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Chapter 254 Jinyiwei Commander and Dongying Overview

Zhu Di suddenly took out the Jin Yiwei commander's belt card, which made Zhu Zhanzhen a little puzzled and stunned.

"Grandpa Huang, what is this?"

"This is the badge of Commander Jinyiwei. If you are going to Japan, I will leave this thing to you for safekeeping first. Jinyiwei has many secret stakes in Japan. They have penetrated into Japan over the years. When you get to Japan, you can contact me.

It can be used by you."

The Jinyiwei belongs directly to the emperor. This is a heavy responsibility, but it also has great power.

Zhu Zhanchen took over the belt.

According to Zhu Di, he has made arrangements in Japan in recent years, and when making arrangements for the previous Northern Expedition and Western Expedition, Zhu Di also mentioned going east to Japan, but because he really lacked the skills, he did not proceed after weighing it. Now that he is not in good health, he only

He left the matter to Zhu Zhanyi.

If Japan can be included in the territory again in my lifetime, it will be the icing on the cake.

And when such a huge power was handed over to Zhu Zhanyi, Zhu Zhanyi felt that Zhu Di must have thought it through carefully, but the waist card was symbolic. As long as Zhu Di was in Jinyiwei, he would always obey the emperor's orders.

"I have always thought about the Zhoushan naval battle in recent years. Although Japanese pirates are not serious, they are a stubborn disease. The Ming Dynasty has been troubled by them for many years. In recent years, because of our steam warships, we have gained confidence and Japanese pirates dare not come again. Like before

Tragedies like those on Zhoushan Island should never happen again, but some emperor or general who secretly repays the Japanese pirates seems to still covet the Ming Dynasty, so we have to guard against it."

Zhu Zhanchen followed Zhu Di's words and recalled the words he said before thousands of households in Zhoushan fell into the sea. The person who kills me is the Fifth Highness.

I also thought about the cruelty of the Japanese in the textbooks and the historical intersection between China and Japan. It was the Japanese who wanted to capture China.

During the Battle of Baijiangkou in the Tang Dynasty, Toyotomi Hideyoshi during the Wanli period sent a letter to the King of Korea, asking for a way to invade China, but he was pushed back. Everyone knows about the subsequent wars.

The Japanese invaded many times on the same route, starting from Korea. The first time they were severely beaten by the Tang army in Korea, the second time they actually captured many places in Korea, but were repelled by the Ming army and the Korean army.

Their hatred for the Central Plains is groundless and arises out of thin air. It has no historical or religious reasons. As long as their country is stable and they feel they have become strong enough, they will definitely find a way to invade the Central Plains.

When they set foot on our land, they were massacred inhumanely, with no historical reason.

They saw our prosperous Tang Dynasty and wanted to take it for themselves.

Zhu Zhanyi murmured: "I promised that the Ming Dynasty's warships would stop at Zhoushan Island, and the Ming Dynasty's navy would protect all the islands, so that the people could recuperate, live and work in peace and contentment, protect the kind people, and protect the upright military and civilians."

"Unless the Japanese plague is eliminated, the sea will remain uncertain."

Zhu Di smiled happily: "As the saying goes, the sea will be uncertain unless the Japanese invaders are eliminated." He stroked his beard and said, "Have you made up your mind to include Japan in the Ming Dynasty?"

"It doesn't matter what I say, you have to listen to Grandpa Huang."

"Then I'm waiting for your good news."

"My grandson will take leave first."

Early the next morning, Zhu Di's imperial edict came to Zhu Gaoxu, requiring him to return to his fief immediately to handle the affairs of the Chief Secretary of Xuancheng in Zhejiang and the Chief Secretary in Xuancheng in Fujian, and not to stay in the capital.

There is no imperial edict from Zhu Gaosui. As long as Zhu Gaosui leaves, Zhu Gaosui will definitely leave obediently. Prince Zhao has always been very reasonable.

Zhu Gaoxu was indignant. He wanted to enter the palace to meet the emperor, but the emperor did not see him. If he resisted the imperial edict, he would inevitably be criticized by the courtiers, so he had to leave full of anger.

Zhu Gaoxu left, Zhu Zhanji, Zhu Zhanxi and Zhu Zhancheng also had to leave. Zhu Zhanji went first, and Zhu Zhanxu's family members all went to Guangzhou Prefecture first, except Heishenji.

