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Chapter 240 Use soldiers like a god Zhu Zhanzhen

Zhu Zhanyi pushed the door open and walked out with a gloomy expression. In the room behind him, although Black Snake Girl was still tied with iron chains, she was no longer tied to the pillar. Zhu Zhanyi covered her clothes with his loose coat.

She is not neat.

"Uncle Su Wang, please send troops to support my second brother's surprise attack on Tingzhou troops. Hurry."

"What's wrong?"

"Just now Black Snake Ji explained that the Chagatai Khanate also sent troops from Tingzhou to take a detour to attack our Jiayuguan Pass, and the Tatars also took this route from the north. The two armies were encircled. If we are unlucky, our army will

They run into each other.”

At this point, Zhu Zhanyi said categorically: "No, it's not bad luck. With so many armies on both sides, it's impossible not to encounter them. We have many enemies and no city walls to rely on. We may not be able to protect ourselves. We need to send reinforcements now."

Zhu Fanyan understood the urgency of the matter and immediately said: "Okay, I'll go right away, and I will personally lead the troops to reinforce."

Zhu Zhanzhen looked at Ma Yang again: "Commander Madu, there are two names on this paper, they are two officers in your border army. You go and deal with it. It was the Black Snake Girl who told me. Be sure to find out whether

He is really a spy, so he can avoid being bitten by Black Snake Girl. If he is found to be a spy, he will be scrutinized even more strictly to see if there are others."

Ma Yang glanced at the two names on the paper and immediately said: "Yes, Your Highness."

Others looked at Zhu Zhanzhen in surprise. They didn't know what method Zhu Zhanzhen used. There was no sound of being tortured and beaten when Black Snake Ji spoke. What method did he use?

Zhu Zhanzhen summoned the female envoy and ordered Black Snake Princess to be imprisoned in a small courtyard and heavily guarded. She is still useful now, at least she has negotiation value.

Black Snake Ji looked at Zhu Zhanxi angrily, her eyes seemed to want to swallow Zhu Zhanxi in one gulp and chop his flesh into pieces.

"Send a message to the King of Han that Black Snake Princess has been captured. Let's use our hands and feet to capture the city of Turpan."

On Zhu Gaoxu's side, the Black Snake Cavalry Guards made a surprise attack on the grain and grass camp, and the mine array exploded into the sky. However, the Black Snake Cavalry Guards had to be said to be extremely brave. Even though they knew they could not retreat, their desperate charge still allowed them to burn a little bit of grain and grass, about a hundred

It seems like a person's daily expenses are negligible. The Black Snake Cavalry Guards who came to attack were completely wiped out.

Turpan City launched three attacks from the front, but all were blocked.

The fight lasted until dawn, and finally Turpan City seemed to be desperate and pounced madly.

The sky lit up white, and the mountains and fields were full of corpses, covered in scarlet blood. I don’t know how many people died last night. The sand and gravel everywhere were soaked with blood. There were also many injured soldiers who had no time to retreat, and their limbs were broken.

Even more.

The Ming army also suffered a lot of casualties, but compared to Turpan City, it can be said to be very slight.

Last night, after receiving the news of the failure of the Black Snake Cavalry and the arrest of the Black Snake Lady, Prince Batur attacked almost like crazy. He finally withdrew when he could no longer hold on.

Zhu Gaoxu watched the daybreak and patted Yu Qian, who was covered in blood: "I didn't expect that you, a literate scholar, would be a coward after fighting in the war. This kid Zhan Yu has a lot of vision. He picked you out of the military camp at a glance.

He is a talented person."

"Your Majesty is so complimentary."

"I don't talk about the situation. I don't like any literati in the court. I will catch mistakes between the lines. I am stunned. I don't know how to do anything serious. I write memorials very fast. You are a good boy. I like you."

