in the world.

If he is really a handsome man, using him as a bargaining chip and kissing an old queen somewhere in the future may be a good way to achieve long-term peace and stability. I am really a little genius in diplomacy.

Hu Guang was a little embarrassed: "Your Highness, this British prince has always acted in a rough manner, and he was afraid of offending His Highness."

"It doesn't matter."

Helpless, Hu Guang had to ask his servants to inform him to come in.

Zhang Zhong was strong and tall. He walked with a graceful pace. He walked into Hu's mansion and walked straight in front of Hu Guang.

With his long sleeves rolled up, the young man was full of energy and said, "Zhang Zhong has met Mr. Hu Ge."

When he raised his head and saw the young man beside Hu Guang, he was stunned for a moment.

This His Highness is really handsome.

The jade-like young gentleman is handsome with heroic spirit, heroic spirit with delicacy, and delicacy with royal majesty. What kind of appearance is this.

Are the flatterers written in the newspapers true? Are there really such young men in the world?

Zhu Zhanzhen, on the other hand, has dark lines on his face. How can such an ordinary-looking person dare to claim to be the second most beautiful man in the world?

In ancient times, this information was not flowing smoothly, but how could such a good-looking man dare to be called the second most handsome man in the world?

Zhang Zhong, who had been talking nonsense outside just now, was already defeated in just one scene.

In terms of appearance, he felt that he had never lost to anyone since he was a child. Even the second most handsome man in the world felt that he was only beaten by Zhu Zhanji's distinguished status.

He was not convinced.

But in front of a real handsome guy, his mood suddenly brightened, so what if he was second in the world?

There is no shame in losing to him.

He had never met the Fifth Highness before, mainly because Zhu Zhanzhen had made too few appearances before last year. After all, emperors and grandsons under ten years old generally rarely showed up in the harem, and Zhang Zhong still had no official status, except for Ji Ji.

I only accompanied my father to the palace a few times, and only met my grandson a few times.

Zhang Zhong saluted: "Zhang Zhong, I have met His Highness the Fifth Prince."

Zhu Zhanzhen was still shocked by the extremely ordinary appearance of the second most beautiful man in the world. He came to his senses and said: "Your Majesty, there is no need to be so polite."

Regarding the only person in the world who he thought was slightly better in appearance than himself, Zhang Zhong said with a smile: "Mr. Hu Ge, His Majesty the Fifth Prince, I saw a large group of people watching at the door, and I also saw a

The big iron lump was pulled in, what is it doing?"

Hu Guang looked at Zhu Zhanxi, who explained to him the principle of the phone.

"What? Isn't this a spell that can transmit sounds?"

Zhang Zhong, who has never seen the real thing or experienced it, has a hard time understanding it.

"Wait a minute. When it's built, come and give it a try." Hu Guang was not stingy and invited him to give it a try.

Zhang Zhong thought about it and said: "Your Highness, it's not like if the line is long enough, the news can be transmitted back from the front line."

As expected, he comes from a military family. Although he still has no official status, the first thing he thinks about is fighting.

Zhu Zhanzhen nodded: "Theoretically, this is the case, but the line must be long enough and the electricity must be strong enough so that it can be transmitted far enough, and the sound transmission is real-time. What is said on the other end can be heard here.


There is no need to explain the speed of current transmission to them now.

Hu Guang and Zhang Zhong were both shocked. It turned out that this thing was planned to have military functions in the future.

After having the first construction experience in the palace, Zhang San and the craftsmen became much more comfortable in setting up telephone lines. The craftsmen of this era were very careful and planned the route almost exactly.

Everyone in Hu Guang's house was very curious about the phone. When it was set up, a group of people were eager to try it.

Hu Guang invited guests, and Zhang Zhong gave it a try first.

Zhang Zhong picked up the phone at the door and was particularly shocked when he heard Hu Guang's voice.

Seeing his surprised expression, Hu Guang smiled heartily: "Your Majesty, what do you think of this phone call?"

Hu Guang seemed to have forgotten that he had this shocked look when he called for the first time last night, and now he was smiling like a senior.

"It's incredible, it's incredible." Zhang Zhong was immersed in shock.

After being shocked, he immediately came to Zhu Zhanzhen and said: "Your Highness, we also need to install it in our house. Please give it to our house first."

"Your Majesty, pay attention to your etiquette." Hu Guang reminded.

Zhang Zhong also realized that he was rude, and Zhu Zhanzhen said: "Everyone can install it. Phones can be installed in the homes of officials of the fifth rank and above in the imperial court. The specific arrangements will depend on the output of the factory. You can sign up first. Where is Zhang San?"


"I'm the first, I'm the first." Zhang Zhong signed up actively.

Zhang Zhong has an outgoing personality and has many friends outside, so the effect of this small speaker must be used well.

"Zhang San, there are still some wires and telephones in stock in the factory. Let's go to the British Government to install the phone tomorrow. But, Your Majesty, you have to go back and talk to the British Government to get approval from the Government."

"Don't worry, Your Highness, my father will definitely agree. Then I will send someone to pick you up tomorrow."

"No need, Zhang Sanyi will come to the door early. If it can be installed, it will be installed tomorrow."

Zhang Zhong ran out excitedly. Looking at the irritable young man, Hu Guang couldn't help but smile: "Your Highness, the British prince is a bit rough in his behavior, please don't take it to heart."

"Looking at your true temperament, it's very good. I've finished the phone call. I'm going back to the palace first. If anything happens later, just contact Zhang San and others directly."

"Thank you, Your Highness. I have a lot to do with you today, Your Highness."

Pass it on to ten, and then pass it on to hundreds. In this way, you don’t even need to sell the phone.

Zhang Zhong's rough temper must be shown off everywhere.

On the way back to the palace, Zhu Zhanzhen was sitting in the car. As soon as he got in the car, he received news from the palace. Zhu Gaochi ordered him to return to the palace quickly.

Not daring to delay, he hurried back to the palace.

Zhu Gaochi was in the study at this time, holding a secret report in his hand and looking sad.

"What happened to father?"

"Please take a look at the new military report."

Zhu Zhanzhen opened the military newspaper and became worried when he saw it.

"Has the Cochinese rebellion reached this level?"

"Hey, almost all the southern front of Jiaozhi was lost. How could our Ming Dynasty elite soldiers not be able to stop those rebels?" Zhu Gaochi couldn't understand why the strength of the Jiaozhi rebels suddenly increased so much, and they defeated our army with consecutive battles and victories.

"Father, let Mu Mansion from Yunnan go out to fight." Zhu Zhanzhen suggested.

Zhu Gaochi frowned and seemed unwilling, but said: "I ordered General Zhang Fu to prepare for the expedition."

Zhang Fu is the son of Zhang Yu. Zhang Yu is known as the first hero of Jingnan. Zhang Fu went to Annan, which is now Jiaozhi, many times and is familiar with the place. Last year, Ma Qi, the eunuch of the Jiaozhi army, sued him for privately choosing Zhuang.

Yongtu was recalled as a soldier from Weizishou Camp.

After much consideration, Zhu Gaochi decided to send him to Jiaozhi again, not to fight, but to stabilize the morale of the army and stabilize the war situation, at least not to allow the rebels in Jiaozhi to continue to advance north.

It is obvious that Zhu Gaochi does not trust Yunnan Mu Mansion enough.

Sometimes distrust is not because you have done anything wrong, but because your momentum is too strong.


Today’s big chapter is double updated with 8,000 words

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