Zhu Zhanzhen took Black Snake Ji to Jinyiwei.

At the entrance of Beizhen Fusi Yamen, Zhu Zhanzhen and Hei Sheji stood side by side, with Yang Song leading a group of guards behind him. Many people quietly glanced at Beizhen Fusi.

Due to the rise of novels in novels in recent years, Beizhen Fusi, who specializes in edicts (cases ordered by the emperor), appears very frequently in novels, but of course his image is not very positive.

Mainly related to their powers and responsibilities, Jinyiwei has many functions, divided into categories. Among them, Fusi in Beizhen is responsible for prison edicts. Later, Zhu Di also asked them to also manage hidden stakes, intelligence and other matters, and they could say anything as they were passed around.

"Have you heard of Beizhen Fusi?"

"I've heard a little bit about it." Black Snake Lady all knows that Beizhen Fusi is really famous.

The yamen opened, and a middle-aged man came out: "Wei Chen Bei Zhen Fusi, Guan Yang, the envoy of Zhen Fu, has met His Royal Highness the Prince of Zhujiang County."

Zhu Zhanxi strode in, and the serving Jin Yiwei inside also looked at Zhu Zhanxun curiously. Zhu Zhanxang's people looked at the Jinyiwei curiously, and both sides were sizing each other up.

"I heard that Jinyiwei Prison is full of officials who died unjustly."

"I heard that Jin Yiwei often bullies married men. It is written in the novel that he especially likes the wives of officials."

"I heard that the Prince of Zhujiang County is also called the Prince of Miafa County. He has no royal laws and spends the night guarding ten women."

"Is there any necessary connection between Muwu Wangfa and the Ten Women of the Night Royal Palace?"

"It's so fierce. I didn't expect that he looks like a scholar."

"I'm telling you, scholars are the most lustful."

People on both sides have heard of each other and whisper to each other.

Jin Yiwei appears frequently in novels, as does the Prince of Pearl River County. There are many stories about him.

Zhu Zhanzhen sat down and exchanged a few words before getting to the point: "As the envoy of Guanzhen, your Majesty gave me the belt of the commander of the Jinyi Guards to help me travel to Japan. You should already know it."

"Wei Chen knows that if His Highness has any needs, Beizhen Fusi will support him."

"Tell me everything you know about the situation in Japan now."

"It's Your Highness."

Guan Yang took out a thick piece of information and said: "Japan has an emperor. He is said to be an emperor, but in fact he is more like a symbolic puppet. Their political and military power is basically in the hands of the shogun."

"A few decades ago, two emperors appeared in Japan due to historical reasons. They called them the Southern and Northern Dynasties. Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, the third generation general of the Ashikaga family, succeeded to the throne and conquered the north and south, ending the Northern and Southern Dynasties and completing the unification of Japan. However,

He passed away a few years ago, and the current Muromachi shogun of Japan is his son, the fourth shogun Ashikaga Yoshimachi, and their emperor is named Emperor Shomitsu."

Ashikaga Yoshimichi is relatively famous, but Zhu Zhanzhen still knows some stories about him. Where did he know it?

Take a break, brother.

The general in Ikkyu-nii is Ashikaga Yoshimochi. Rumor has it that Ikkyu's biological father is the current former emperor of Japan (Emperor Gomatsu). The former emperor just retired and is not dead yet, which is equivalent to enjoying the blessings of becoming the emperor.

In other words, Ikkyu is the current Emperor of Japan and the half-brother of Emperor Shoko.

In this way, the relationship between the characters will be right.

Guan Yang continued: "The power of the emperor himself is controlled by the shogun. In addition, Emperor Shimitsu himself is physically weak, so the power is basically in the hands of the Ashikaga family. After the last emperor, Emperor Komatsu abdicated, he is now serving as a monk.

Inside the temple.”

The former emperor became a monk. Generally speaking, such abdication should be forced.

"Your Highness, this is the latest Kanyu map of Japan. It was inspired by Zhang Xian, the ambassador to Japan."

Guan Yang took out a map. The mountains, rivers and rivers were relatively detailed, and even some places where troops were stationed were marked. Zhang Xianqi had done a very good job in these years and was a competent ambassador.

"Your Highness, although their place is small, it is very chaotic and the forces of all parties are very complex. A few years ago, they called the Uesugi Zenhide Rebellion, which almost overthrew the regime."