Prince Han was generous in his praise. Everyone saw Yu Qian's performance last night. He was on the front line of command, blocking the opponent's most violent attack. He didn't even have the slightest fear, his mind was clear and he did everything he needed to do.

Well, orderly, orderly.

Yu Qian looked at the corpses scattered all over the mountains and plains, and at the wounded and dead soldiers on his side in the trenches. These people represented the imperial court in the war, but how many people remembered their names? Remember what they had done?

A handful of loess honors the hero.

"Soldiers of the Ming Dynasty, Turpan City attacked our army overnight. Do we want to retaliate?" Zhu Gaoxu raised his arms and shouted.


"Do you want the gold and silver treasures in the city?"


"Girls, do you want it?"


"The wounded in yesterday's battle will take a break while the rest will follow me to attack Turpan City."

Yesterday's attack on Turpan failed. At this time, it was no longer possible to leave the city to fight again. All defense lines were shrunk into the city, using the city walls to resist the Ming army's artillery fire.

Prince Batur in the city was already furious. The repeated defeats made him know that the defeat was certain. Now the only hope was to take a detour and attack the troops at Jiayuguan.

"Report, your highness, the Ming army has begun to attack the city, and the Turpan city wall may not be able to support it."

"Shou, no matter what, keep it to me."


"There are no buts. Once the city is defeated, the Ming army will surely loot the city, and your wives and daughters will also be slaughtered and humiliated. If you don't want this, just defend it to the death."

"Your Highness, let's retreat first. Zhu Gaoxu, the king of the Han Dynasty in the Ming Dynasty, is good at fighting and attacking cities. Turpan City can't hold on for long. We still have a chance to retreat from Werumu." Prince Batur's guards whispered a few words.


Prince Batur's eyes flashed fiercely: "The damn Ming army has captured my daughter. We will fight to the death with the Ming army."

"Your Highness, if the princess is arrested, she may be in danger."


The Ming army's artillery fell in the city, causing Prince Batur, who was talking, to stumble and fall to the ground.

"Cover, cover."

Prince Batur patted the dust on himself and looked at the city wall where the battle was fierce.

"Your Highness, do you think the Ming army will retreat if they surrender?"

"I surrender before the formation, do you want to die?" As his most loyal servant for many years, Prince Batur did not directly kill him in anger.

"Your Highness, I forgive you. It's just that the Great Khan has been quite suspicious of you for many years. This time he has given you the impossible task of resisting the Ming army. Even if you win, you will be a great success. As far as I know, the Great Khan has no doubts about you."

You have already had murderous intentions."

"If you keep talking nonsense, I will kill you."

"Your Highness, I have followed you for many years and have never had second thoughts. The Great Khan is headstrong and self-willed. He conquered the Tamerlane Empire and only had great ambitions. Now Chagatai is difficult to control. It will not last long. Retreating to Werumu will only delay time.


At this time, an urgent message came to report: "Report, Your Highness, the Tingzhou troops on the northern line merged with the Tatar troops and encountered the Ming army halfway. This is a battle report."

At the same time, Zhu Fanyan, who had just left Jiayuguan, led three fast horses back to Jiayuguan, holding high the broken Tatar and Chagatai military flags.

He reined up his horse and shouted: "The frontline army reported that Zhu Zhankui, the king of Lanzhou County, used his troops like a god, and made a surprise attack on the Tatar and Chagatai coalition forces. He used 50,000 troops to fight 100,000, and defeated the enemy army. Now he has reached Tingzhou."

When Zhu Zhanzhen was on the tower, everyone was stunned. My second brother couldn't be so fierce.

The news that Zhu Zhankui had defeated the Tatar and Chagatai Khanates reached Jiayuguan and Turpan almost at the same time.

When the battle of Turpan was in full swing, the detour troops led by Zhu Zhanquan were not moving at a satisfactory speed and even went the wrong way. Later, he used a hot air balloon to fly up to check the position. Unexpectedly, he happened to be the first to discover the enemy's alliance.


