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Chapter 16 Steam 4WD

Under the gray cloth is an iron lump, which is basically the same as the appearance on my drawings. First of all, I looked at the joints. Although the current metal welding technology is far behind modern times, you can tell from the tight fit of the welds that these builders

The craftsmanship of steam engines is quite impressive.

Metal welding will affect the sealing of the steam engine. If there is no sealing and steam leaks out at will, the machine will definitely not be able to rotate.

"Sir, what is this iron guy used for?"

Zhu Zhanzhen smiled slightly: "This is an improvement on the kettle I showed you before."

"The difference is too big."

"It's just a difference in appearance, but the principle is actually the same. Xiaosheng, go get some coal."

Xiaosheng went to get a small basket of coal. Zhu Zhanchen took advantage of this time to fill it with water, lit the coal and started burning.

As the steam rises, it continues to pressurize the device. The pressure begins to push the piston inside to move. Gradually, the connected wheel starts to move. As the wheel rotates, the pressure relief port releases steam.

The wheels really started to rotate after alternating in sequence, but the efficiency was very low, the rotation speed was very slow, and it could not be used in real applications.

Being able to transfer means that there is an opportunity and the efforts are in the right direction.

"Xiaosheng, please ask someone to invite Master Zheng He." As the emperor's grandson, he could not leave the palace easily, but it was slightly easier for Zheng He to enter.

Xiaosheng was about to go out, but saw Zheng He already at the door with a smile on his face.

Said Cao Cao Cao Cao has arrived.

"Fifth Young Master." Zheng He saluted with a smile on his face.

"Master Zheng, I was about to send someone to look for you."

Zheng He said calmly: "Fifth Young Master, have you tried the new steam engine?"

"I've tried it and it works, but the efficiency is too low and I can't really use it yet."

Zheng He naturally knew that they had tried many times.

"Young master, come with me to the front of the palace. I sent a steam engine to you and sent it to His Majesty and the Crown Prince. The Crown Prince ordered me to show the craftsmen, and the craftsmen insisted that you come too."

This semi-finished product was actually delivered to the emperor, but thinking about it, in Zhu Zhanzhen's eyes, this was just a semi-finished product, but in the eyes of people of this era, this was a huge technological leap.

As Zheng He arrived in front of the Fengtian Hall, the meeting of ministers had dispersed. At this time, only Zhu Di was sitting on the dragon chair, accompanied by Zhu Gaochi and Zhu Zhanji who had just slept for a while, and there were still two people beside him.

The ministers are Yang Rong and Xia Yuanji.

At the bottom of the steps are Zhang San and several other craftsmen, as well as a car equipped with a steam engine.

Zhu Zhanyi had to go to Zhu Di first to say hello. He took a look at the car from a distance and thought it was strange, but he couldn't explain it yet.

"Happy Grandfather."

Zhu Di said with a smile on his face: "Zheng He said you made the iron bump?"

"Back to Grandpa Huang, I just thought about it and drew a drawing. It was only this morning that I saw Master Zheng and a few skilled craftsmen actually make it."

Faced with Zhu Zhanzhen's refusal to take credit, Zhu Di was quite satisfied.

Zhu Gaochi then said: "Your Majesty, this is the steam engine that Zhan Chang had in mind that I mentioned to you before."

"You can drive without horses, and you can sail without wind. The idea is really novel. Zheng He made it move for me to see."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Zheng He was about to let people start, but Zhu Zhanchen stood up quickly: "Grandpa Huang, wait a minute."

"What's up?"

"Can I allow my grandson to come forward and have a look first?"

"Go ahead."

Zhu Zhanzhen walked down the tall steps, and his good brother Zhu Zhanji came down with him.

"Fifth Young Master, Your Highness the Grand Sun." Several craftsmen greeted him.

Zhu Zhanyi took a closer look at the car and discovered something strange. These people actually installed a steam engine on each of the four wheels, leaving Zhu Zhanyi with a black line on one end.

This is not a steam four-wheel drive. We haven't even figured out the front-wheel drive and rear-wheel drive yet, so we are thinking of building a four-wheel drive.

They thought a steam engine could only drive one wheel, so they thought of installing four on a car.

That's right, Zhu Zhanzhen hasn't told them about gears or anything like that yet.

"Master Zheng, have you tried the car?"

"I tried it." Zheng He was a little embarrassed, obviously the situation was not good after he tried it.

Zhu Zhanzhen made the point in one sentence: "Is it because the four wheels have different rotation effects? The car can only move a little bit, and then it breaks down."

Zheng He and several craftsmen looked at Zhu Zhanyang in astonishment. What Zhu Zhanyang said was basically the situation of the experiment.

The good brother Zhu Zhanji next to him asked puzzledly: "Zhan Zhen, what is going on?"

"Brother, although the four steam engines are ignited together, the amount and speed of the steam generated by the coal are different, which results in the rotation of each wheel being different. With four wheels and four thoughts, how can this car be driven?


Zhu Zhanji nodded in understanding. Young people accept new things relatively quickly.

"Master, do you have any solution?" Zhang San asked impatiently.

"Yes, but it's too late now. I'm afraid it won't be good for Mr. Zheng to let His Majesty see the steam engine like this."

Zheng He was indeed full of confidence: "Fifth Young Master, don't worry, this is a preliminary test product."

Finally, Zheng He started the test with full confidence. Whether it was God's help or just good luck, the car really started, and the sound of steam leaking out of the pressure relief valve was more regular.

No one was in the car, and there was no horse in front of the car, but the car actually moved. Zhu Di was so shocked that he stood up from the dragon chair.

The car ran for more than ten meters and then fell apart. If no one controlled the car without braking, the final result would be destruction.

Zhu Zhanzhen was not satisfied with this situation, but beyond his expectation, Zhu Di, Zhu Gaochi and others were already very excited.

"Go ahead, let me do it. Weizhe should have enough money to do this."

Xia Yuanji woke up from the shock and hurriedly saluted: "Reporting to Your Majesty, the Ministry of Revenue will definitely support your Majesty's initiative."

The people present saw the car that could run more than twenty meters on its own, and they already understood that this was a ground-changing pioneering work. It was the first time since the founding of the world. In the past, they could only hear about guides that did not require manpower or horses in fairy tales.


You can see it with your own eyes, and seeing it is believing it.

Zheng He stepped forward and saluted: "Your Majesty's steam train still has many areas for improvement."

"Change it, change it for me no matter what the cost, until it's good."

With the full support of His Majesty the Emperor and the all-round allocation of resources, how can the whole country still do it?

Zheng He went on to say: "Your Majesty, please allow the five young masters of the prince to come to the house more often. I think the young master has already figured out a solution."

"Go, Zhan Zhen will give you a token today. You can leave the palace at any time. No need to report. Just register at the palace gate. No matter how you build the steam engine."

"Thank you, Grandpa Huang. It's just that my grandson still has classes to attend."

"Gao Chi, you will coordinate."


Zhu Zhanchen raised his head and looked at Zhu Di with a smile. Zhu Di smiled bitterly: "Don't you want money again?"


This chapter has been completed!
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