"How many people do we have in the hidden piles in Japan now?"

"There are thirty-two in total, twenty-five of whom are in their capital."

"The number of people is not small. Tell me how to contact them, and I will contact them when we get to Japan."

"It's Your Highness."

"Also, do you have a quick way to send the news back from Japan?"


Guan Yang avoided everyone and quietly told Zhu Zhanchang all the confidential matters personally. Zhu Zhanchang nodded with satisfaction.

After coming out of Beizhen Fusi, Black Snake Ji said with a slight smile: "Beizhen Fusi is not as scary as imagined."

"That's because you are the concubine of the Prince of Pearl River."

After Zhu Zhanzhen learned about Jin Yiwei, he entered the palace again and found Zhu Di.

"How about it? When are you going to leave?"

"I will leave tomorrow. I have already sent word to Guangzhou Prefecture that twenty of the latest steam warships will arrive in the waters near Dongying, as well as the latest steam carrier."

Zhu Di was a little confused: "What is a steam carrier?"

"It's a large steamship, built based on Zheng He's treasure ship. The treasure ship is too big, and the steam carrier is only about half its size, but the shape is basically the same. It's not fast, but it can be loaded. I plan to use it on the deck.

Try taking off a hot air balloon.”

Zhu Di imagined what a steam carrier would look like, and he also wanted to see the huge steamship Zhu Zhanzhen described.

"Now that everything is ready, let's set off as soon as possible."

"Grandpa Huang, I also want to ask for a decree from you."

"What's the purpose?" Zhu Di was a little confused. Did Zhu Zhanzhen want to ask for a reward? But he had never done this before.

"My grandson made a promise to someone, and a man must keep his word, so he wanted to be more formal and asked the emperor for a decree."

Zhu Zhanzhen smiled slightly and told Zhu Di about the matter. Zhu Di looked a little complicated, but then he smiled and asked the eunuch to write down the imperial edict and gave the jade seal to Zhu Zhanzhen.

Before leaving, he said: "Be careful when arriving in Japan. You must go as an envoy first this time."

"Grandpa Huang, the grandson is leaving." Zhu Zhanzhen bowed respectfully to Zhu Di before leaving. When will we see you again?

In front of the Fengtian Hall, Zhu Di looked at Zhu Zhanyi's leaving figure with envy in his eyes: "Look at how young this kid is. He jumps and jumps all the way down the stairs. Oops, why did he fall?"

"Look at how quickly he got up. A young man would just fall over and be fine the next moment. Do you think he looks like I did back then?"

The old eunuch echoed beside him. He found that Zhu Di, who used to hate long speeches the most, was now becoming more and more verbose.

Zhu Zhanzhen arrived at Weihai Port three days later. Zhu Zhanji and Princess Jiaxing had been waiting here for a long time. To his surprise, there was also Princess Jiaxing's follower Zhu Zhanbian.

"Fifth brother." Jiaxing greeted him happily, while Zhu Zhanbian stood aside timidly.

Zhu Zhanji took Zhu Zhanyi to visit Weihai Port. Weihai Port mainly trades with Korean and Japanese merchants. It is doing well but not as prosperous as Xiangjiang Port.

Moreover, Ningbo Port and Weihai Port both have an unavoidable problem, public security.

This kind of port for foreign trade is prone to a mixture of fish and dragons. Hong Kong Port set up an Aomen for foreigners to live in from the beginning, restricting their movement within the Ming Dynasty. To pass the customs and enter the Ming Dynasty, you must have a pass, so it avoided it from the beginning.

Lots of questions.

But even so, the problem of illegal immigration still exists.

However, Weihai Port and Ningbo Port did not do this at the beginning. Many local interest chains are difficult to eradicate after they are formed. Zhu Zhanji cannot take care of everything in detail. Some small problems at the bottom cannot be reported to him, even if he is informed.

After that, eradication requires a lot of effort and it is difficult to make the decision.

Zhu Zhanji proudly introduced his busy port.

"How do you plan to get to Japan? Are you going to take a warship directly?"

Zhu Zhanchen thought for a while and said: "No, I won't go to Japan first. I will go to North Korea first."


The main mission of Zhu Zhanzhen's trip was not to capture Japan. It was a side mission. Whether it was Zhu Gaochi or Zhu Di's intention, it could be included in the territory if there was a chance, not necessarily.