At that time, Zhu Zhanquan was murmuring when he saw so many people on the other side, but it would be too shameful to run away, and his generals asked for a battle one after another. Zhu Zhanquan looked at his well-equipped troops, and there was no reason why he could not defeat the opponent's cavalry.

The Lord’s team is the right one.

And don't underestimate Zhu Zhanchun, he specifically chose to ambush in a place with relatively complicated terrain, so that the enemy's cavalry formation could not charge on a large scale.

This battle was fought with mourning and blood flowing all over the land. The army of the Chagatai Khanate and the Tatar army were originally a temporary alliance, and there was no tacit understanding of the battle between them. This allowed the Ming army to take advantage of the opportunity and seize the geographical advantage.

, with the momentum of a tiger like a drum, Lanzhou County King Zhu Zhankui used his troops like a god to defeat the Chagatai Tatar coalition.

Zhu Zhanquan spent ten taels of silver to have the soldiers who reported the story tell King Su in a more emphatic tone. King Su also said it word for word under the city wall of Jiayuguan.

The second brother is awesome.

"Your Highness, His Royal Highness the Prince of Lanzhou County is approaching Tingzhou, and the morale of our army is at its peak."

Zhu Zhanzhen nodded: "Bring me a message to Prince Han, asking him not to massacre the people of Turpan and not to disturb the women of Turpan. The same is true for my second brother, so as to avoid causing a second resistance from the people of the other side."

Zhu Zhanzhen knew that these oral messages had no practical effect, so he did not use his official position to issue orders and drew the lines himself, which was better than nothing.

Zhu Zhanquan led the army to a great victory. Of course, his characteristic was that he reported good things but not bad things. In fact, the damage on his side was not small. After all, neither side had a city. Zhu Zhanquan had few people on his side, so he relied on the favorable geographical location.

He also won the battle with superior equipment and beat the opponent away, but many of his own side died and more than half were injured.

"Tingzhou is ahead of us in two days. After conquering Tingzhou, the soldiers will follow me to achieve unparalleled achievements." Zhu Zhanquan seemed to see the royal road to his own success.

But when he arrived at Tingzhou, he saw a white flag hanging above the city, and Tingzhou surrendered without a fight.

"Your Highness, be careful. It may be a false surrender, and the enemy may have a conspiracy." Someone nearby warned.

"Do you still need to tell me? I saw through it at a glance. Let the hot air balloon take off and check the situation in the opponent's city first."

The hot air balloon took off and slowly approached Tingzhou City. From the air, the scenery of Tingzhou City was pretty good. Unlike the desolate Gobi along the way, Tingzhou City was known as the South of the Yangtze River. It had beautiful water and grass scenery and excellent scenery.

Looking down from the top, a lowering flag was hung on the top of the city. The soldiers in the city saw no movement from the hot air balloon. After a while, the city gate slowly opened, and a small group of six or seven cavalry came out of the city.

He ran towards the direction of Zhu Zhanqun.

The whole army was ready, but as soon as the opponent's cavalry approached, they dismounted and walked up to Zhu Zhanqun, knelt down on one knee and presented the key to the gate of Tingzhou City.

"Your Highness the Prince of Lanzhou County, our army has surrendered to the Ming Dynasty army. Turpan, Weelumu, and Tingzhou are all the territory of the Ming Dynasty." The cavalryman said respectfully.

Zhu Zhanquan instructed the people next to him to get the things. He asked several generals around him in confusion: "All three cities have surrendered?"

"Your Highness, please be patient. If someone really comes to deliver the news."

In the afternoon, the military intelligence scouts finally arrived, and sure enough they brought the news that all three cities had surrendered.

When Prince Batur was defeated by the Ming army on the northern front, he knew that he would lose this time. In order to protect himself, Prince Batur chose to surrender after many considerations and asked the Ming army to return his daughter intact.

Aliyah in exchange.