The main task was to station a large number of troops in Shandong in the name of being envoy to Japan to guard against any unusual movements by Zhu Gaoxu.

This trip won't be short.

In this case, it is better to take a trip along the current route first and see the business situation between Japan and Korea.

Zhu Zhanzhen planned to go to North Korea. Whenever the land of China was captured, North Korea was always captured first. Mongolia, Manchu and Qing Dynasty, and Japan were all the same. They all came in through one route, so no matter what happened, North Korea could not be lost.

This is a lesson from history. Zhu Zhanzhen felt that it was necessary to go to North Korea.

Explaining his intention, Zhu Zhanji nodded: "But isn't it too dangerous to take a merchant ship?"

"It's okay, brother, I'll just let the steam warship disguise itself as a merchant ship. It should arrive in the next two days."

"You are going in the name of an envoy, so you have to send a letter to North Korea as well. Let me explain first that Japan has been waiting for you for a long time."

"Am I so famous in Japan?" Zhu Zhanchen was puzzled.

Zhu Zhanji said with a smile: "It's not because of your efforts in saving Ashikaga Yoshitaka last time. He came here once two years ago. He wanted to go to Guangzhou to find you, but the travel time was insufficient. He was particularly keen on the Ming Dynasty.

The culture and the clothes he wears are all Ming Dynasty clothes. It can be said that he is the propaganda ambassador of Ming Dynasty in Japan."

Because Ashikaga Yoshitsune took the lead in trade with the Ming Dynasty and gained massive wealth from the trade, he understood that his power came from the Ming Dynasty. In order to consolidate his position, he must continue to get close to the Ming Dynasty. For the general

He also has ideas about the location.

"When I get Japan, I have to meet him properly."

"Fifth brother, stop chatting, let's go see the sea." Princess Jiaxing took Zhu Zhanchen to the beach to play.

Jiaxing was particularly fond of the sea, perhaps because he had never seen it before when he was a child. He yearned for it so much that he took Zhu Zhanyi to play with it for two days.

In the evening of the next day, I took Zhu Zhanyi to sit high up and looked at Weihai Port.

Looking at the little Jiaxing in the past, she is now a graceful girl. She has reached the age to be married, because she can stay longer in the royal family. If she is an ordinary official, she should have been arranged by now to choose a good son-in-law.


Teenage girls have to have children when they get married, even if they are princesses.

Princess Jiaxing looked at the busy ships on the harbor, with the sea breeze blowing on her cheeks, and whispered to Zhu Zhanzhen: "Fifth brother, I heard that Zheng He was deceived into going to sea by you."

"How can that be deception?"

"You said that the earth is round, but Zheng He actually believed it. Isn't this a lie?"

"The earth is originally round."

"Fifth brother, you haven't seen it, why do you believe it so much?"

"Because I'm handsome."

The nonsensical answer made Jiaxing laugh out loud, but after Yingying's laughter, her face darkened again: "Fifth brother, I also want to go to the sea."

"It's all wind and waves. What's so good about it?"

Princess Jiaxing said with envy: "Fifth brother, I envy your life the most."

"Me? What do I have to envy?"

"You always have a lot of fantastic ideas. You built steam engines and founded banks. You also wrote poems at dinner parties. You beheaded the fat vassal in Guangzhou. You went to the northwest desert and brought back a wife. I'm so envious of you for being able to go to so many places.

This place is so enviable."

Zhu Zhanzhen reached out and touched Jiaxing's head: "Silly girl, I'm not here for fun. Everything is very dangerous."

"It's much better than being bored in the palace."

After Jiaxing said that, he suddenly stood up and looked at the evening sea, exclaiming: "Fifth brother, fifth brother, look, what kind of ship is that? It's so big."

"That's called a steam carrier."

The new warships departing from Guangzhou have finally arrived. The huge steam carrier is sailing in the middle, and next to it are several rows of steam warship frigates. Driving on the sea gives everyone an endless sense of oppression.

All the merchant ships in the port gave way to allow this giant steam and steel ship to dock.

Zhu Zhanji said in surprise: "What is this? Is this the invincible steam battleship Dinghaiwang?"

This steam carrier not only looks big, it is also filled with the latest equipment and weapons from Guangzhou.

This chapter has been completed!
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