Zhu Gaoxu agreed to the surrender request after discussing with Zhu Zhanzhen that Aliyah was intact.

"Open the city gate and welcome our troops into the city. All the former Tingzhou troops have disarmed and are waiting at the school grounds." Zhu Zhanquan smiled crookedly. Although he lacked the achievements in capturing Tingzhou, his achievements this time were enough. He entered the city.

It's still him.

"The Ming army is mighty!!"

"The Ming army is mighty!!"

The soldiers, who had been battered by the wind and sand outside the Great Wall for so long, were now able to win without a fight, so naturally they cheered.

In order to maintain his dignity, Zhu Zhanquan said: "When you enter the city, you are not allowed to disturb the people. You can eat and drink, but don't take too much, and don't molest women from good families. We are a team with military discipline."

Two days before Zhu Zhanquan entered Tingzhou, Zhu Gaochi had already accepted the surrender of Turpan City. Prince Han rode a tall horse around the main street of Turpan City with a bunch of grapes in his hand. Prince Batur rode on

The horse is on the side.

"I have long heard that Prince Batur is tall and powerful. Today I saw that the rumors were true."

"Prince Han, you are too praised."

"Prince Batur has general knowledge and knows right from wrong. I have written to your Majesty to ask for a reward for you. In the future, as a minister of the Ming Dynasty, I will definitely contribute to our Ming Dynasty."

A defeated general, why should he lose face anymore? Prince Batur lowered his head and said, "Thank you, Lord Han."

"You and I have been fighting bloody battles for several days. I see that the soldiers in the city are very hostile to our Ming soldiers. I have promised that the prince will be kind to the people and the soldiers when he enters the city. But if these soldiers dare to attack our Ming soldiers, I will put all the blame on Batu."

Prince you."


"The King of Han wonders when my little girl will return?"

"We have already set off from Jiayuguan. Hurry back and we will be back in a few days. Our Ming Dynasty always treats prisoners well, especially after knowing that Black Snake Girl is the daughter of Prince Batur, we will serve them with delicious food and drinks." Zhu Gaoxu

He still felt a little guilty when he said this. He knew that Zhu Zhanyang had dug out some information from Black Snake Ji. Although the news from Jiayuguan was that Black Snake Ji was intact, did Zhu Zhanyang really not do anything?

Even if it is done, it should be treated as if it is not done.

Yu Qian took advantage of Prince Batur to leave far away, and whispered to Zhu Gaoxu quietly: "Your Majesty, this Prince Batur, seeing that he has the qualifications to be a hero, I am afraid he will not be willing to succumb to others, so he surrenders this time."

It should be that in order to preserve our troops and plan for big things, we have to be on guard."

"Well, a man is capable of bending and stretching. He is a good person. But if you hit him once, you will hit him twice. Just be careful and don't let him stab him in the back."

Yu Qian was originally worried that Zhu Gaoxu would get carried away with his great achievements this time. He was talking and laughing with Prince Batur just now, so he warned him. However, he did not expect that Zhu Gaoxu had very clear ideas. He was not a dazed young man who showed off his power after winning a battle.

In Jiayuguan Pass, Zhu Zhanyi put the untied Black Snake Princess on the horse, and said with a smile: "I thought you would have to persuade Prince Batur to surrender, but I didn't expect that Prince Batur is still aware of current affairs.

Surrender first, then we are our own now, this guard will send you to Turpan City, be careful on the way."

Black Snake Ji looked at Zhu Zhanxi fiercely. When she saw Zhu Zhanxi's face, she remembered the humiliation that day. When she thought of Zhu Zhanxi saying that he had no hair on his lips, she felt ashamed and angry: "Just wait, I

I'll come back to you."

"What are you doing with a hairless guy like me?"


"You are welcome to visit our Central Plains when you have time. You can also come to Guangzhou. See you later."


Today’s chapter, tomorrow’s update will be Black Snake Girl

This chapter has been completed!
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